Thursday, January 22, 2015

Infrared saunas - the easiest way to look and feel better

(NaturalNews) There are plenty of detoxification strategies available today, but one very simple and enjoyable way is through the use of an infrared sauna. When used appropriately, it is one of the simplest and safest ways to rid your body of various toxins, including heavy metals.

Here are some great reasons to get heated up (if the winter was not enough of an excuse) and refreshed in an infrared sauna.

Eliminate toxins more efficiently

Unlike traditional sauna's that use air and steam, infrared saunas emit a radiant heat that is absorbed directly into the body. This makes it much more efficient in removing toxins with an estimated 80% water and 20% waste and toxin removal, as opposed to 97% water and 3% waste and toxins in a traditional steam sauna.

Infrared saunas are non-invasive and can penetrate as much as 3 inches into the body, which heats muscle tissue and internal organs. This will help eliminate all kinds of toxins including medications, alcohol, nicotine, and other carcinogens in the blood stream.

Eliminate a cold or flu quickly

If you feel like you are on the verge of getting sick, popping into an infrared sauna for 15-20 minutes each day can help you knock it down before it decides to take over. The radiant heat will stimulate circulation, increase the production of white blood cells, and stimulate your immune system to mount a vigorous attack against unwanted invaders.All of this action will create a less than hospitable environment for germs to grow, and encourage them to die off.

Relax muscles and lose weight

Since an infrared sauna can penetrate as much as 3 inches deep into your body, relaxing tight muscles and easing minor aches and pains becomes a more simple task. Also, if you suffer from conditions such as arthritis, infrared heat from a sauna can help reduce stiffness and inflammation.

Even though you can lose weight due to the plentiful sweating in a sauna, much of this will be put back on when you rehydrate (which is extremely important to do before and after a session in the sauna). However, since infrared saunas are able to penetrate the skin more deeply and stimulate the metabolic system, one can expect to burn anywhere from 200-600 calories in a half hour session. This extra boost can help you burn extra calories while you literally sit and relax.

Create healthier and more beautiful skin

Infrared saunas can also create healthier and more beautiful skin by eliminating toxins out of your system that can be responsible for certain skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. By getting to the root of the problem, over time this can be a permanent fix, rather than a temporary one like a facial.Also, infrared saunas can improve skin tone and reduce signs of aging by stimulating better circulation, blood flow, and increased collagen production, all which will improve the look of your skin.

Of course, before you begin any regular sauna routine, you should consult with your doctor to make sure it is fine for you. Also, make sure to wipe off excess sweat and shower after a regular session in the sauna, to prevent reabsorption of any toxins that are being eliminated through your sweat.

Of course, an infrared sauna is just one part of a good detoxification routine. To get the whole gamut of a comprehensive and efficient detox, check into Best Ways To Detox Correctly and see Inexpensive Easy Detox.


About the author:
Derek Henry, B.Kin, is a highly revered holistic health coach and world renowned natural health blogger and educator who created Healing the Body to help people understand the fundamental principles to exceptional health so they can overcome their own health challenges. 

In this pursuit he created THRIVE, an 8 week online holistic health program designed to give you everything you need in order to be truly healthy. 

Check out THRIVE, and get all the answers you need for a healthy 2015!

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Reversing ischemic heart disease naturally

(NaturalNews) The leading cause of death (worldwide) is ischemic heart disease, according to the World Health Organization. In fact, combined with stroke, over 13 million people lose their lives - prematurely, every year - due to a completely avoidable chronic health condition.

Western medicine ignores the truth about heart disease. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Daniel Cobb will introduce a natural way - clinically proven - to eliminate the threat of heart disease, without the need for risky surgical procedures or toxic medications.

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Exposing the myths surrounding heart disease

Myth #1: High cholesterol is the cause of heart disease.
 That's simply NOT true. Your cholesterol level (alone) is a very poor predictor of future heart attacks. In fact, the Framingham Heart Study - which is the most significant, longest-running study on heart disease to date - showed that dietary cholesterol had NO significant correlation with heart disease. (Does your cardiologist know this?)

"Serum cholesterol is not a strong risk factor for CHD, in the sense that blood pressure is a strong risk factor for stroke or cigarette smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer." - William Castelli, the director of the famed Framingham Heart Study

"The cholesterol factor is of minor importance as a risk factor in CVD. Of far more importance are smoking, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, insufficient physical activity, and stress." - Frederick Stare, a long-time American Heart Association member and (former) proponent of the lipid hypothesis

Myth #2: Statin (cholesterol-lowering) drugs are perfectly safe and help to prevent a heart attack.
 Simply put, that would be a dangerous (possibly deadly) assumption! Don't believe me? Read this:

Published in 2001, the Honolulu Heart Program study - with 8,000 participants - said: "long-term persistence of low cholesterol concentration actually increases the risk of death. Thus, the earlier the patients start to have lower cholesterol concentrations, the greater the risk of death."

Plus, a huge Japanese Lipid Intervention Trial - with over 47,000 participants - stated: "the highest death rate observed was among those with lowest cholesterol (under 160mg/dl); lowest death rate observed was with those whose cholesterol was between 200-259mg/dl". The truth is plain to see. If your doctor is unaware of this research - find another doctor!

Myth #3: Saturated fat causes heart disease. This myth is ridiculous. In fact, peer-reviewed studies show NO correlation between dietary saturated fat consumption and cardiovascular disease. In reality, you'll do more damage to your arteries by consuming toxic (trans) fats, processed sugars and too many omega-6 fatty acids - which cause inflammation and damage arterial walls.

On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, you'll learn how to dissolve blocked arteries, eliminate chest pain and improve your circulation without drugs or painful procedures. If you're 

a healthcare provider - do NOT miss this program.

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Widely underreported natural health solutions for cardiovascular disease

Western medicine loves to complicate disease in order to maintain its stranglehold on the 'sickcare' system and profits. Yet, there are many holistically-minded physicians paving the way to a healthier tomorrow.

For example, Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD says, "coronary heart disease is a benign food borne illness which need never exist or progress." For those interested in a plant-based diet, Dr. Esselstyn wrote a great book called "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. And, if you prefer watching videos, Dr. Esselstyn was profiled on CNN - here's the link:

Another well-known physician, Dean Ornish, M.D. says you can "undo (reverse) heart disease by optimizing four important areas of your life' including: what you eat; how you manage stress; how much you move; plus how much love and support you have. It's a comprehensive program - which can be found at:

And, finally, Dr. Daniel Cobb - our guest on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour - has a comprehensive (very specific) nutritional protocol designed to quickly eradicate the symptoms of heart disease. His 'typical prescription' for heart disease patients include: vitamin C, L-Lysine, vitamin E, magnesium, CoQ10, plus several other nutrients. Best of all, the monthly cost is very low and offers great rewards! To learn more - directly from Dr. Cobb - join us for our next show!

This week's guest: Dr. Daniel Cobb, natural health educator and heart disease expert

Learn how to REVERSE heart disease naturally without drugs - Sun. Jan. 4

Dr. Daniel Cobb is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM) practicing in New Mexico. He became interested in alternative medicine, in 1993, when he became very ill with chronic fatigue complicated by pesticide poisoning.

For over 20 years, Dr. Cobb - a licensed acupuncturist - has focused his attention on chronic conditions and degenerative diseases. Heart disease, in particular, is a condition that Dr. Cobb understood well before acupuncture school based upon his own studies of Mathias Rath, MD and Linus Pauling PhD. As a writer and educator, Dr. Cobb teaches people how to safely and effectively eliminate the symptoms of disease - quickly and effectively.

Eliminate your fear of a heart attack. Western medicine has no cure for ischemic heart disease. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, you'll learn about a specific nutritional protocol designed to remove plaque, improve circulation and eliminate the need for toxic drugs like statins. Don't miss this important show!

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The best natural sources of manganese

(NaturalNews) Manganese is a trace mineral that is present in only small amounts in our bodies. It is considered an essential nutrient and is responsible for a large number of biological roles, including proper enzyme functioning, wound healing, nutrient absorption and bone development. Manganese is also a component of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which helps fight cell-damaging free radicals.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, up to 37 percent of the American population fails to meet the recommended daily intake (RDI) of manganese, which is 2.3 milligrams for adult men and 1.8 milligrams for adult women. Over time, this can lead to deficiency symptoms such as joint pain, poor bone health and fertility problems. Therefore, it's important that we eat enough foods rich in manganese to maintain our health.

Excellent sources of manganese

Seafood -- Though seafood is best-known for its rich concentrations of zinc, it is also one of the world's finest sources of manganese. In first place is mussels, which provide us with 5.8 milligrams of manganese, or 340 percent of our RDI, per 85 grams. Next on the list is clams (43 percent of our RDI per 85 grams), followed by crawfish (22 percent of our RDI per 85 grams). Regular fish such as bass, trout, pike and perch are also excellent sources of manganese, with 85 grams of each providing us with between 38 and 48 grams of our RDI. Avoid contaminated seafood by favoring sustainably farmed produce sourced from the Atlantic Ocean.

Nuts -- Nuts are one of the best sources of manganese for vegetarians and vegans. One 28 gram serving of hazelnuts, for instance, supplies us with 78 percent of our RDI. Pecans, macadamia nuts and walnuts also contain over 40 percent of our RDI per 28 grams. Other nuts, such as almonds, cashews and pistachios, contain fewer (but still high) concentrations of manganese.

Aside from their manganese content, nuts are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, plant sterols (which are known to reduce LDL cholesterol) and L-arginine, a semi-essential amino acid that can boost cardiovascular function. Some people like to soak their nuts in water before eating them, since soaking mimics the natural germination process that occurs in nature, which helps neutralize anti-nutrients and activate certain enzymes.

Seeds -- Seeds often contain similar nutritional profiles to nuts, so it isn't surprising that they're also high in manganese. Pumpkin seeds seem to be the best source, containing 1.3 milligrams of the mineral (64 percent of the RDI) per 28 gram serving. Chia seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseeds and sunflower seeds are also excellent sources, with one 28 gram serving of each providing us with at least 30 percent of our RDI of manganese.

Seeds also tend to be rich in zinc, magnesium and beneficial plant compounds called phytosterols. Like nuts, seeds (especially chia seeds) benefit from being soaked in water before consumption.

Beans -- Beans are one of the longest-cultivated crops and have been an important source of protein throughout the Old and New World. They are also consistently high in manganese. Half of a cup (85 grams) of lima beans and winged beans, for example, contain just over half of our RDI. Chickpeas, adzuki beans and white beans are packed with manganese as well.

Other excellent sources of manganese include leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale, most dried herbs and spices (especially cloves), rice bran, garlic, blackstrap molasses and sun-dried tomatoes. Most whole foods contain small amounts of manganese, however, which is why people who eat a diet rich in organic whole foods are rarely deficient in it.


About the author:
Michael Ravensthorpe is an independent writer whose research interests include nutrition, alternative medicine, and bushcraft. He is the creator of the website, Spiritfoods, through which he promotes the world's healthiest foods.

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Yet another cancer doctor admits fabricating false positives to profit from selling toxic chemotherapy

(NaturalNews) If you were to travel the world trying to search out the most insidious con artists, scammers, hucksters and quacks, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone worse than a pharma-centric oncology doctor. These are the highly-paid hucksters that poison people to death while pretending to sell them "treatment" for a disease they very often don't even have in the first place.

Case in point: the U.S. Department of Justice's prosecution of Dr. Fata, who was arrested and charged with twelve counts of "Health Care Fraud" and another county of "Conspiracy to Pay and Receive Kickbacks."

As explained by naturopathic doctor Dave Mihalovic on [1], Dr. Fata was "a prominent cancer doctor in Michigan who admitted in court one year ago to intentionally and wrongfully diagnosing healthy people with cancer. Fata also admitted to giving them chemotherapy drugs for the purpose of making a profit."

The article goes on to report:

"It is my choice," Fata said on Tuesday of his surprise guilty plea, which included rattling off the names of numerous drugs he prescribed for his patients over the years. In each admission, he uttered these words:

"I knew that it was medically unnecessary."

Fata was charged with running a $35-million Medicare fraud scheme that involved billing the government for medically unnecessary oncology and hematology treatments. The government says Fata ran the scheme from 2009 to the present, through his medical businesses, including Michigan Hematology Oncology Centers, with offices in Clarkston, Bloomfield Hills, Lapeer, Sterling Heights, Troy and Oak Park.

According to the government, Fata had a patient load of 1,200 people and received $62 million from Medicare; he billed for more than $150 million.

Dr. Fata, like countless other oncologists, used highly unethical scare tactics to trick patients into agreeing to expensive chemotherapy they don't even need. The point of all this is to bill Medicare for millions in toxic chemotherapy treatments, raking in obscene profits while sending patients home with permanently damaged livers, kidneys and brains... all documented side effects of toxic chemotherapy.

Cancer doctors are slick used car salesmen pretending to be medical professionals

This problem is far more widespread than you might imagine. I recently heard of a case where a woman had a small cancer tumor removed from her breast and was told all the other surrounding tissue (including lymph nodes) tested negative for cancer. The cancer was 100% local and non-systemic, in other words.

Yet for weeks after surgery, she was hounded by the hospital's oncologist who demanded to see her for a "treatment plan" that would involve exposing her to toxic chemotherapy chemicals while billing her insurance for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

When she pointed out that there was no other cancer and asked what purpose chemotherapy could possibly play in a person who had no cancer, she was told -- get this -- that chemotherapy works as a "preventive" measure against cancer.

You can't overstate the quackery and outright medical fraud in such a suggestion. The idea that chemotherapy is some sort of nutrient that prevents cancer is nothing more than the delusional wild fantasy of the very oncologists who profit from selling patients these toxic treatments. Yet these unscrupulous doctors disguise their for-profit sales calls as "medical consultations" -- all while wholly neglecting to mention their outrageous financial conflicts of interest.

Yes, the quack doctor who "diagnoses" you with cancer is the very same quack doctor who also cashes the high-dollar Medicare checks sent to his clinic after he "treats" you by poisoning you with chemicals. This stunning conflict of interest is never mentioned to patients. Instead, these doctors engage in the most insidious scare tactics imaginable, telling patients things like, "You won't be alive in six months unless you agree to this treatment."

If any other profession acted in such a highly unethical manner, such practices would be widely condemned as dishonest hucksterism. But somehow when these crimes against women are conducted behind the disguises of white lab coats and state-sanctioned medical licenses, society looks the other way as these con artists poison our sisters, mothers, grandmothers, aunts and daughters. Any human being with a set of breasts is a profiteering target of the unscrupulous cancer industry that's far more interested in making money off cancer than ever curing it.

The mammography scam snags women to be poisoned for profit

"Breast cancer screenings also result in an increase in breast cancer mortality and fail to address prevention," reports "Despite no evidence ever having supported any recommendations made for regular periodic screening and mammography at any age, malicious recommendations from the Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) on breast cancer screening are now suggesting that breast cancer screening should begin at age 40 and earlier in high-risk patients."

Indeed, mammograms harm ten women for every one woman they help, and the number of false positives in the cancer industry is unimaginably high. Every year across America and other nations where the racketeering cancer industry has invaded health care, women's lives are sacrificed in the name of cancer profits.

To cover it up, all causes of death of these women who killed by chemotherapy are instead listed as being caused by "cancer." There likely isn't a single death certificate in America where the cause of death is listed as "chemotherapy." This is how the industry buries the truth about the number of women it is routinely killing while raking in criminal profits by committing massive health care fraud. Some even call it "medical murder" carried out by the medical mafia.

As explains, "Dr. Farid Fata is only a consequence of the system. Like him there are thousands of legally practicing Doctors and oncologists in the United States and abroad who are guilty of the same crimes, but because they fly below the radar, they are never caught."

It's also because new victims keeps walking through the doors of these criminal cancer clinics, asking for medical help. But instead of being helped, they are very often poisoned and even killed as part of the grand Medicare billing scheme that enriches quack doctors while destroying the health and lives of countless innocent women.

The cancer industry body count makes terrorism look tame

This ongoing crime against women dwarfs the body count of all the world's acts of terrorism and war combined. The war against women being waged by the cancer industry -- and spurned by ringleaders like Susan G. Komen -- is nothing less than a crime against humanity.

To call it "medicine" is an insult to human dignity. It is not medicine; it is a way to turn a female body into financial riches for the doctor while destroying the health of the woman.

NEVER trust an oncologist. They will knowingly poison you for profit for the simple reason that their bank account is more important to them than your health. If they seem really genuine and caring, it's because they genuinely care about their bank accounts... and YOU are the answer to them suckering Medicare out of a few hundred thousand more dollars.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cancer develops from fungal infections, like Candida

(NaturalNews) The numbers related to those who are diagnosed with cancer and who die from it are sickening, to the point that cancer is on the doorstep of knocking out heart disease as the number one killer in the United States. It is estimated approximately that 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with some type of cancer, and recent data shows that cancer claims at least 576,691 people per year, or nearly 23% of ALL deaths.

There are very few common threads among experts on what causes cancer, aside from obvious lifestyle choices like smoking and alcohol. However, to think cancer is largely caused by one thing is a bit too simplistic...or is it? Turns out, it may not be that complicated.

A simple fungal infection can cause cancer

According to The Home Medical Encyclopedia, in 1963 about 50% of all Americans suffered from an "unrecognized" systemic fungal infection. These infections can be brought on by many different factors that alter the optimal state of our intestinal ecology, most notably antibiotics, birth control pills, excessive processed sugar and grain consumption, heavy metal contamination, xenoestrogens, alcohol, smoking, and chronic stress. These factors, in combination with diets severely deficient in active enzymes and probiotics, have paved the way for the most prevalent fungal infection to take over, Candida albicans.

But how does a fungal problem like Candida lead to an eventual cancer diagnosis?

According to Dr. Robert Young:

"Bacteria, yeast/fungi, and mold are not the cause of a cancerous condition but are the result and the evidence of cells and tissues biologically transforming from a healthy state into an unhealthy state." Dr. Young astutely observed that, "over-acidification of the body leads to the development of chronic yeast and fungal infections and ultimately a cancerous condition of the cells and tissues."

Further backing this theory is the understanding that yeasts like Candida are anaerobes - which means they generate their energy in the absence of oxygen. Once in the blood stream, they can colonize in certain areas of the body and dramatically reduce oxygen levels. This results in local cells switching their energy system from oxygen based to one that doesn't use oxygen. This is the system used by cancer cells, which do not use oxygen to generate their energy. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize in 1931 for informing the world of this property of cancer cells and that oxygen was their enemy!

It has also been shown that beneficial bacteria in your intestine are known to direct up to 85 per cent of your immune response, to release anti-cancer vitamins (like biotin, B-12, folic acid, and vitamin K) from your foods and even to produce a compound (sodium butyrate), which causes cancer cells to self-destruct. Beneficial bacteria don't work well if the acidity of the gut increases, and they will be severely impaired in their anti-cancer function if you have a systemic Candida infection.

The Mayo clinic has also confirmed that cancer is a fungus, can be caused by a fungus, or is accompanied by late stage fungal infections. Johns Hopkins found that the drug itraconazole, commonly used to treat toenail fungus, can also block angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels commonly seen in cancers which allow metastases (spreading of cancer throughout the body) to occur.

Knowing these truths, is it any surprise that cancer is so rampant? How many people do you know that have:

  • Taken antibiotics (or any other prescription medication)
  • Used birth control pills
  • Eaten non-organic foods, high in sugars, grains (especially gluten) and starches (like potatoes)
  • Have metal dental fillings and have been vaccinated (exposed to mercury)
  • Consumed foods and beverages out of plastic containers
  • Drank beer, wine, or hard alcohol regularly
  • Consumed caffeine on a daily basis
  • Smoked cigarettes
  • Live with chronic underlying stress
Any ONE of these things can facilitate Candida overgrowth, and in many cases people are dealing with at least 2 or 3 of these from their history. It's important to note that a systemic Candida infection is not a quick fix, so recent changes in your lifestyle are not likely to have completely reversed the problem. It can take years of a lifestyle change that completely avoids the factors listed above (and more) and a diet rich in enzyme and probiotic rich foods to completely eliminate Candida.

If you want to avoid the runaway train that is cancer, there is not doubt that you need to at least avoid a Candida overgrowth. To understand the symptoms, do a simple at home test, and get advice on how to get it under control, check out Candida Infection? Try the Spit Test! and check out Kill Candida.


About the author:
Derek Henry, B.Kin, is a highly revered holistic health coach and world renowned natural health blogger and educator who created Healing the Body to help people understand the fundamental principles to exceptional health so they can overcome their own health challenges. 

In this pursuit he created THRIVE, an 8 week online holistic health program designed to give you everything you need in order to be truly healthy. 

Check out THRIVE, and get all the answers you need for a healthy 2015!

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Monday, January 19, 2015

Suffer from pain? Skip the ibuprofen and try these natural alternatives instead

(NaturalNews) It is your body's way of telling you that something is amiss -- pain, and for many people, the chronic variety that only the constant use of painkillers seems to mitigate. The advice of many conventional doctors is to just pop a few aspirin or ibuprofen when it shows up and go about your day. But is this approach really effective or safe?

As you may already know, many pharmaceutical painkillers are derived from plants, herbs, and other substances that possess natural painkilling properties. You won't typically hear about these natural sources of pain relief from the media because they aren't big moneymakers for drug companies, which reap billions of dollars selling you synthetic, patented imitations that more often than not come with harmful side effects.

In the case of ibuprofen and aspirin, these side effects include things like anemia, DNA damage, hearing loss, hypertension, miscarriage, influenza mortality and heart disease. Worse is the fact that these pharmaceutical painkillers mainly just cover up the pain, doing nothing to address its cause while inflicting further harm from deadly side effects.

The good news, though, is that there are plenty of natural ways to relieve pain without destroying your vital organs and risking an early death. And in some cases, these natural remedies can actually help your body heal from whatever is causing the pain in the first place.

1) Cannabis (marijuana). The first and arguably most effective natural pain reliever is cannabis, or marijuana, which scientists from the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IoM) have determined treats all sorts of pain, both chronic and acute. As it turns out, the human body contains cannabinoid receptors that respond to marijuana cannabinoids such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

As explained in the book Marijuana As Medicine?: The Science Beyond the Controversy, published by the National Academies Press, peripheral nerves throughout the body that detect pain sensations contain abundant cannabinoid receptors, which are directly activated by the cannabinoids found naturally in marijuana. When consumed, cannabis effectively blocks pain, including extreme pain caused by autoimmune diseases and cancer, without causing harmful side effects.

2) White willow bark. The natural herb used to produce aspirin, white willow bark, contains a substance known as salicin that, upon entering the stomach, turns into salicylic acid. This powerful substance is recognized in the scientific literature as an effective remedy for inflammation, fever, gastric upset and various other forms of pain. Both traditional Chinese and European medicine favor white willow bark as a treatment for headaches, lower back pain, osteoarthritis and inflammatory conditions such as bursitis and tendinitis.

3) Boswellia. Also known as "Indian frankincense," boswellia extract is another powerful anti-inflammatory substance found in boswellia trees. It is rich in boswellic acids that help improve blood flow to joints and block inflammatory white blood cells from entering damaged tissue. One study found that boswellia helped reduce the pain index of pain patients by 90 percent, as well as spur 70 percent of ulcerative colitis patients into total remission.

4) Capsaicin. Primarily a topical pain reliever, capsaicin helps relieve nerve, muscle and joint pain by blocking a chemical in the body known as "substance P" that transmits pain signals to the brain. Since it is found naturally in chili peppers, capsaicin cream can very easily be made at home by mixing cayenne pepper powder with a delivery oil such as almond or jojoba, along with beeswax. An excellent recipe for this is available here:

5) Cat's claw. Also known as Uncaria tomentosa, or una de gato, cat's claw is a South American herb that contains powerful anti-inflammatory agents that aid in naturally blocking production of prostaglandin, a hormone that contributes to pain and inflammation. It has been used for hundreds of years in traditional medicine, and modern science has found that it can promote DNA repair, joint health, immune function and normal cell division.

Omega-3 fatty acids. Sometimes referred to as grease for the joints, omega-3 fatty acids like the kinds found naturally in salmon, krill, skate and other sea animals, as well as hemp, chia and flax seeds, are a powerful and all-natural anti-inflammatory medicine. They are constantly being reported to help ease chronic pain and inflammatory conditions, as well as reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers can also benefit from omega-3s, which have been shown to help relieve joint pain and morning stiffness, as well as quell inflammation naturally, potentially better than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

7) Curcumin. One of the primary active components in turmeric, curcumin is widely regarded as a potent painkiller. Similar to capsaicin, curcumin helps block pain signals from reaching the brain, and chronic pain sufferers report dramatic relief from taking it daily. And the BCM-95 variety of curcumin in particular reportedly fights the joint-damaging effects of arthritis by targeting a range of inflammatory targets all at once.


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U2's Bono partners with Monsanto to destroy African agriculture with GMOs

(NaturalNews) As his career continues to free fall into total irrelevance, pop star "Bono" of the rock group U2 has announced his support for a U.S.-backed plan to rape and pillage Africa by stealing its land and agricultural systems and replacing them with corporate-owned GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) and chemicals.

At the recent G8 Summit held at Camp David in Maryland, the Obama regime met with private industry leaders to announce the launch of the "New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition," a thinly-veiled Green Revolution 2.0 that aims to uproot autonomous family farming systems throughout Africa and replace them with toxic monoculture systems controlled by multinational corporations like Monsanto.

The deceptively titled scheme, which investigative journalist Rady Ananda describes as "a euphemism for monocultured, genetically modified crops and toxic agrochemicals aimed at making poor farmers debt slaves to corporations, while destroying the ecosphere for profit," follows the usual script -- all those poor African people need American corporations to take control of their lives so they can be healthy and prosperous.

It is a tired mantra that, upon closer look, is easily exposed as a complete sham to both exploit the vulnerable for obscene profits and seize control over the food supply. And this overtly evil agenda is one that Bono apparently believes is good, at least for the American interests that are slithering their way into Africa under the guise of helping the poor.

"They're future consumers for the United States," stated Bono during a 2012 interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports, referring to the people of Africa who have yet to be assimilated into the beast system. "The president is talking business. This is good. It's a whole new development paradigm today. The old donor/recipient relationship... it's over."

A video clip of Bono speaking these menacing words is available here:

Africa says NO to agricultural genocide being foisted by US

Africa has long been a target of perverse American exploitation, with its rich diversity of minerals, gems and precious metals, a.k.a. lots of dollar signs for greedy mega-corporations. It is only natural, then, that this insatiable lust for filthy lucre extend to food and agriculture as well, much like it already has in the U.S. where GMOs and corporate monoculture rule the day.

Never mind that the African people are vehemently opposed to having their agricultural heritage stolen from them by U.S. interests. The African Civil Society Organizations recently had this to say about the so-called "public private partnerships" being established to eliminate African sovereignty over its own food supply:

"We request that: -- governments, FAO, the G8, the World Bank and the GAFSP [Global Agriculture and Food Security Program] reconsider their promotion of Public/Private Partnerships which, as they are now conceived, are not suitable instruments to support the family farms which are the very basis of African food security and sovereignty."

There's really no other way to interpret this than Africa telling the U.S. and its corporate masters across the globe to shove it and stay out of their land. The first Green Revolution was an absolute failure, and this second proposed one will be even worse. Nothing about the plan benefits ordinary farmers or citizens of Africa -- it is all about enriching multinational corporations under the guise of humanitarian aid.

"All these systems are extremely tenuous, vulnerable, not robust, not resilient," explains a report by Volatility about the nature of corporate agriculture. "They're all guaranteed to collapse. Hermetic monoculture, and industrial agriculture as such, is one big hothouse flower which requires perfect conditions to survive."


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