Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cancer develops from fungal infections, like Candida

(NaturalNews) The numbers related to those who are diagnosed with cancer and who die from it are sickening, to the point that cancer is on the doorstep of knocking out heart disease as the number one killer in the United States. It is estimated approximately that 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with some type of cancer, and recent data shows that cancer claims at least 576,691 people per year, or nearly 23% of ALL deaths.

There are very few common threads among experts on what causes cancer, aside from obvious lifestyle choices like smoking and alcohol. However, to think cancer is largely caused by one thing is a bit too simplistic...or is it? Turns out, it may not be that complicated.

A simple fungal infection can cause cancer

According to The Home Medical Encyclopedia, in 1963 about 50% of all Americans suffered from an "unrecognized" systemic fungal infection. These infections can be brought on by many different factors that alter the optimal state of our intestinal ecology, most notably antibiotics, birth control pills, excessive processed sugar and grain consumption, heavy metal contamination, xenoestrogens, alcohol, smoking, and chronic stress. These factors, in combination with diets severely deficient in active enzymes and probiotics, have paved the way for the most prevalent fungal infection to take over, Candida albicans.

But how does a fungal problem like Candida lead to an eventual cancer diagnosis?

According to Dr. Robert Young:

"Bacteria, yeast/fungi, and mold are not the cause of a cancerous condition but are the result and the evidence of cells and tissues biologically transforming from a healthy state into an unhealthy state." Dr. Young astutely observed that, "over-acidification of the body leads to the development of chronic yeast and fungal infections and ultimately a cancerous condition of the cells and tissues."

Further backing this theory is the understanding that yeasts like Candida are anaerobes - which means they generate their energy in the absence of oxygen. Once in the blood stream, they can colonize in certain areas of the body and dramatically reduce oxygen levels. This results in local cells switching their energy system from oxygen based to one that doesn't use oxygen. This is the system used by cancer cells, which do not use oxygen to generate their energy. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize in 1931 for informing the world of this property of cancer cells and that oxygen was their enemy!

It has also been shown that beneficial bacteria in your intestine are known to direct up to 85 per cent of your immune response, to release anti-cancer vitamins (like biotin, B-12, folic acid, and vitamin K) from your foods and even to produce a compound (sodium butyrate), which causes cancer cells to self-destruct. Beneficial bacteria don't work well if the acidity of the gut increases, and they will be severely impaired in their anti-cancer function if you have a systemic Candida infection.

The Mayo clinic has also confirmed that cancer is a fungus, can be caused by a fungus, or is accompanied by late stage fungal infections. Johns Hopkins found that the drug itraconazole, commonly used to treat toenail fungus, can also block angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels commonly seen in cancers which allow metastases (spreading of cancer throughout the body) to occur.

Knowing these truths, is it any surprise that cancer is so rampant? How many people do you know that have:

  • Taken antibiotics (or any other prescription medication)
  • Used birth control pills
  • Eaten non-organic foods, high in sugars, grains (especially gluten) and starches (like potatoes)
  • Have metal dental fillings and have been vaccinated (exposed to mercury)
  • Consumed foods and beverages out of plastic containers
  • Drank beer, wine, or hard alcohol regularly
  • Consumed caffeine on a daily basis
  • Smoked cigarettes
  • Live with chronic underlying stress
Any ONE of these things can facilitate Candida overgrowth, and in many cases people are dealing with at least 2 or 3 of these from their history. It's important to note that a systemic Candida infection is not a quick fix, so recent changes in your lifestyle are not likely to have completely reversed the problem. It can take years of a lifestyle change that completely avoids the factors listed above (and more) and a diet rich in enzyme and probiotic rich foods to completely eliminate Candida.

If you want to avoid the runaway train that is cancer, there is not doubt that you need to at least avoid a Candida overgrowth. To understand the symptoms, do a simple at home test, and get advice on how to get it under control, check out Candida Infection? Try the Spit Test! and check out Kill Candida.









About the author:
Derek Henry, B.Kin, is a highly revered holistic health coach and world renowned natural health blogger and educator who created Healing the Body to help people understand the fundamental principles to exceptional health so they can overcome their own health challenges. 

In this pursuit he created THRIVE, an 8 week online holistic health program designed to give you everything you need in order to be truly healthy. 

Check out THRIVE, and get all the answers you need for a healthy 2015!

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/048341_cancer_Candida_fungal_infections.html#ixzz3PO9taFCU

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