Friday, July 25, 2014

Preppers going all in for organic foods

(NaturalNews) In larger numbers, Americans who want to be better prepared in case of natural or man-made disasters don't simply want to "settle" for just any food to eat: Even in less-than-desirable conditions, they want healthy food to sustain them.

That's why growing numbers of "preppers" -- the nickname given to those who make it a point to prepare for a day when the "stuff" hits the fan -- are following the same trend as the rest of the American public; they are going organic.

As reported by the tech website io9, while such folks are sympathetic to government conspiracies and believe that corporations are evil, what is really driving their anti-GMO activism is that they desire to have a healthy post-apocalyptic life:

Yes, the preppers, have gone green. You can get all sorts of advice from blogs like "The Organic Prepper" and "The Sustainable Prepper." And there is a thriving cottage industry of wholesome prepper products. At Amazon, you can purchase the "Survival Seed Doomsday Preppers Kit Non-GMO Emergency Seed Supply With Extra Protein."

The tech site went on to note that, for anyone looking for a "survival seed vault," there are several companies that promise fine non-GMO, non-hybrid heirloom seed banks, which can be found on their website or through a simple Google search.

'Conspiracy Theory vs. Coincidence Theory'

In fact, the motto from one of the sellers, Texas Ready, is: "We believe that the happiest people on earth will be the ones who've prepared should the unthinkable happen. Take it from us, the happiest emergency preparedness planners on the planet, that you can thrive with a positive mental attitude."

And anti-GMO foods and seeds.

io9 attended the Arizona Prepper Fest in March:

By all accounts, it was a festive atmosphere at the Arizona Prepper Fest this past March. In the official Prepper Fest program, you could find out how to join a group called the "Oath Keepers" who will "mobilize to protect this country from a tyrannical takeover.... if and when the dreaded 'executive orders' that are poised to be implemented at the president's whim are launched."

Alongside this, you could read a manifesto, "Conspiracy Theory vs. Coincidence Theory: The GMO Healthcare Crisis," which declared:

The facts are clear that our country is facing a growing health care crisis of epic proportion with dramatically increasing rates of all manner of illness including Autism, Cancer, Celiac Disease, Diabetes, Crohn's Disease, Intestinal Track Disorders, Immune System Disorders, Ulcerative Colitis and Obesity to name just a few. Most all of these disease rates began to increase around the time that Monsanto introduced Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) into our food supply.

It went on to say that most preppers are often accused of being "conspiracy theorists," and that anything concerning them is regularly branded by the mainstream media as unsubstantiated hysteria. And yet," the media typically does little if any research into the concerns before dismissing them," the manifesto says.

The end could come as a result of cross-pollination and starvation

The guide instructs readers who have questions about GMOs to talk to Jared Keen, who is "not a prepper, but an anti-GMO activist" and founder of Plant Based Nation, as well as the director of Right To Know Arizona, a group that supports GMO labeling of foods.

One reporter from The Arizona Republic who also attended the event described the scene:

"There's never been an issue where you have the nexus of government inaction, corporate inaction and a political system that's unstable," [Keen] told a man from Flagstaff in a camouflage cap who stopped by his table. "This is your chance to make a stand and be part of this."

His words were punctuated by the sound of electric stun guns being sold at the table opposite him.

The petition drive is a long shot, Keen acknowledges. Still, he believes the effort is worth it. "If this does not make it onto the ballot," he said, "we are (still) being effective at educating a massive amount of people."

Anti-GMO preppers don't all believe that the apocalypse will be brought about by the collapse of governments. It could come about as the result of a major natural disaster or act of terrorism.

Or it "may be as simple as pollen floating from one field to contaminate the next one, until we are starving to death or dying of cancer."


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