Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fluoride: the poison in your water

Fluoridated water

About 70% of the public water supply in the U.S. is fluoridated. Fluoridation rates in other countries vary widely. In Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and Chile, large percentages of the population receive fluoridated water.

Some countries have rejected fluoridation, including most of the European countries. In the U.S. and Canada, over 50 communities, representing over 3.5 million people, have voted to end fluoridation since late 2010.

Here a U.S. dentist, who supported fluoridation for the first 25 years he practiced dentistry, talks about the science and why he changed his mind.

More than 70% of U.S. public water supplies are currently fluoridated. The rates are just as high in some countries, such as Australia and Brazil. Other countries have largely rejected fluoridation. Dr. Bill Osmunson is a general and cosmetic dentist who used to support the fluoridation of water. Then he looked at the science. He now urges patients to become informed and other health practitioners to petition against the fluoridation of the water supply.

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