Saturday, January 17, 2015

Natural hypertension remedies that quickly lower blood pressure

(NaturalNews) The problem with blood pressure medications is that they do not correct the underlying issue of the problem. Imagine you have a car with a 6-cylinder engine that is running very rough. You find out that two of your six cylinders have the problem, so you remove them or otherwise shut them down.

Now your car runs smoothly, but it's having to put out a lot more effort to get up to speed. You should have cleaned all of the cylinders, flushed out the engine, and changed the oil like an automotive detox. Instead, you cut out two of the cylinders completely, and now four are doing the work of six. And because the car was not meant to do this, your gas mileage is terrible, and more problems will develop soon. How long do you think this engine is going to last?

In order to get off of high blood pressure medications, it helps to understand the cause of high blood pressure.

What causes high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is almost always caused by thick, toxic blood. Consider that engine analogy and think of our blood like the car's motor oil and it's gasoline. The cleaner the blood, the easier it is for the heart to pump it through the body. Chronic high blood pressure is a result of the heart working harder to push the blood where it needs to go.

Restricting the heart doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do, does it?

Smoking, a toxic liver, unhealthy kidneys, Candida, and an unbalanced PH level all contribute to toxic, thick blood.

How to reduce high blood pressure naturally

If you're willing to get off the drugs and do right by your body, the good news is that high blood pressure is extremely easy to fix. The bad news that you're going to have to change your lifestyle. The habits that got you here will have to go.

Low blood pressure diet

The goal is to balance the body's pH and remove toxins. There are some easy short-term solutions for balancing the pH, but a diet with lots of fresh, raw produce that is devoid of processed junk food is the best and only way to permanently balance the body's pH. Also, eating in this manner eliminates the other toxic accumulation from junk food.

The foundation of a truly healthy diet is raw, fresh produce - 80% should be raw, fresh, organic produce, more vegetables than fruit. It's this simple: the more raw fresh vegetables anyone eats, the healthier they become. Eat lots of raw garlic, eliminate processed foods, and increase your raw food intake; there's nothing else that comes close to the power of raw produce when it comes to eliminating ailments and restoring health. Nothing comes close except...

Cranberry stevia lemonade

I drink a gallon of cranberry stevia lemonade a day. The difference in my health that I experienced when I started this is amazing. I ate well and I was very healthy, but this took my body to another level.

For a surprising number of people, high blood pressure is simply dehydration. Soda, Gatorade, sugary juices, and coffee either dehydrate you immediately or they dehydrate you in the long run (for instance, Gatorade and cheap, sugary juices will impeded kidney function). When you don't have enough fluid in your body, the blood gets thick and harder to move. Cranberry juice will help normalize the kidneys, lemon juice will flush the liver and normalize pH levels of the body, and the stevia, I find, simply goes very well with cranberry and lemon.

If for any reason you can't do cranberry stevia lemonade, drink a lot of clean water. Distilled or spring water (provided the source is reliable) are the best choices to drink and to make the lemonade.

The body's pH

Between diet and the lemonade, your pH should balance quickly. If you need it to balance nearly immediately, or your body is extremely acidic (due to toxic accumulation such as drugs like chemo drugs) then try:

Doc Shillington's body balance formula recipe:

  • 1 - cup of Organic Blackstrap Molasses
  • 1 - cup of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Mix well and take a tablespoon twice a day. I recommend also taking a strong probiotic with this formula, as the molasses can feed Candida. This formula tastes horrible in my opinion, but some people actually like the taste, and it's got a lot of benefits. It's well worth it.


We've got other recipes for tinctures and tonics that can help lower blood pressure quickly. In truth, most people don't need them. If you don't smoke, cleaning up your diet and drinking plenty of water is enough for the majority. On the other hand, for those dealing with high blood pressure for more than a year, or for those suffering from any other related conditions, and for anyone who just wants to bring their health back as quickly as possible, check out these supplement recommendations and recipes at How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Quickly and Naturally. Also check out the cranberry lemonade recipe here. Add some cayenne pepper to the lemonade.


About the author:
Michael Edwards is the founder, owner, editor-in-chief, and janitor for Organic Lifestyle Magazine and Green Lifestyle Market. At age 17, Michael weighed more than 360 pounds. He suffered from ADHD, allergies, frequent bouts of illness, and chronic, debilitating insomnia.

Conventional medicine wasn't working. While he restored his health through alternative medicine he studied natural health and became immersed in it.

Learn more:

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