Monday, March 31, 2014


Brain poison in your food

It's hidden everywhere

Many people mistakenly believe the MSG has been removed from processed foods. Not only is it more present than ever, it comes under a host of names that consumers would never recognize as MSG. In this interview, Dr. Russell Blaylock reveals the effects of MSG and how it's hidden in thousands of foods. Dr. Blaylock is a neurosurgeon, researcher, and the author of "Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills" and "Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients."

Against the Grain Video – Why Gluten Is Bad

why gluten is bad for everyone!

The #1 WORST Food that HARMS Your Brain (avoid!)

Some foods you might be eating daily can actually DAMAGE your brain over time. In this article, we'll explore foods that HARM your brain vs foods that PROTECT your brain.

by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist
 Co-Author of the best seller: The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging


First, the BAD NEWS...

Certain foods you eat can indeed harm your brain, both in impaired learning ability as well as impaired memory.  Even worse, the wrong food and drink choices throughout your life can even lead to the terrible and deadly disease of Alzheimers.

A friend of mine just told me that her dad died of Alzheimers recently and it was just a terrible disease where he didn't even know who she was anymore towards the end.  It's time our society starts taking degenerative diseases like Alzheimers, cancer, and heart disease more seriously throughout our lives, and not just once it's too late. Even in our 30's, 40's, and 50's, the choices we make with our daily food can PREVENT these terrible diseases.

So let's dig in with the topic today of foods that harm your brain, and what you can do about it...

Food #1 that HARMS your brain:  Fructose 

In a 2012 UCLA study published in the Journal of Physiology, researchers found that a diet high in fructose over time can damage your memory and learning ability.

Beyond the harm to your brain, it's well known in the research world that a high fructose diet can also cause insulin resistance in your body over time, and possibly lead to type-2 diabetes and extra body fat.  If that's not enough, a high fructose diet also detrimentally affects your triglyceride levels in your blood as well as small dense LDL particles that cause plaque in your arteries.

So what we have here is high-fructose intake = impaired memory and learning in your brain, increased risk of diabetes, and increased risk of heart disease. Oh, and we forgot to mention extra belly fat too...  Yum - who wants another can of soda pop or a large bowl of corn syrup sweetened ice cream!

The average person eating a modern western diet of processed food consumes a LARGE quantity of fructose without even thinking about it from all of the soft drinks (high fructose corn syrup typically), sweetened juice drinks, orange juice, processed junk foods such as cakes and candies, as well as the HFCS that's added to store-bought salad dressings, breads and cereals, and even condiments like ketchup.

Note that many sports drinks, even though marketed as "healthy", can have large amounts of corn syrup or even crystalline fructose as their main sweetener.  These sports drinks can be equally as bad as a soda for your body and your brain.  Don't be fooled by the clever marketing showing pictures of pro athletes guzzling this stuff.

Also note that agave syrup (aka, agave nectar) which is marketed as a "healthy" sweetener as well, is one of the most concentrated forms of processed fructose in sweeteners as well.  I personally stay away from agave sweeteners as much as possible unless the amounts are very small.

All of these fructose-laden foods and drinks are easy to avoid though if you choose to eat consciously... for example, make homemade salad dressings from your favorite olive oil and vinegar with added spices, or choose to drink unsweetened iced tea with lemon instead of sweetened drinks or juices.  If you use a lot of ketchup, try to reduce the quantity by mixing with mustard or hot sauce, which typically don't contain HFCS sweetener in any significant quantities.

Last thing to note about fructose... Yes, natural whole fruits do contain fructose, but generally contain MUCH smaller quantities of fructose than you would consume in a sweetened juice drink, soft drink or sweetened junk foods.  Also, the phytonutrients, antioxidants, and fiber that's contained in most whole fruits counteracts any negative effects of fructose.  I personally try to keep fruit intake to no more than 1-2 pieces a day due to the sugar and fructose content of larger amounts of fruit.

Here's a trick:  Did you know that limes and lemons contain virtually zero fructose, and only 3-4 grams of total carbs in a whole lemon or lime, whereas a typical orange contains 6 grams of fructose and 25 grams of total sugar per fruit.  I squeeze lemons and limes daily into either water or teas for a healthy flavorful drink. Fresh lemon juice has even been shown to control blood sugar response from a meal...another bonus!

Other Foods that HARM Your Brain:

You probably already know some of the harmful health effects of these foods, but long term effects on your brain are yet another...

Trans fats -- strongly inflammatory in your entire body including damage to cell membranes throughout your body.  Avoid hydrogenated oils in processed foods and deep fried foods.

Mercury -- studies show that mercury from pollution (coal burning plants are the biggest source of mercury pollution to air and water) and from fish that are high on the food chain such as tuna, shark, swordfish, tilefish, etc can possibly cause long term negative effects on your brain.  Limit these types of fish to a couple times a month and focus more on fish such as salmon, trout, and many other types of smaller fish to reduce your mercury load.

Wheat-based foods -- In the groundbreaking book, Wheat Belly, Dr William Davis makes a very convincing argument that wheat has addictive properties in the brain.  Wheat contains compounds termed "exorphins" that have an effect in your brain similar to opiate drugs.  This explains why people have such a hard time giving up their beloved breads, cereals, pasta, and muffins because these foods are mildly addictive.

I know personally from past experience that if I have have a pasta dinner, I'll go back for seconds and thirds as I just can't seem to stop eating the stuff.  And then hours after dinner, I'll get cravings for more carb-based foods or sweets.  But if I pass on the pasta and just have meat, veggies, and salad, I find myself totally satisfied after dinner with no cravings later at night.

The good news is...

There are plenty of superfoods, herbs, and spices that can protect your brain and your other organs too!

In fact, did you know that turmeric is one of the highest antioxidant spices that also exhibits brain-protecting effects? In India, where curry containing turmeric and other spices is eaten daily, rates of Alzheimers disease is among the lowest in the world, proving some of the brain-protecting effects of turmeric.

In addition, the powerful DHA and EPA omega-3 fats in fish oil has been proven in countless studies to protect your brain from damage over the years.

Want more...

I'll show you how to find dozens of delicious foods, spices, herbs, and unique nutrients that PROTECT your brain, joints, organs, and skin from aging on the next page!

These unique nutrients and superfoods can be found at most stores and can help PROTECT your brain from aging, HEAL your joints, reverse or prevent type 2 diabetes, normalize your blood pressure, SLOW aging of your skin, FIGHT against developing cancer, FIX years of digestion problems, and even help to BOOST your metabolism...

You'll discover these powerful superfoods and nutrients on the next page:

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Aloe Vera is an anti-tumor herb that's also great for your skin and cardiovascular system

(NaturalNews) Aloe Vera has a history that spans over 6000 years. The Egyptian civilization was the first to note its extraordinary health benefits and called it the plant of immortality. It was used for various health issues ranging from insomnia, baldness, bad digestion and even cancer. It is now regularly grown in tropical locations such South Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Additional healing properties were discovered through time and starting with 18th Century, Aloe Vera was often employed for other conditions like skin irritations, burns and wounds.

Aloe Vera is now considered to be a superfood by many health practitioners since it has continuously displayed outstanding antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antioxidant properties. This herb is filled with substantial amounts of numerous vitamins and minerals. It is also considered an adaptogen which basically means that it has the ability to help the body adapt and resist to practically any induced changes that normally would lead to illnesses. It automatically stimulates defence mechanisms that can cope much more effectively when faced with various forms of stress.

Aloe Vera is not only exceptionally good for the skin and immune system, but research now tends to show its immense potential when dealing with problems related to the cardiovascular system and even certain forms of cancer.

Research shows that aloe Vera can inhibit skin cancer growth
In India, a study was conducted on Swiss albino mice suffering from stage-2 skin carcinogenesis. The scientists wanted to test Aloe Vera's effectiveness when employed either topically or orally. They immediately noted that when DMBA and croton oil were used all alone on the test subjects, tumors developed 100% of the time. On the other hand, the ones that were given any form of Aloe Vera were up to 60% less likely to develop tumors as the cumulative number of papillomas was considerably diminished. Researchers were convinced that the chemopreventive activity of Aloe Vera stems from its high concentrations of antioxidants, glutathione peroxidise, several isozymes of superoxide dismutase, selenium, zinc and polysaccharides.

Based on a few experiments, it is believed that when Aloe Vera is introduced into the bloodstream, it may significantly increase the oxygen transportation and diffusion abilities of the red blood cells. The 2000 issue of the British Medical Journal published a study that showed how components within Aloe Vera were able to lower cholesterol levels, control blood pressure levels and improve circulation by making the blood more fluid. These results were a clear sign that consuming Aloe Vera will most likely lower risks of heart disease.

Many researchers have realized that burns can heal up to nine days faster when treated with Aloe Vera rather than not. In one study, burns would heal in less than sixteen days using the medicinal plant, while by comparison, it would take at least nineteen days for silver sulfadiazine, a synthetic drug, to have the same effect.

Sources for this article include :

About the author:
After spending several years working in property management and being a web consultant for PS Communications, P. Simard is now on his way to becoming a naturopath in the province of Quebec. Always searching for the truth with an open mind, his innate passion for knowledge and overall health matters has finally led him to Natural News.

Top 5 foods for vitamin C

(NaturalNews) Vitamin C is a nutrient that has received a lot of attention over the years. It has been used by many households to combat colds, and is now getting acclaim for treating cancer. It's best to get vitamin C in whole food for its synergistic effect with other nutrients, and these are 5 great ways to do just that.

Camu Camu
This extraordinary fruit lives deep in the Amazon rainforests of South America and packs an amazing nutrient density, with its claim to fame being the densest source of vitamin C in the world.

In a 100 gram serving, camu camu has shown to have up to 7.5 grams of vitamin c, which is an unprecedented 7.5% of its weight. To provide comparison, it provides 60 times more vitamin c than an orange on an ounce-by-ounce basis.

Along with being the highest known source of vitamin c, it also has the following health benefits:

• Anti-inflammatory
• Helps prevent cancer
• Promotes eye health
• Improves mood
• Boosts the immune system
• Guards against infections

Acerola Cherry
Also known as the Barbados cherry, this fruit has its origin in the Yucatan but is also cultivated in the Caribbean and sub tropical regions, as well as Brazil.

In a 100 grams serving, the acerola cherry has shown up to 4.5 grams of vitamin C, which is an amazing 4.5% of its weight. Once it is harvested it must be used or made into a supplemental form quickly due to rapid spoilage.

Along with being the second highest known source of vitamin c, it also has the following health benefits:

• Reduce intestinal inflammation
• Treating the common cold
• Minimizes depression
• Relieves infections

Native to Mexico, Central America, and South America, guava is a somewhat round or pear shaped fruit and is light green, yellow, or maroon on the outside when it is ripe.

In a 100 grams serving, the guava has about .22 grams of vitamin C, which is about .22% of its weight. This may not seem like a lot but it still provides you with approximately 250% of your RDA.

Along with being the third highest known source of vitamin C, it also has the following health benefits:

• Good for eyesight
• Helps with cancer prevention
• Helps relieve diarrhea
• Helps relieve constipation
• Helps treat the common cold

Bell peppers and red chili peppers are native to Mexico, Central America, and northern South America and are cultivated across the world. They range from green to purple in color, and contain many nutrients.

In a 100 grams serving, peppers (bell and chili) have between .14 and .18 grams of vitamin C, which is about .14% to .18% of its weight. Peppers provide you up to 200% of your RDA.

Along with being the fourth highest known source of vitamin c, it also has the following health benefits:

• Improved circulation
• Boosts metabolism
• Improves digestion
• Fights free radicals

Kale is a dark green leafy vegetable that is cultivated in many areas of the world. It has become well known in the health world through salads, juicing and healthy snacks such as kale chips.

In a 100 grams serving, kale has .12 grams of vitamin C, which is about .12% of its weight. Kale provides you with approximately 135% of your RDA.

Along with being the fifth highest known source of vitamin C, it also has the following health benefits:

• Prevents osteoarthritis and bone fractures
• Powerful detoxifier
• Great anti-inflammatory
• Improves digestion
• Protects eye and skin health

Other foods that are also good sources of vitamin C include kiwi, oranges, melons, berries, pineapple, and citrus peels.

If you want to make your own vitamin C, dehydrated citrus peels is another good source, which you could use in smoothies, teas, and cold drinks.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Motivated by his own story of being sick and crippled at age 30 to healthy and pain free 5 years later, Derek is an expert in helping people get on track in a fraction of the time it took him on his own journey. Actively engaged in the research of natural healing for over 6 years, Derek has spent over 3000 hours studying and collaborating with top minds in nutrition and utilizes that extensive knowledge to deliver protocols that help people overcome their own health challenges.

Derek is the owner and Master Health Coach at Healing the Body, and writer of over 200 natural health articles, many of which are featured at his Healing the Body Facebook Fan Page.

Derek specializes in specific nutritional and wellness programs, from simple lifestyle transitions to complete healing protocols. Check out his popular free health consult.

Wild Oil of Oregano: A Medicine Chest in a Bottle

"Nature's Potent Panacea"

Wild Mediterranean Oil of Oregano  

In the modern world you need a remedy that works. An ancient remedy comes to the rescue! Antibiotic resistant bacteria, killer flus, food poisoning and more are all in a day's work for Wild Mediterranean Oregano oil. Oregano oil has proven itself in lab testing against the "germs" that cause common illnesses. Even antibiotic resistant mutant bacterial strains have no defense against Oregano oil.

Proven properties of Oregano oil:
Immune modulator





and more!

Internal use:
Improving immune function
Acne, allergies, asthma
Autoimmune disorders
Bad breath, bronchitis
Bladder infections
Candida infections
Colds, cough
Childhood diseases
Colitis, Crohn's
Dengue fever
Eczema, earache
Fatigue, food poisoning, flu
Gastritis, gallbladder
Headache, hepatitis, herpes
Indigestion, irritable bowel
Kidney infection
Pneumonia, psoriasis, parasites
Prostate disorders
Sinusitis, sore throat, stomach ulcers
Urinary tract infections and more.

Directions: Start with 2-3 drops under the tongue 2-3x daily. Hold under tongue a minute or two to increase absorption. Heat sensation is normal. Swish around in the mouth to reduce plaque and treat gum disease. Dosage levels may be slowly increased over a few weeks to a maximum of 4-6 drops up to 6x daily in cases of stubborn health challenges. Take immediately at the first symptom of a cold or flu; take a couple of drops every hour and drink lots of water. Treat Candida infection gradually, starting with low dosages and slowly increasing to maximum dosages over a two week time frame. Add to questionable drinking water to kill pathogens.

Children: For ease of use avoid oral administration of Oregano oil in children under eight. Rub a drop or two on the soles of the feet and/or dilute 3x with olive oil to rub along the spine. Place a few drops on a tissue or cloth and put by the bedside at night to help with colds, flu and chest congestion. For earaches rub a drop around the outside circumference of the ear, morning and evening. Never put Oregano oil in the ear canal. Older children who can tolerate the taste can be given 2-3 drops with a spoon of honey or added to juice or consomme.

The importance of drinking water: Oregano oil kills pathogens. These bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites leave toxins in the blood when they die. These toxins can cause a Herxheimer reaction, commonly known as a healing crisis, with symptoms such as fatigue, headache or flu-like symptoms. By drinking water throughout the day your body is able to flush these toxins away before symptoms can occur. Spring water is best.

External use:

(may be diluted with 1-5x olive oil)
Acne, cuts, scrapes, bruises, puncture wounds
Spider veins, arthritis, burns
Sore muscles, ligaments and tendons
Back pain, headache
Earache (apply around the outside of the ear)
Toothache, gum disorders
Eczema, psoriasis, nail fungus, athlete's foot
Warts, skin tags
Insect bites, bee and wasp stings, animal bites
Scabies, lice, ticks, discouraging insects, herpes
Chicken pox, measles, dandruff, seborrhea
Unusual skin growths or sores
Boils, rosacea, ringworm, bed sores

Directions: Apply as is to unbroken skin. Use as often as required. For sensitive skin areas or in treating wounds or large areas dilute 1-5x with more olive oil. Test a small area first. Heat sensation is normal but should not be uncomfortable. Dilute with more olive oil if necessary. Add to shampoo for dandruff control. Add to liquid soap for a natural antimicrobial cleanser.

Oregano oil and Animals: Dogs, birds, horses, chickens and other livestock benefit from both internal and external application of Oregano oil. It can be used for any infectious or parasitic condition topically or internally. It also speeds wound healing. Dilute in more olive oil for internal and external use. Mix with food for internal use. Extreme caution must be used treating felines due to possible liver damage.

Unique: Hedd Wyn Essentials Wild Oil of Oregano is unique by being the only product of its kind to utilize a patented technology which increases bioavailaility, absorption and compatibility with friendly bacteria. This technology raises the frequency of the oil and increases its life force energy.

Quality/Organic Certification: Our Oil of Oregano is produced from Certified Organic Wild Oregano (Origanum minutiflorum), hand picked in the Mediterranean wilderness. The Oregano leaves and flowers are steam distilled at low temperature and low pressure in stainless steel crucibles. Each batch of essential oil is numbered and then analyzed using Mass Spectography and Gas Chromatography. This rigorous testing assures that only the correct species of edible Oregano with high Carvacrol content is delivered to you in our Oil of Oregano. We guarantee our essential oil is pure & unadulterated. Carvacrol content is in excess of 80%. Analysis is available on request.

Our certified organic, cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil is from Greece. All ingredients, oregano essential oil and olive oil, are created by nature and are certified to be free of man made chemical contamination or genetically modified plants. Our Wild Oil of Oregano oil is gluten free. Certified organic means the wild oregano plants are harvested in an ecologically sustainable manner.

Ratio of Oregano essential oil to olive oil: Research and experience have shown that a ratio of 1 part essential oil to 4 parts olive oil is the safest and most effective formula. When using essential oils, stronger is not better. Efficacy: Practitioners who use muscle testing in their practice continue to report to us that our Wild Oil of Oregano tests better for more patients and more conditions than any other Oregano oil on the market.

Hedd Wyn Essentials has been the trusted gold standard supplier of Wild Mediterranean Oregano oil since 2000. We have been dealing in wild crafted and organic essential oils for two decades.

Key references: (more available on request)

Antonia Nostro et al. Effects of oregano, carvacrol and thymol on Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms. Journal of Medical Microbiology 56 (2007)

Astani A., Reichling J. and Schnitzler P. Comparative study on the antiviral activity of selected monoterpenes derived from essential oils. Phytotherapy Research. 2009 Aug 3.

Force M., Sparks W.S. and Ronzio R.A. Inhibition of enteric parasites by emulsified oil of oregano in vivo. Phytotherapy Research. 2000; 14(3): 213-214.

Goun E., Cunningham G., Solodnikov S., Krasnykch O. and Miles H. Antithrombin activity of some constituents from Origanum vulgare. Fitoterapia. 2002; 73(7-8): 692-694.

Koparal A.T. and Zeytinoglu M. Effects of Carvacrol on a Human Non- Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Cell Line, A549. Cytotechnology. 2003; 43(1-3): 149-54.

Osakabe N., Takano H., Sanbongi C., Yasuda A., Yanagisawa R., Inoue K. and Yoshikawa T. Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect of rosmarinic acid (RA); inhibition of seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (SAR) and its mechanism. BioFactors. 2004; 21(1-4): 127-131

Information on this website is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication.
US customers
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CANADIAN customers
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 You pay $26.95 plus $3 shipping

3x30ml bottles regular price $89.85 less 20%.
 You pay $71.88 plus $8 shipping

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30ml bottle regular price $29.95 less 10%.
 You pay 26.95 plus shipping $9

3x30ml bottles regular price $89.85 less 20%. You pay $71.88 plus $15 shipping

50ml bottle regular price $47.45 less 10%. You pay $42.70 plus $9 shipping.

3x50ml bottles regular price $142.35 less 20%. You pay $113.88 plus $18 shipping

Our satisfaction or money back guarantee : If you are not completely satisfied, just return your bottle of Wild Oil of Oregano to us within 90 days. Please tell us why you are not satisfied and we will refund the full purchase price, less shipping, to you.

Whether you are in perfect health or have any of the below listed health challenges, Oil of Oregano is a simple and effective way of providing security for you and your family's health. Oil of Oregano provides you with a defense against airborne and food-borne germs as well as infections from any source. Natural antibiotics like Oil of Oregano do not induce antibiotic resistance as do the patented antibiotic drugs. Use Oil of Oregano to boost your immune system and to kill off unfriendly bacteria. This natural remedy provides defense against biological toxins. Carry it with you whether it is to work or school or on a trip around the world. It is an invaluable travelling companion where food and water sources are suspect or in the event of an injury or infection. It could save your life .
You may use Oil of Oregano to treat:

Acne, Animal bites, Arthritis, Asthma, Athlete's foot, Bad breath, Bed sores and Ulcerations, Bladder Infections, Bromidosis (foul odor associated with excessive sweating), Boils, Bruises, Burns, Bursitis, Candidiasis, Canker sores, Cellulitis, Cold sores, Colds/Flu, Cough, Cryptosporidium, Dandruff and Seborrhea, Diaper rash, Diarrhea, Ear infections, Ebola and Dengue Fever, Eczema, Fingernail fungus, Frostbite and frostburn, Giardiasis, Gum Disease, Food poisoning, Head lice, Headaches, Hepatitis, Herpes, Impetigo, Irritable Bowel syndrome, Leg cramps, Nail fungus, Paronychia, Peptic ulcer, Pneumonia, Psoriasis, Prostate disorders, Pruritis, Radiation injury/burns, Ringworm, Rosacea, Scabies, Shingles, Sinusitis, Sore throat, Sports injuries, Tick borne illnesses, Thrush, Toothache, Tuberculosis, Varicose veins, Venomous bites, Warts and Wounds. Many other conditions are also treatable.

Disclaimer: Any information related to matters affecting human health on this web site is provided for informational purposes and is the result of research into the medical literature as well as practical experience. No information should be considered as a "substitute for advice provided by your own trusted medical professional", nor is any information intended to "promote diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease". You should not use any information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Consult your most trusted health care professional in regard to the personal use, or non-use, of any health-related products or medically related regimens on the Internet or otherwise, especially if you have any existing medical condition or unusual symptoms.

Copyright © 2004-2010 Hedd Wyn Essentials

California lowers organic standards in face of historic drought

(NaturalNews) Organic farms in 53 out of 58 counties in California are set to produce "faked," cheapened organic meat and dairy products in the first quarter of 2014.

In the face of a historic drought, California's organic standards have been cut in half. Instead of requiring livestock to graze on nutrient-rich grass for four months, the standards will be slashed to accommodate drought conditions. During the drought, livestock will only be required to graze for two months, allowing farmer's to bring in emergency feed for their livestock, which scientifically cheapens the nutritive, organic standards.

USDA slashes organic standards in half for organic farms in California
The US Department of Agriculture has already issued the rule changes, which reduce organic standards practically by half. The USDA organic seal is basically being watered down in the process, stamped on beef and dairy products that will be half as nutritious as they once were.

The USDA now states that "organic ruminant livestock producers... are not required to graze or provide dry matter intake from pasture during this time period. Producers may reduce their 2014 grazing season by the number of days that correspond to this time period in their grazing plan."

As the standards are lowered, farmers may do whatever it takes just to get their livestock through the drought, feeding them questionable grains that lack the variability of nutrition found in free-range grasses. The result: Beef and dairy processed in California in 2014 may not be as whole and nutritious as it once was. Possibly, according to USDA's variances, normally grass-fed livestock may feed on virtually no grass at all, if the grasses can't make a comeback this spring.

Inconsistent, volatile standards create untrustworthiness in organic food
The problem is neither the weather nor the drought. The problem lies in the cheapening of government standards to create shortcuts. The end result produces untrustworthy standards that are practically lying to consumers. The cheapened standards give the free market a deceptive short cut to solve their problems. A consistent standard is not kept across state lines. USDA organic labels that are really just downright lies may get slapped on food products anyway. If organic standards are to be set, then they should be improved upon, not cheapened -- even in the face of drought.

But that may be easier said than done, with February and March grasses withered and dried up across multiple counties in California. What kind of mega watering operation would it take to keep the grasses abounding? Could grasses be brought in from other states to the livestock? Out of 58 counties, 53 have been declared natural disaster areas due to the drought that hit hard in December. At the same time, it was the California Certified Organic Farmers and Marin Organic Certified Agriculture groups that requested the USDA to lower the standards.

"It's huge because we still don't have pasture for cows to graze on," Albert Straus of the Straus Family Creamery in Petaluma told The Guardian. "We lost at least a month to a month-and-a-half of pasture."

Truly organic grass-fed beef provides higher levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
It seems that feeding grains to livestock instead of feeding them highly nutritious grasses may be the only alternative, but experts hope that the USDA rule changes are only temporary.

"It's a necessary evil," said Ronnie Cummins, national director of the Organic Consumers Association. "We'll support this variance if that's the only alternative."

"Grass-fed dairy or beef has higher levels of Omega-3 and Omega-6, which is extremely important in human health," said Cummins. "There's no doubt that feeding grain to animals that aren't supposed to be eating grain is not good for them, not good for the environment and not good for consumers."

Federal aid packages, so far topping $1.2 billion, have been brought in to solve the problem, but the money isn't fixing the problem. The drought conditions can't be stopped. Rain can't be bought. In this reality, the organic standards will be slashed until further notice, until normal conditions can be met that will allow free-range livestock to feed on nutritious grasses once again.

What are your thoughts on the USDA organic standards being cut in the face of California drought?

Sources for this article include:


The benefits of using cilantro

(NaturalNews) Cilantro is far from just being an herb used for side dishes in Mexican food. Even though this herb takes on the appearance of parsley, it does not taste like it at all. With that in mind, because it looks so much like parsley, it is important to keep your herbs properly marked.

Cilantro is best known for how well it detoxifies the human body.
Dr. Edward Group, CEO of Global Healing Center, states that "cilantro is most often cited as being effective for toxic metal cleansing and rightfully so, this herb is a powerful, natural cleansing agent. The chemical compounds in cilantro bind to toxic metals and loosen them from the tissue." This does not mean that we should not err on the side of caution, though, and consult with our primary care physician regarding detoxing. Once toxins become mobilized, the elimination process must be quick in order to prevent physical harm.

Juicing from cilantro, at least six cups, is highly recommended every week. It is not recommended, of course, that this be done all at once. Begin by adding two cups of cilantro juice in with your regular juicing routine at least three times per week. It is optimal if you are already using a dark leafy juice blend of spinach and parsley in your juicing routine.

If you have an aversion to the taste of cilantro, you can help mitigate the taste through use of properly juicing with greens.

There are a number of nutritional benefits to cilantro.
There is an unusual array of antioxidants and phytonutrients found in cilantro, which are both rich in healing properties such as being antiseptic, fungicidal, aphrodisiac, analgesic, having digestive properties and being a natural stimulant. When cilantro is juiced raw, it is in its most powerful form.

Even though cilantro only has traces of vitamin B, it is a very good source of vitamins K and A, and C vitamins. Cilantro is also a good source of potassium, calcium, manganese, iron and sodium. It is important, especially in these days, to keep the body rich in minerals.

Cilantro helps heal the body in many ways.
It is an anxiety reducer.
It has been shown, after long-term use, to remove mercury from tissue. There are very few herbs that can remove heavy metals from the body, and cilantro is one of them.
The small intestine reacts well to cilantro, and it helps with eliminating waste in a healthy manner.
Helps with macular degeneration, red eyes and eye disorders.
Helps stave off infections and urinary tract infections.
Vitamin K plays the strongest roles in bone health, and cilantro is richest in this vitamin.
Helps prevent anemia by building up blood supplies.
The stems are rich in antioxidants such as quercetin, kaempferol, rhamnetin and epigenin.
When juiced and consumed as part of a regular routine, cilantro is known to help reduce the amount of damaged fats found in cell membranes.


Diet soda, aspartame linked to premature deaths in women

(NaturalNews) A decade-long study of 60,000 women has confirmed that drinking diet soda sweetened with aspartame is linked with a 30 percent increase in heart attack risk and a 50 percent increase in death risk.

The findings, presented at the American College of Cardiology(1), have already been partially swept under the rug with the false explanation that diet drinks don't necessarily cause these risks but are instead merely correlated with them. "Women who toss back too many diet sodas may be trying to make up for unhealthy habits," claims an article on CNBC,(2) while citing no evidence whatsoever to support the claim. Keep in mind that any time a synthetic vitamin is correlated with increased mortality, the entire scientific community immediately describes those synthetic vitamins as "causing" death. Correlation is causation only when industry-funded scientists say it is.

Aspartame is a neurotoxin
What scientists refuse to explore -- even when the data clearly show a strong death risk association -- is that aspartame is a neurotoxin. The reason why women who drink diet soda have a 50 percent increased death risk is, of course, far more likely to be caused by what's in the diet soda rather than some lifestyle choice.

Aspartame, after all, is made from the feces of genetically engineered bacteria. It is not a natural sugar but rather a chemical compound created in an industrial lab. Used in diet sodas, it breaks down into a number of chemical compounds including formaldehyde and methanol. During digestion, the formaldehyde is oxidized into formic acid, a chemical known to cause toxicity in mammalian biology. Formic acid is also secreted by ants as part of their "chemical weapons" arsenal.

Aspartame linked to long list of neurological problems
Aspartame denialists try to pretend that all this formaldehyde, methanol and formic acid has no effect on human health. Their argument is identical to that of GMO denialists: "GMOs are harmless!" It's even the same argument as mercury denialists: "Mercury is harmless!"

Why, then, is aspartame so frequently linked to blurred vision, headaches and neurological problems when repeatedly consumed in the form of diet drinks? In fact, there are over 90 side effects linked to aspartame consumption, including headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, rashes, depression, irritability, insomnia, hearing loss, vision problems, loss of taste vertigo and memory loss.

Soda companies and misinformed doctors all try to pretend none of these side effects are real -- that people are all imagining headaches, blurred vision, numbness, insomnia and so on. That's how unethical the soda industry is: they poison their own customers with a neurotoxic chemical, then call them delusional when they suffer neurological side effects.

If you drink diet soda, you are murdering yourself
The bottom line in all this? If you drink diet soda, you are essentially murdering yourself. Call it "slow suicide."

There are a thousand beverages healthier than diet sodas: tea, fruit juice, mineral water, raw almond milk... even non-diet sodas are better for you than diet sodas! (And diet sodas have been conclusively proven to have no effect whatsoever on weight loss. So drinking them is a useless diet gesture to begin with.)

If for some reason you are still drinking diet soda, find a healthier beverage and stop poisoning yourself to death.

From the American College of Cardiology website:

[A] study led by Ankur Vyas, MD, of the University of Iowa found that postmenopausal women who consumed two or more diet drinks a day were 30 percent more likely to experience a cardiovascular event and 50 percent more likely to die from related cardiovascular disease than women who never, or only rarely, consumed diet drinks. The analysis of 59,614 participants in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study, who had an average age of 62.8 and no history of cardiovascular disease, saw that after an average follow-up of 8.7 years, the primary cardiovascular outcome occurred in 8.5 percent of the women consuming two or more diet drinks per day compared to 6.9 percent in the five-to-seven drinks per week group; 6.8 percent in the one-to-four drinks per week group; and 7.2 percent in the zero-to-three per month group. The difference persisted when researchers adjusted for other cardiovascular risk factors and co-morbidities. The association between diet drinks and cardiovascular disease warrants further study to define the relationship, Vyas said.

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

The new science of food

Removing environmental toxins from your body

Mike Adams, The Health Ranger

Mike Adams is one of the good guys and he's doing research that you'd think our government or academia would be interested in. But there's no money to be made testing normal foods for health, so this kind of basic, common sense research rarely gets done. Adams has done a great job exposing packaged "health foods" that are actually contaminated and shamed some of the makers into cleaning up their acts. He's also determined which foods are safer than others to eat from an environmental contamination point of view. Now he's studying foods that absorb toxic element and help your body eliminate them. Real science in the service of humanity. Worth watching.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

How the food industry is deceiving you - Part 1

The food industry and government policies making Americans fat

The story of American agriculture is one of "unintended consequences." The food industry and agricultural subsidies have led us down a path of obesity. There is a complete disconnect between agricultural policies and health policies. This report from Peter Jennings is just as true today--perhaps more so--than when it was produced in 2003.

Part two

Part three

Part four

Part five

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Friday, March 28, 2014

What vegans and vegetarians must do to be healthy

Essential viewing

Dr. Michael Greger

He's a bit long winded, but he's extremely thorough, so hang in there and make sure you watch the whole thing. It's last one hour and fourteen minutes. If you listen to the whole thing, I can virtually guarantee the information will add years to your life and life to your years. But it starts with some profoundly bad news. Not only do vegans not enjoy substantial health benefits over meat eaters, they also even perform worse on certain health scales. "Wait a minute," I can almost hear you say. "How is that possible? Its possible because chances are you are missing a few ESSENTIAL elements of nutrition in your diet. The good news is getting them is not hard, but you have to know what you're doing. This may be the most important video you watch all year. 

Strawberries can help cure gastritis

(NaturalNews) Gastritis, a condition in which the stomach lining becomes inflamed, can be caused by a number of factors. Too much alcohol consumption, viral and bacterial infections, taking aspirin or ibuprofen, having an autoimmune disorder and even stress are common culprits behind this digestive problem. That's the bad news.

The good news? European researchers have uncovered the powerful ability that strawberries have to combat gastritis.

How strawberries help heal gastritis
"The positive effects of strawberries are not only linked to their antioxidant capacity and high content of phenolic compounds (anthocyans) but also to the fact that they activate the antioxidant defences and enzymes of the body," explains one of the researchers, Sara Tulipani. Their studies showed that ingesting strawberries led to a reduction in the appearance of stomach ulcerations, post-ethanol consumption. Bottom line: The ripe fruit contains substances that can help prevent the start of inflammation at the cellular level.

This finding led them to conclude that strawberries are among the most important fruits to fight inflammation and also paved the way for others to look deeper into new stomach inflammatory diseases and related treatment options.

The Mayo Clinic advises people with gastritis to eat a diet that consists of low-acid fruits and to avoid spicy, fatty foods. Strawberries make the list of low-acid fruits, as do pears, raspberries and apples.

It's also advised to try to minimize stress levels, reduce alcohol consumption and speak with a doctor about switching pain relievers, since they can aggravate the stomach lining. Activities such as yoga or meditation can help with relaxation, and enjoying healthier drinks such as water can help keep stomach problems at bay.

Other health benefits of eating strawberries
Strawberries are good for reducing inflammation of not only the stomach inflammation but other kinds as well, including in the joints. In fact, the Harvard School of Public Health conducted a study which showed that women who ate 16 or more strawberries weekly were less likely to have C-reactive protein (CRP) in the body, a telltale marker of inflammation.

Strawberries have also been shown to improve eye health, suppress cancer cell growth and regulate blood pressure. Of course, to help avoid health issues related to pesticide consumption, be sure to choose organic, and hopefully local, strawberries!

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What's the deal with coffee?

Controversy in a cup

The video

Coffee is one of the most studied beverages around. Over 19,000 studies have been done on the health impacts of coffee. Coffee is really a seed of the coffee fruit that is dried and roasted. When you look at it that way, it's not surprising that studies show coffee is rich in antioxidants and has health benefits. However, those benefits are often negated by all the "extras" people put into their coffee. Each person's response to coffee, and especially to the caffeine in coffe, is unique. Take a look at the research results and allow your body to inform you.

Has a plague already arrived? 205 Americans die each day after acquiring superbug hospital infections

(NaturalNews) If a jumbo jet crashed into the ocean every single day, it would roughly equal the number of Americans who die each day following superbug infections acquired at U.S. hospitals. Far from being some hyped-up scare story, that's actually the conclusion of none other than the CDC, which has now publicly warned that 1 in 25 hospital patients gets infected and tens of thousands die each year.

"On any given day, 1 in 25 hospital patients has at least one healthcare-associated infection," reports the CDC newsroom.(1)

"The CDC's 2011 survey of 183 hospitals showed that an estimated 648,000 patients nationwide suffered 721,000 infections, and 75,000 of them died," reports the Washington Post.(2)

If you do the math, that comes out to 205 deaths per day, on average, in U.S. hospitals.

Keep in mind that if terrorists were killing 205 Americans per day, every news network in the country would cover the story 24/7. If airplane crashes were killing 205 Americans per day, it would be headline news everywhere, and if vitamins were killing even just 1 person a day, the entire government would be calling to "ban all vitamins!"

But when hospital superbug infections result in the deaths of 205 Americans per day, it is simply another statistic and not treated as a national emergency. Somehow, the annual death of 75,000 Americans is considered "business as usual" in a sick-care system that virtually everyone considers a disastrous failure.

A hospital is one of the most dangerous places you can go in America
What these numbers prove is that a hospital is a very dangerous place. Simply entering the hospital for a seemingly routine surgical procedure can result in your death. I personally know of many people who entered the hospital to undergo elective, non-emergency surgery and then never came out alive.

And who is the most likely person to infect you in a hospital? Your doctor, of course. The very people who claim to be state-licensed authorities on all things related to health are actually carriers of deadly disease who routinely (and inadvertently) infect new patients with extremely dangerous microbes. They don't do this on purpose, of course, but neither do they take the precautions necessary to prevent it.

Hand washing practices, for example are routinely ignored by most medical staff. In fact, a study commissioned by the licensing body for U.S. hospitals found that poor sanitation practices by hospital staff kills 247 patients each day across America. The study found "that doctors and nurses washed their hands only 30 to 70 percent of the time that they entered or exited a patient's room."

Doctors and hospitals refuse to embrace colloidal silver, antimicrobial copper, or medicinal herbs
By definition, "superbugs" like c. diff are completely resistant to modern antibiotic drugs. All of Big Pharma's chemicals are useless against them. And because conventional medicine completely disregards the antibacterial power of colloidal silver, copper, garlic or antibacterial herbs, patients are never given those treatment options. As a result, a superbug infection almost always means death when you're in the hospital. This is a case where the ignorance of conventional medicine can literally get you killed.

As it turns out, doctors and hospitals have no clue how to stop superbug infections, so they leave patients to die. And they die by the hundreds each day: over 200 daily in the United States alone. The CDC isn't even trying to hide this statistic. They're claiming, in fact, that they are "making progress" on this front when in truth they have already lost the war.

The era of chemical antibiotics is over
The great failure of modern medicine is that it invented and unleashed the vehicle of our own medical self destruction: antibiotics. These patented chemicals were once heralded as "miraculous cures" but have now thrust humanity to the brink of medical self-destruction. Soon, a simple infection entering your body from a minor scrape or cut may prove deadly, with doctors having run out of prescription chemical weapons to use against it.

And then, every routine surgery will be a life-and-death matter. This includes cosmetic surgery, gallbladder removal surgery and of course emergency room trauma surgery.

As I wrote in September of 2013:

The coming plague will not be stopped by drugs: CDC now admits era of antibiotics at an end as bacteria out-wit drug companies. The whole approach of fighting bugs with isolated chemicals was doomed to fail from the start, of course, since Mother Nature adapts to chemical threats far more quickly than drug companies can roll out new chemicals.

Sadly, the very approach of using an isolated chemical to combat disease is rooted in a 1950's mentality that has nearly reached its endpoint in the history of medicine. The CDC all but admits this now, saying the era of antibiotics is nearing its end. "If we are not careful, we will soon be in a post-antibiotic era" - Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the CDC.

Every day, 205 Americans die from the after effects of antibiotics. Sure, antibiotics saved a lot of lives in the short term, but how many lives will they kill in the long run? Because sooner or later, a superbug plague may emerge that burns through the population, unstoppable by vaccines and antibiotics. The official cover story will likely be that the plague was a bioweapon released by terrorists, but the real, sobering truth is that it's just a runaway superbug nurtured into existence by the careless over-use of antibiotics.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Urban Farms

Sustainable food security

Small space, big yields

What started as an idea for growing food locally on a sustainable urban farm has turned into a movement. Will Allen is considered a leader in food security and urban farming. Imagine, knowing that your food is coming from your own city instead of transported thousands of miles. Imagine growing your own food using efficient, sustainable methods on small plots of land. Here are some folks who are making it happen. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Real Food Channel

Xylitol - a healthy sugar substitute?

Here's what dentists say...
Is it possible? A sugar substitute that has health benefits? Xylitol has been used since the 1800s, though it wasn't commercially produced until the 1960s. Xylitol is found in many fruits and vegetables, and it's produced by the human body during metabolism of starch. Xylitol was originally produced commercially from birch trees, though many xylitol products now come from corn husks (always verify that the corn source is non-GMO!). Benefits of xylitol may include: - Reduction of dental cavities - Increase in overall tooth and gum health - Decrease in ear infections in young children (probably due to anti-microbial properties) - Improved bone health - Can be used like sugar in cooking 

Big Pharma profiteering gone wild: $1,000-a-pill Hepatitis drug in USA sells for less than $10 in Egypt

(NaturalNews) The financial raping of America by Big Pharma has just achieved a new milestone with the impending launch of a Hepatitis C drug that costs $1,000 a pill. If you've ever wondered why U.S. health care is so unaffordable and inaccessible -- and why health insurance costs are bankrupting businesses and municipalities across the nation -- this is exactly why. The same drug that sells for $1,000 a pill in the USA -- named "Sovaldi" -- sells for just $10 in Egypt, or 1/100th the USA price.

Drug companies are, of course, granted FDA-enforced monopolies on the treatment of anything considered a "disease." As such, drugs are pushed into the marketplace at monopoly prices. Because if you're the CEO of Gilead Sciences, Inc., makers of the Sovaldi drug to be sold at $1,000 a pill, your job is to maximize revenues by any means necessary. When you're handed a monopoly by the FDA, the strategy for achieving that is simple: Raise the price to whatever you can get away with, then bill the insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid for $100, $500 or even $1,000 a pill.

100,000% mark-up?
Even if one pill of Sovaldi only costs 68 cents to manufacture, it will still be sold at $1,000 a pill because that's what the company demands. At this price, a course of treatment runs $84,000 in the USA. Gilead reduces the price to $57,000 in the UK -- apparently in a completely arbitrary manner based on whatever it can get for the drug rather than the drug's actual cost or value.

How much does this drug actually cost to produce? Consider this shocking fact, as reported by CNBC:

Gilead confirmed that it had agreed to supply the new drug in Egypt - which has the world's highest prevalence of the virus due to use of contaminated needles in the 1970s - at around $900 for a 12-week course of therapy, or about 1 percent of the U.S. price.

Yep, the same drug sold in the USA for $84,000 is sold in Egypt for $900 -- and the company still makes a profit!

What we are likely looking at with this drug is something approaching a 100,000% mark-up. In any other industry, that would be called "profiteering."

Modern medicine exists to enrich big business, not to make people healthy
The entire U.S. health care system is, of course, set up to fill the coffers of big business. That's why U.S. health care ("sick care") is the most expensive in the world, by far, even though it produces poor overall results. More people are sick, obese and diseased in America today than at any other time in human history, yet we are all paying more for health insurance coverage. Why is that?

The honest answer is that we are paying higher and higher prices for drugs that simply don't work. At the same time, the FDA and Big Pharma are systematically discrediting natural cures that are safe, effective and affordable. Hepatitis C, for example, can readily be treated with plant-based bioflavonoids called catechin and naringenin, both of which are entirely non-toxic and have been scientifically proven to kill the Hepatitis C virus.

You can buy a lot of green tea and citrus fruits for the $84,000 cost of a drug treatment. In fact, you could buy and juice organic produce for years with that much money, and the juicing protocol would help prevent cancer, heart disease and diabetes at the same time, dramatically lowering overall health care costs.

But that's never been the goal of health care. There is no incentive for anyone to lower costs. Every incentive, in fact, is based on raising costs so that revenues and profits can be raised, too.

Anyone who expects the health care industry to lower its own costs is expecting the impossible. No for-profit business sector ever seeks to shrink in size and revenues.

Profits for the few, sickness for the masses
Why does the pharmaceutical industry push $1,000-a-pill drug treatments rather than affordable, safe and effective natural protocols like juicing and superfoods? Because, of course, the drugs make the most money.

The entire "sick care" industry is driven by profits rather than any real desire to help humanity. As a result, whatever makes the most money gets pushed onto the most patients. The billing for all this gets shoved over to health insurance companies which must then raise insurance rates to insane levels to cover all the ridiculously-high-priced drugs.

And that's how we end up with families paying $5,000 - $10,000 a year for health insurance coverage. In a system driven by pure greed, nobody gets healthy and everybody gets financially raped one way or another.

Trust me when I say America's economy will continue to implode as long as we allow this parasitic, monopolistic health care system to rape us all of our incomes, investments and small business profits. The main reason why U.S. companies are closing their doors and firing workers is because they can't afford to pay the exorbitant health insurance premiums!

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Mercury Poisoning in Dentistry: Dentist writes of mercury's health hazards in new book

(NaturalNews) Though increasingly obsolete due to the advent of safer alternatives, dental amalgams made from mercury are still being used in many clinics around the world, despite the fact that they could cause brain damage and other permanent harm. And one former dentist who suffered extensive health damage because of this pernicious element wants to see dental amalgams outlawed entirely, revealing all in a new book on the intense toxicity of mercury.

Entitled Time Bomb from Within: Mercury Poisoning in Dentistry, this gruesome account by Dr. Stuart Scheckner, a Florida native, of how mercury ultimately cost him his job and livelihood makes a strong case for the banning of mercury in dentistry. If you still have any doubts about whether mercury is really all that dangerous, in other words, Dr. Scheckner's story is sure to settle the issue without question.

It all began in 1978 when an accident at his Florida practice resulted in about 96 ounces, or 3/4 of a gallon, of elemental mercury being spilled all over the shag carpet right next to his dental chair. Dr. Scheckner's regular dental assistant was out of the office that day, so he had his dental secretary mix the silver amalgam solution for one of his patients, a decision that would result in many decades of pain and suffering.

Many dentists still don't realize the full extent of mercury toxicity
 At the time, Dr. Scheckner was apparently unaware of the extensive toxicity of mercury, and how breathing in its fumes can lead to irreversible organ damage and even death, despite having gone through dental school. He continued working until he fell so seriously ill with physical tremors, nausea, digestive problems and anxiety attacks that he ultimately had to quit his job.

One doctor initially believed Dr. Scheckner had Graves' disease, a type of hyperthyroidism, while another declared him to have a psychological problem that was "all in his head." It was not until he attended a body chemistry seminar in Orlando that Dr. Scheckner began to realize what he was really suffering from: mercury poisoning.

"I thought, 'Oh my [gosh], that's me!'" recalls Dr. Scheckner about his eventual discovery several years later that his symptoms directly matched those identified by German chemist Dr. Alfred Stock, whose extensive research into mercury poisoning back in the 1920s nailed down many of its most prominent symptoms.

Unless detected early, mercury poisoning is tricky to diagnose
 For Dr. Scheckner, these symptoms developed many years after his initial exposure, which is common for mercury. As he explains in his book, small amounts of mercury, in his case mercury fumes from the contaminated carpet, build up over time inside the body, and particularly in the brain where they are difficult to expel.

"Mercury vaporizes from the carpeting and about 80%... is absorbed through the lungs into the blood," wrote Dr. Scheckner in a 2003 email to the editors of Readers Digest. "Here, it almost immediately crosses the blood brain barrier. It becomes oxidized within the brain. At this point, it is locked in the brain and cannot go past the blood brain barrier again. So it goes in but can't get out. This leads to an accumulation of mercury in the brain over a period of time."

"At a certain point, so much damage is done that symptoms develop mainly as neuropsychological problems."

At the same time, identifying mercury poisoning early on is difficult, precisely because accumulation takes time. And unfortunately, by the time symptoms emerge, it may already be too late to do anything about them, as considerable damage has likely already occurred.

"Mercury poisoning, if not caught early on, is very difficult to diagnose," writes Chris Angermann for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. "At first, the element will show up at elevated levels in urine tests. But after it damages the kidneys, they don't filter it out anymore and sufferers will actually show less mercury in their urine than the general population."

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'Never has there been a safe vaccine,' Suzanne Humphries, MD, says in interview

(NaturalNews) Most Americans will not make a single medical-related decision in their entire lives without consulting an MD first. Western quack medicine has them completely fooled, and they may never wake up and realize it. People equate the fact that MD's went to medical school for 8 to 12 years with some kind of automatic assumption that they know what is good for your health and your immune system in general. Oops.

More than 80 percent of Americans believe that you can inject toxins into your body via vaccines and build immunity. More than 8 out of 10 Americans believe that you can cut cancer out of your cells if you get the right "top notch" surgeon, and that you can "radiate" cancer cells to death if you find the right "top notch" oncologist, but what are people really "doing to themselves" by believing that chemicals help anything at all? Since humans are organic beings, who are born organic and are meant to have natural food, what happens when they inject the most toxic, deadly substances on Earth into their muscle and tissue, in such a manner that bypasses digestion and lung filtration (as well as all rational thinking), right through the blood-brain barrier? Disease and disorder -- that's what happens. Now listen to a doctor speak who is blowing the whistle on the "vaccination indoctrination" from which America suffers at the hands of the wrong kinds of "doctors."

Injecting disease and aluminum into muscle tissue - the insanity of it all
Should you be injecting heavy metals, emulsifiers, preservatives and synthetic additives (like peanut oil and chicken embryo) into your muscle tissue? What about MSG and formaldehyde? What about aluminum and mercury? The CDC tells you themselves, if you don't believe me. (

Suzanne Humphries, MD, of the International Medical Council on Vaccination, has a current opinion on vaccinations, which "is that they have never been safe -- never has there been a safe vaccine, never will there be a safe vaccine, and it is not possible to have a safe vaccine."

Dr. Humphries explains how the process of vaccination is fundamentally flawed, and how it actually defies the immune system and its natural processes. It "thwarts the immune system" into a balance that is unnatural and that "leaves it susceptible" to more problems, basically other infectious diseases, bacteria and viruses. Putting a disease matter into muscle tissue is not safe. This is a whole other line of thinking than we've seen or heard before. The body basically has no idea what to do with this cocktail of toxins, and the immune system is shocked so unnaturally that nothing good can come from the reaction, not in the short term or long term.

Dr. Humphries explains how by using vaccines we are stimulating yet another abnormal response at the site of the injection. The antibody is just one small thing in the "cascade of immunity." Western Medicine is trying to conjure up "immunity" by calling into action some highly unpredictable antibody with a chemical concoction injected into muscle tissue. It's insanity.

Maybe we're all too stupid to notice how "miraculous" this is, and how the people that who vaccinated are actually MORE susceptible to fall ill. This is why vaccines must be forced onto the public. This is the "herding" myth. You are all part of a herd of animals that are born weak and must be injected with chemical shockers in order to be normal. Why would such a "wonderful product" have to be forced upon the people? They're not forcing us to drink almond milk instead of dairy. They're not forcing us to eat organic food instead of processed. How is the aluminum injection helping again?

Escape the madness. Read more about vaccine toxins and protect yourself and the ones you love. Buy lots of organic fruit and vegetables from your local organic farmers and be well! (

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Study touts spirulina as functional food for diabetes management

(NaturalNews) Many have raved about superfood spirulina's overall health benefits, and there have been studies supporting their claims. One study in Korea focused on type II diabetes patients to determine if spirulina would alleviate diabetes symptoms enough to be considered a valuable functional food, a food that goes beyond supplying normal nutritional needs, or a superfood.

The researchers recruited 37 diabetics who were making regular clinic visits for their condition. They were randomly assigned as study subjects consuming spirulina or as part of a control group without spirulina. The spirulina group was given 8 grams per day, a pretty hefty amount considering how light the powder is.

Both groups were required to maintain their usual diets without adding any other functional foods or supplements for the 12-week duration of the study. Spirulina supplementation had no affect on BMI (body mass index) but a significant decrease in serum triglyceride levels and blood pressure, which is common among diabetes 2 sufferers.

Spirulina also significantly reduced plasma malondialdehyde levels, which are biomarkers for oxidative stress. Spirulina subjects also experienced a rise in plasma adiponectin levels, which are associated with increased insulin sensitivity and decreased heart attack risk.

So the increased adiponectin levels indicate a potential reversal of diabetes 2 and lower risk of heart attacks.

The researchers also noted that spirulina was more effective among those studied who were suffering from dyslipidemia, a condition of poor lipid (fat) digestion that leads to higher lipid (triglyceride and cholesterol) counts common among diabetes 2 patients.

They concluded: "This study provides the evidence for beneficial effects of spirulina supplementation on blood lipid profiles, inflammatory variables, and antioxidant capacity in Korean patients with type 2 diabetes. The results suggest that spirulina is a promising agent as a functional food for diabetes management."

It doesn't get much better than that. But there is another side to the spirulina and blue-green algae story.

Spirulina and blue-green algae buyer beware caveat
Yes, there are many benefits from spirulina. But the blog offers some compelling evidence from Dr. Michael Greger of that shows the potentially dark side of blue-green algae especially, and spirulina. But thus far, he knows of no downsides with chlorella.

Dr. Greger does acknowledge the benefits of spirulina and blue-green algae but also points out the potential health risks of liver damage and neurodegenerative disease.

He cites studies that have discovered hepatoxins that can damage the liver in spirulina and neurotoxins from blue-green algae. Some say there is little or no difference between the two, but there are several different algae strains.

The neurotoxin that can be created from blue-green algae is BMAA (beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine). Dr. Greger claims BMAA can be found in two places, in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative diseases and on the shelves of health food stores that display blue-green algae products.

Dr. Greger adds that testing each batch for purity would eliminate those issues, though he feels most producers of blue-green algae or spirulina won't, because it's too costly.

So if you're interested in either, you should follow the buyer beware caveat. One good source of blue-green algae would probably be E3Live, which claims to have stringent quality control with their Klamath Lake AFA blue-green algae.

You are invited to check out the sources below or above to reach your own decision, or switch to green algae chlorella.

Sources for this article include:

The Korean Study:

The blog that introduced the dark side of blue-green algae and spirulina from Dr. Greger:

An informative Rich Noll interview of Dr. Greger:

A collection of Dr. Greger's short videos on blue-green algae, spirulina, and chlorella:

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

From The Real Food Channel

Aspartame-Induced Fibromyalgia Nutrasweet? 

Pain Sufferers . . . with New Lives!
Fibromyalgia is a common disorder that is not well understood. Symptoms include chronic pain and fatigue. Dr. Greger reviews case reports of fibromyalgia chronic pain sufferers cured by removing the artificial sweetener aspartame (Nutrasweet) from their diets. How many chronic pain sufferers have tried "everything" except removing processed foods from their diets?

The amazing benefits of eating coconuts

(NaturalNews) Given the many times that experts have touted the benefits of consuming more fruits and vegetables, it should come as no surprise to learn that coconuts posses some amazing benefits. A tropical fruit that is a versatile as it is unusual, coconuts are now processed around the world to produce a number of products, including sugar, soap, milk, cosmetic products, butter, flour and the ever-popular, coconut oil. Given the popularity and widespread availability of these various products that utilize coconuts and their benefits, it can sometimes be easy to overlook these round, hard-skinned fruits in their more natural state.

Eating fresh coconuts, as a sizable portion of the world's population does as part of their daily diet, according to the Coconut Research Center, reaps many benefits that people will find attractive. Just a few of these advantages are outlined below.

Improves functioning of the brain
Just one serving of the fresh, white, fragrant coconut meat provides a person with 17% of their daily supply of copper. This trace mineral is responsible for activating enzymes that then trigger neurotransmitter production. These neurotransmitters are responsible for transferring information from cell to cell. This finding shows great promise in keeping age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer's, at bay.

Manage weight
As the world's people become heavier, obesity brings crushing health issues that are both short, and long, term. A study in the June 2006 issue of Ceylon Medical Journal found that a dietary fat called medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) is found in abundant quantities in coconuts. MCTs are known to aid significantly in the loss of weight given the speed at which the human body can metabolize them. MCTs have also been shown to help curb hunger pangs more effectively than those long-chain triglycerides such as the ones found in dairy products and meats.

Improve cardiovascular health
Another way the MCTs in coconuts have been shown to improve health is in reducing the total amounts of cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. A study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in October 2008 showed that volunteers who consumed MCTs as a part of a weight loss plan that was to last for four months showed a significant reduction in the amounts of harmful cholesterol levels in their blood.

Add fiber
Just one cup of coconut meat has been shown to contain seven grams of fiber, This is according to the USDA National Nutrient Database. Most people already know that fiber helps keep the intestinal tract healthy and guards against constipation; fiber also helps protect people from diabetes, boosts their immune systems, lower the LDL cholesterol levels in blood and reduce blood sugar levels.

Adding just a few cups of raw, natural coconut to the diet several times a week can reap huge benefits for people. From children to centenarians, coconuts provide health benefits that cannot be overlooked.


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