Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A simple guide to evaluating your drinking water options

(NaturalNews) When you start to become healthy, one of the easiest things to incorporate into your routine is increased water consumption. It doesn't cost much, involves no real preparation, and doesn't offend the taste buds. However, due to the pollution of the public water system and our waterways, finding clean and nourishing water has become quite a task.

So where do you begin? Start by understanding the main routes people get their drinking water and their general effectiveness in clean, nourishing hydration.

Tap water

Tap water has come under a lot of scrutiny in the last few decades, for good reason. The addition of fluoride and chlorine to our water supply has created many health problems, along with over 2,100 other contaminants found in the public water supply.

Even though we were told that fluoride has a beneficial effect on our teeth and bones, there has been research that has indicated quite the opposite. Fluoride has actually been linked to increased cavities and bone fractures, behavioral problems, cancer, thyroid problems, and lowered IQ.

For these reasons, it's advisable to stay completely away from unfiltered tap water.

Plastic bottled water

Bottled water has created a convenience that has more people drinking water overall, but unfortunately, it can have even more levels of contaminants than tap water. In a study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), 9 out of 10 of the most popular brands failed to identify the methods in which their product was filtered or purified. After doing more research, the EWG found that almost 50% of bottled water is municipal tap water and is less regulated than tap water in terms of contaminants!

Aside from this problem, one needs to also keep in mind that plastic bottled water contains Bisphenol A, a hormone disrupting chemical which can cause cancer, obesity, and intestinal problems. Also, if you care about the planet, the amount of energy and resources placed in the production of the planet and the litter caused by plastic bottles is atrocious.

If you choose bottled water, get it in glass or a biodegradable carton, then reuse or recycle appropriately.

Filtered water

Filtered water systems are a nice way to purify your water provided the system you use actually removes the majority of contaminants that are an issue in our public water supply. Unfortunately, many of the well-known brands produce inferior results, so you need to do your research when choosing a quality water filter.

To get results of different filters tested and their ability to remove toxic elements, check out the first source below.

Alkaline water systems

Alkaline water systems have been heavily promoted in recent years, and although they do have their benefits, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First of all, these systems can deliver exceptional active hydrogen and abundant colloidal mineral content, which is nice to have in your drinking water. However, the pH levels of these systems are often unnaturally high, sometimes registering 12-13 on the pH scale. Although this may be a boon to someone who is overly acidic, over the long term a healthy person needs to be wary of such a high pH as it could contribute to being overly alkaline, which has its own set of health problems.

If you choose an alkaline water system, look for those that deliver a more natural pH of 8 - 9.

Spring water

The purest, most original source of water, spring water has been largely forgotten about with the popularity of bottled water and all the filtration systems that have hit the market. That, and people simply don't want to spend much time acquiring one of our basic human necessities. However, it is the source that all other systems try to imitate in order to increase proper hydration.

Spring water, when collected from an approve source, is the most hydrating and beneficial water you can possibly drink. Not only is it "alive" (unlike any other water sources), it is exceptionally hydrating, mineralizing, and full of oxygen. It is also very satisfying to the palate, as compared to many other water sources.

To learn more about the validity of other water sources, how to find a spring, and the best filters on the market, visit this Guide to Drinking Water. Fora another view on the best water, see the second source below. For an amazing detox, check out the One Gallon Challenge.






About the author:
Derek Henry, B.Kin, is a highly revered holistic health coach and world renowned natural health blogger and educator who created Healing the Body Healing the Bodyto help people understand the fundamental principles to exceptional health so they can overcome their own health challenges. 

In this pursuit he created proven protocols and guides in the Ultimate Reset personal coaching program, the THRIVE online holistic health program, and his very popular Wellness Transformation E-Guide.

Connect with Derek and Healing the Body on Facebook Facebookand Twitter!

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/047695_drinking_water_plastic_bottles_hydration.html#ixzz3JPmoJEH8

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