Monday, January 19, 2015

Three superfoods that deliver unbelievable nutrition


We live in a world where malnourishment is not necessarily due to a lack of food. In fact, many people in North America, who have good access to food and manage to keep their bellies full, are undernourished. This is primarily due to poor agricultural practices and food processing that have delivered mostly inferior food choices to the consumer.

However, if you consume clean sources of the following superfoods, you can start to nourish your body more effectively, and enjoy better health.


Chlorella is still a relatively obscure superfood, but hard-core health enthusiasts have been enjoying this nutrient dense powerhouse for years. Besides being an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and a complete source of protein, chlorella has other beneficial qualities that also facilitate detoxification.

What exactly does chlorella have up its sleeve in terms of nutrition? Check out this nutritional profile:

  • A rich source (58%) of highly digestible, complete vegetarian protein.
  • A potent source of chlorophyll, the lifeblood of plants.
  • Rich in vitamin A, C, E, and K, and one of the few whole food sources of vitamin D.
  • Contains the entire vitamin B-complex.
  • An exceptional source of iron and zinc, as well as a good source of magnesium, phosphorous, calcium, and potassium.
  • Abundant in beta-carotene, lutein, and polysaccharides.
  • Contains essential fatty acids including gamma linolenic acid (GLA).
  • Rich in enzymes and phytonutrients.
Since chlorella is such a detoxifying food, introduce it very slowly to avoid excessive cleansing symptoms. For more information on the healing benefits of chlorella, visit the first source below.

Bee pollen

Bee pollen is considered one of nature's most complete foods and can help correct diets that are nutrient deficient or imbalanced due to its comprehensive and balanced nutrient profile. It contains one of the richest known source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones, enzymes, and fats, as well as significant quantities of natural antibiotics.

Take note of the spectrum of nutrients in bee pollen:

  • A rich source of carotenoids (that convert to vitamin A)
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12
  • Vitamin C and E
  • Calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, sulphur and 59 other trace minerals
  • 22 amino acids, which contain five to seven times the amino acids found in equal weights of beef, milk, eggs or cheese
  • Enzymes including amylase, catalase, cozymase, cytochrome, dehydrogenase, diaphorase, diastase, lactic acids, pectase and phosphatase
Since bee pollen can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people, please introduce it slowly if you choose to consume it. For more information on the healing benefits of bee pollen, visit the first source below.

Goji berries

Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, are native to southeastern Europe and Asia and have been nicknamed "red diamonds" for their unusually high nutritional content. Traditional Chinese medicine was likely the first system to realize their potent healing qualities, but the West has caught on to this well-known "superfruit", and has started incorporating them into their diet.

What nutrition do goji berries have to offer? Check out this profile:

  • 18 amino acids, including all eight essential amino acids, making it a complete protein.
  • Six essential Fatty Acids (EFAs).
  • 21 trace minerals including calcium, copper, germanium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, selenium and zinc.
  • Vitamin A, B-complex, C, and E.
  • A superior form of a wide range of antioxidants, including zeaxanthin, SOD (superoxide dismutase), polysaccharides, germanium, and beta-carotene.
Since the goji berry is part of the nightshade family, those, who deal with any type of inflammation, may want to avoid it.

For a more comprehensive list of impressive and nutrient dense superfoods, visit 8 Superfoods That Can Heal Your Body and 8 Steps to Health.


About the author:
Derek Henry, B.Kin, is a highly revered holistic health coach and world renowned natural health blogger and educator who created Healing the Body to help people understand the fundamental principles to exceptional health so they can overcome their own health challenges. 

In this pursuit he created proven protocols and guides in the Ultimate Reset personal coaching program, the THRIVE online holistic health program, and his very popular Wellness Transformation E-Guide.

Connect with Derek and Healing the Body on Facebook and Twitter!

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