Friday, July 25, 2014

Optimal sulfur levels can reverse chronic disease

(NaturalNews) Are you unable to lose excess weight? Do you have a family member at risk of dying from an "incurable" disease? According to a growing community of health experts, medical professionals need to consider the danger of sulfur deficiencies in the body and their impact on human health.

Sulfur deficiencies create serious health consequences. On the next Natural News Talk Hour, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. -- Senior Research Scientist at MIT -- will deliver a powerful message, to every healthcare provider, about the danger of sulfur deficiency. If you want to avoid disease -- don't miss this program.

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Modern farming practices are creating the epidemic rise in mineral deficiencies

Sadly, thanks to conventional nutritional wisdom, most people are led to believe that a "balanced diet" will provide all the essential vitamins and minerals needed to enjoy a healthy life. Unfortunately, monocropping, the heavy use of herbicides and the deployment of genetically engineered foods have dramatically reduced the quality of our food supply and its nutritional value.

And let's not forget the damage caused by highly processed, denatured foods -- which are so depleted in essential nutrients that food producers are forced to "fortify" the products with synthetic substances not found in nature. We must wake up the sleeping masses and warn them about the health dangers associated with eating nutrient-depleted foods.

On the next Natural News Talk Hour, you'll discover the hidden truth about disease, why sunlight and sulfur production are critically important, how sulfur helps to detoxify the body plus much more.

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A lack of sulfur promotes the creation of cancer cells

To prevent cancer, we often hear about the value of chemical avoidance, consuming lots of antioxidant-rich foods plus the need for supplements like vitamin C and D. But few people ever hear about the importance of sulfur -- one of the most abundant minerals found in the human body. This essential mineral is responsible for cellular respiration, regeneration and detoxification, and it functions as a precursor to the utilization of amino acids.

Simply put, if we want to avoid cancer, we must eat sulfur-rich foods like grass-fed meats and organically raised fruits and vegetables. But, more importantly, we must avoid toxic chemicals found in personal care products, household cleaners and industrialized food products -- which are loaded with cancer-causing substances that inhibit the absorption of sulfur plus other essential nutrients.

The widespread deficiency in sulfur -- due to modern food production techniques -- coupled with the proliferation of harmful chemicals in our environment must end for us to eliminate the growing threat of chronic disease in our society.

On the next Natural News Talk Hour, find out how sulfur can improve heart function, reduce inflammation, prevent autism and Alzheimer's disease plus much more.

This week's guest: Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. -- MIT Senior Research Scientist

Every healthcare professional needs to hear this program about sulfur -- Sun. Jul. 27

Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She has a Bachelor's Degree from MIT in Biology with a minor in Food and Nutrition, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, also from MIT.

Her research has focused on understanding the effects of certain environmental toxicants, such as aluminum and glyphosate, on human physiology. She proposes that a low-micronutrient, high-carbohydrate diet, combined with excess exposure to environmental toxicants, and insufficient sunlight exposure to the skin and eyes, play a crucial role in many modern conditions and diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, Alzheimer's disease and autism.

Without sulfur -- there is no life.
 Sulfur plays a crucial role in cellular regeneration and oxygen transportation. So, if you're interested in natural ways to prevent premature aging, detoxify the body and reverse disease symptoms -- don't miss our next show.

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