Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Reversing ischemic heart disease naturally

(NaturalNews) The leading cause of death (worldwide) is ischemic heart disease, according to the World Health Organization. In fact, combined with stroke, over 13 million people lose their lives - prematurely, every year - due to a completely avoidable chronic health condition.

Western medicine ignores the truth about heart disease. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Daniel Cobb will introduce a natural way - clinically proven - to eliminate the threat of heart disease, without the need for risky surgical procedures or toxic medications.

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Exposing the myths surrounding heart disease

Myth #1: High cholesterol is the cause of heart disease.
 That's simply NOT true. Your cholesterol level (alone) is a very poor predictor of future heart attacks. In fact, the Framingham Heart Study - which is the most significant, longest-running study on heart disease to date - showed that dietary cholesterol had NO significant correlation with heart disease. (Does your cardiologist know this?)

"Serum cholesterol is not a strong risk factor for CHD, in the sense that blood pressure is a strong risk factor for stroke or cigarette smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer." - William Castelli, the director of the famed Framingham Heart Study

"The cholesterol factor is of minor importance as a risk factor in CVD. Of far more importance are smoking, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, insufficient physical activity, and stress." - Frederick Stare, a long-time American Heart Association member and (former) proponent of the lipid hypothesis

Myth #2: Statin (cholesterol-lowering) drugs are perfectly safe and help to prevent a heart attack.
 Simply put, that would be a dangerous (possibly deadly) assumption! Don't believe me? Read this:

Published in 2001, the Honolulu Heart Program study - with 8,000 participants - said: "long-term persistence of low cholesterol concentration actually increases the risk of death. Thus, the earlier the patients start to have lower cholesterol concentrations, the greater the risk of death."

Plus, a huge Japanese Lipid Intervention Trial - with over 47,000 participants - stated: "the highest death rate observed was among those with lowest cholesterol (under 160mg/dl); lowest death rate observed was with those whose cholesterol was between 200-259mg/dl". The truth is plain to see. If your doctor is unaware of this research - find another doctor!

Myth #3: Saturated fat causes heart disease. This myth is ridiculous. In fact, peer-reviewed studies show NO correlation between dietary saturated fat consumption and cardiovascular disease. In reality, you'll do more damage to your arteries by consuming toxic (trans) fats, processed sugars and too many omega-6 fatty acids - which cause inflammation and damage arterial walls.

On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, you'll learn how to dissolve blocked arteries, eliminate chest pain and improve your circulation without drugs or painful procedures. If you're 

a healthcare provider - do NOT miss this program.

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Widely underreported natural health solutions for cardiovascular disease

Western medicine loves to complicate disease in order to maintain its stranglehold on the 'sickcare' system and profits. Yet, there are many holistically-minded physicians paving the way to a healthier tomorrow.

For example, Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD says, "coronary heart disease is a benign food borne illness which need never exist or progress." For those interested in a plant-based diet, Dr. Esselstyn wrote a great book called "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. And, if you prefer watching videos, Dr. Esselstyn was profiled on CNN - here's the link:

Another well-known physician, Dean Ornish, M.D. says you can "undo (reverse) heart disease by optimizing four important areas of your life' including: what you eat; how you manage stress; how much you move; plus how much love and support you have. It's a comprehensive program - which can be found at:

And, finally, Dr. Daniel Cobb - our guest on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour - has a comprehensive (very specific) nutritional protocol designed to quickly eradicate the symptoms of heart disease. His 'typical prescription' for heart disease patients include: vitamin C, L-Lysine, vitamin E, magnesium, CoQ10, plus several other nutrients. Best of all, the monthly cost is very low and offers great rewards! To learn more - directly from Dr. Cobb - join us for our next show!

This week's guest: Dr. Daniel Cobb, natural health educator and heart disease expert

Learn how to REVERSE heart disease naturally without drugs - Sun. Jan. 4

Dr. Daniel Cobb is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) practicing in New Mexico. He became interested in alternative medicine, in 1993, when he became very ill with chronic fatigue complicated by pesticide poisoning.

For over 20 years, Dr. Cobb - a licensed acupuncturist - has focused his attention on chronic conditions and degenerative diseases. Heart disease, in particular, is a condition that Dr. Cobb understood well before acupuncture school based upon his own studies of Mathias Rath, MD and Linus Pauling PhD. As a writer and educator, Dr. Cobb teaches people how to safely and effectively eliminate the symptoms of disease - quickly and effectively.

Eliminate your fear of a heart attack. Western medicine has no cure for ischemic heart disease. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, you'll learn about a specific nutritional protocol designed to remove plaque, improve circulation and eliminate the need for toxic drugs like statins. Don't miss this important show!

Visit: and enter your email address for show details + FREE gifts!

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