Friday, July 18, 2014

Drug-resistant superbug infections explode across U.S. hospitals: 500% increase foreshadows 'new plague' caused by modern medicine

Drug-resistant superbug infections explode across U.S. hospitals: 500% increase foreshadows 'new plague' caused by modern medicine

(NaturalNews) Drug-resistant superbug infections have reached near-epidemic levels across U.S. hospitals, with an alarming 500% increase now documented in a study just published in the August issue of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology (the journal of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America). (1)

Lead author of the study, Dr. Joshua Thaden, warned "This dangerous bacteria is finding its way into healthcare facilities nationwide... A CRE epidemic is fast approaching... Even this marked increase likely underestimates the true scope of the problem given variations in hospital surveillance practices."

The study also found that an astonishing 94 percent of CRE infections were caused by healthcare activities or hospital procedures.

CRE superbugs explained

CRE (carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae) is an incredibly dangerous superbug causing nearly a fifty percent fatality rate once a patient is infected. The World Health Organization calls it "one of the three greatest threats to human health," and all known antibiotics are useless in treating it.

CRE arose out of the systematic abuse of antibiotics by doctors, who inadvertently created the perfect breeding ground for deadly bacteria by using narrowly-targeted chemical medications that lack the kind of full-spectrum action found in nature (in herbs like garlic, for example). Because of their highly-targeted chemical approach, antibiotics encouraged bacteria to develop molecular defenses that resulted in widespread resistance to Big Pharma's drugs. The situation is so bad today that the entire pharmaceutical industry has no drug, no chemicals and no experimental medicines which can kill CRE superbugs.

Even worse, there are virtually no new antibiotics drugs in the research pipelines, either. Drug companies have discovered that it's far more profitable to sell "lifestyle management" drugs like statin drugs and blood pressure drugs than to sell antibiotics which treat acute infections. Antibiotics simply aren't very profitable because relatively few people acquire such infections. Meanwhile, everyone can be convinced they might have high cholesterol and therefore need to take a statin drug for life.

Drug companies, in other words, have all but abandoned the industry of treating infections. Instead, they now primarily engage in the promotion of disease symptoms while selling drugs that attempt to alter measurable markers of those symptoms such as cholesterol numbers. Even though drug companies caused the superbug pandemic that's now upon us, in other words, they have deliberately abandoned humanity in defending against those superbugs because it's simply not profitable to do so.

The end of antibiotics has arrived: Humanity faces a new plague caused by modern medicine

The CDC has admitted that we are now living in a "post-antibiotics era." As Infection Control Today states, "Antibiotic resistance is no longer a prediction for the future. It is happening right now in every region of the world and has the potential to affect anyone." (2)

Dr. Arjun Srinivasan, associate director at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, went even further in a PBS interview, stating: (3)

We've reached the end of antibiotics, period... We're here. We're in the post-antibiotic era. There are patients for whom we have no therapy, and we are literally in a position of having a patient in a bed who has an infection, something that five years ago even we could have treated, but now we can't.

Keep in mind that doctors refuse to use natural substances to treat infections, which is why they believe no defenses against superbugs exist. Their indoctrination into the world of pharmaceuticals is so deeply embedded in their minds, in other words, that they cannot even conceive of the idea that an herb, a food or something from Mother Nature might provide the answer to superbugs. See this Natural News article on natural antibiotics that kill superbugs. The list includes honey.

Hospitals are the perfect breeding grounds for superbugs

By their very design, hospitals are prefect breeding grounds for superbugs for six very important reasons:

1) They put all the infected people under one roof, creating a high density infectious environment.

2) They allow doctors and medical staff to quickly and easily carry and transmit infectious diseases to new patients. Previous studies have documented how superbugs easily ride on doctors' ties, for example, or their mobile phones.

3) Medical staff still don't wash their hands as frequently as they should. The intense time demands placed on them discourage careful hand washing, causing many to skip this crucial step between patient visits.

4) Hospitals almost universally refuse to use broad-spectrum antibacterial remedies which are not drugs. Natural substances like honey and garlic show extraordinary multi-faceted antibacterial properties, as do certain metals such as silver and copper. Yet because these substances are not developed by pharmaceutical companies which dominate the field of medical practice, they are simply ignored even though they could save many lives. (And a doctor who prescribes "honey" doesn't sound as amazing and all-knowing as a doctor who prescribes "the latest, greatest laboratory breakthrough patented chemical medication.")

5) Hospital practices suppress human immune function to the point of systemic failure. Rather than boosting immune function, conventional medical treatments such as antibiotics and chemotherapy cause immune system failure. Hospitals lack sunlight and hospital food lacks key immune-boosting minerals such as zinc and selenium. On top of that, most of the drugs prescribed to patients by hospitals deplete key nutrients required for healthy immune function, leaving patients even more susceptible to superbug infections.

6) Hospital staff spread infectious diseases to their private homes. After acquiring an infection at work (at the hospital), staffers easily spread those infections to their own family members at home.

The antibiotics plague is upon us

We are right now living through the early stages of a global plague caused by modern medicine. The industry that created this plague is utterly defenseless against it, leaving humanity to fight for survival in a world that's now far more dangerous than the one that existed before the invention of antibiotics.

Antibiotics have indeed saved millions of lives, and they forever have an important place in any medical practice. Yet their careless use -- combined with medicine's willful and foolish abandonment of natural antibiotics that work far better -- has led humanity down the path of its own destruction.

Today, a simple scrape of your arm or leg might now be fatal. Infections that occur during routine medical procedures which would have once been considered minor issues are now deadly.

And the worst part is that the bacteria continue to evolve more elaborate defenses against drugs while increasing their transmissibility. Human hospitals (and entire cities) are, by design, ideal pandemic hubs that rapidly spread disease. Like it or not, humanity has created the perfect storm for a pandemic decimation of the global population.

What will Big Pharma do as this medical catastrophe unfolds? They'll keep selling you more statin drugs, because that's where the money's made.

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