Saturday, November 29, 2014

Is Thanksgiving food killing you? How to choose holiday food that's healthy, not toxic

(NaturalNews) This Thanksgiving, I want you to stay healthy while enjoying the celebration of abundance the holiday represents. That means knowing which Thanksgiving foods to enjoy vs. avoid, and that's what this article is all about.

To eat in a healthy way on Thanksgiving, you don't have to be a food snob and show up to a turkey dinner with a bowl full of sprouts, but there are decisions you can make to enjoy your Thanksgiving eating while avoiding toxic food ingredients like MSG, GMOs, aspartame, chemical food colorings and chemical preservatives.

Farm-fresh Thanksgiving vs. processed food "factory Thanksgiving"

In my history as a food advocate, I've been a meat eater, a vegetarian, a vegan and a Mediterranean Diet follower. I've done fasting, juicing, cleansing and low-carb. But the most important wisdom I've learned from all this that's really worth mentioning for Thanksgiving is that nearly ALL food that's organically raised on a farm and eaten fresh is GOOD for you. This includes fresh dairy, fresh eggs, fresh meats and homemade sweets made with unprocessed ingredients like honey (not sugar!) and stone-ground whole wheat flour.

At the same time, nearly every food made in a factory is BAD for you. Anything that's overly refined, processed, modified, homogenized, pasteurized or fattened up with genetically modified feed is going to promote disease and obesity.

Turkey gravy from a gravy mix packet, in other words, is toxic because it's almost always made with MSG and thickened with corn starch derived from genetically modified corn. But turkey gravy made from actual turkey juices and thickened with home-ground flours and organic starches is a completely different story. This is especially true if it's from a turkey that one of your family members harvested in the wild -- that's by far the most healthful turkey meat you'll ever eat, and it's far less cruel to kill a turkey with one shot than to condemn a turkey to a lifetime of being imprisoned in a turkey factory cage and fattened with hormones, chemicals and GMOs.

I'm not saying you have to eat turkey to have a healthy Thanksgiving meal, of course. There are plenty of vegetarian and vegan options available to those who choose not to eat meat. But for those who do eat turkey meat, I strongly urge you to avoid the factory-produced turkey sold at grocery stores and bought by oblivious consumers who have no clue about the cruel, inhumane, unhealthy way in which factory turkeys are raised and processed.

Pumpkin pie and apple pie

Pies can be good for you, too, if they're made from scratch and without using toxic ingredients like vegetable shortening.

Shortening is a disease-promoting food ingredient. Made of cancer-causing partially hydrogenated oils, it's almost always GMO in origin and loaded with toxic trans fats, too. That's why shortening promotes cancer, heart disease and possibly even Alzheimer's.

In my educated opinion, I believe it is far healthier to use either a natural plant-based fat (such as coconut oil) or genuine animal lard (from a pig raised on your farm, for example) instead of processed shortening. Although I'm not a big meat eater myself, I would far sooner eat a pie crust made with organic pig's lard than with processed GMO vegetable shortening! Of course, I would personally prefer the coconut oil or some plant-based fats if available.

Nearly all pie crusts served today across America are made with toxic vegetable shortening and refined white sugar. Both of these ingredients are poisonous to human biology.

Pie fillings are also toxic because they're usually made with refined white sugar. A far healthier and better replacement is palm sugar or coconut sugar, both of which are far more rich in terms of minerals while also having a far lower glycemic index than processed white sugar.

Remember: Any food that's processed and white is BAD for you: white sugar, white bread, white flour, etc.

Try making a raw pumpkin pie!

For pumpkin and apple pies, I actually recommend making raw pies. That's right: no cooking required. The raw fruit in the pie filling is far better for you than cooked fruit. Plus, you'll receive more nutrients, more protein and more intact fibers. Here's an awesome recipe for making raw pie that's also vegan.

And although some of my vegan friends might tease me about this, there's nothing wrong with eating a healthy, raw vegan pie after chowing down on some free-range turkey with gravy. Vegan foods can be individually selected as you see fit, and even if you live a mostly vegan lifestyle, you don't have to be 100% vegan to experience the remarkable health benefits of eating vegan most of the time. (In fact, a lot of vegans "cheat" from time to time and enjoy raw cow's milk, an omelet or even some fatty meats cooked into a stew from time to time.)

Mashed potatoes - grow your own and mash 'em yourself!

Do I even need to say that instant mashed potatoes are less than ideal for your health? You're far better off to buy whole potatoes (or grow your own if you've got some dirt) and mash 'em yourself.

Importantly, mashed potatoes should include the potato skins. That's the only healthy part of the potato, of course, and it's silly that most people peel the skin off and throw it away. Even worse, most people don't have backyard chickens to throw the skins to! They toss them into the garbage! Geesh, if you're going to peel the potatoes, at least compost the skins into soil and use that soil to grow more potatoes.

Breads, rolls and stuffing

Please don't eat breads and rolls made from processed white flour. Throwing some processed bread materials into an oven does not count as home cooking, either. Real home cooking means you make the dough, and you'd be smart to make the dough from wholesome, organic ingredients that are minimally processed.

Store-bought stuffing, by the way, is usually laced with MSG or similar excitotoxins like yeast extract or hydrolyzed vegetable protein. Most gravy mixes are also laced with MSG which is why so many people get headaches and migraines after eating a Thanksgiving meal.

If you eat stuffing, make sure it's truly homemade and not from a factory food box. That rule, of course, applies to everything you eat at Thanksgiving.

Choose organic and non-GMO wherever possible

Green beans, corn and beets are all very healthy vegetables when grown organically and non-GMO. But watch out for GMO corn and even genetically modified beets. (Green beans, thankfully, aren't yet GMO).

If you do eat greens of any kind, try to make sure your family members didn't cook the life out of them. For some reason, "pioneer cooking" in America seems to require that you cook every vegetable into a lifeless mass. This is not the proper way to preserve the nutrition found in vegetables. Green beans, for example, should remain somewhat crispy, and it's far healthier to stir-fry them quickly in a wok rather than boil them to death in a pot of water (and most people toss out the water, which is where a lot of the nutrients go).

The best way to ensure the health properties of your veggies and fruits is to buy organic, unprocessed foods and expose them to minimal heat during cooking. Nearly all fruits should be eaten raw, by the way, as heat quickly destroys most of their valuable medicinal nutrients.

Sweets and treats

Nearly all sweets you'll find at Thanksgiving are made with toxic hydrogenated oils (shortening) and refined white sugar. For this reason, they should all be avoided.

Healthy sweets must be made with natural oils and full-spectrum sweeteners such as honey or palm sugar. Don't be fooled by "brown sugar" sold at grocery stores -- it's just white sugar that's processed into a brown color with a slightly different taste profile.

Raw foodies know that the best tasting and most healthful treats are made from things like nuts and date paste. You can make delicious cookies, cakes and other treats with date paste as the base, adding in other ingredients like coconut flour to give it more bulk. Coconut flakes and shreds are also ideal for this purpose. I think Trader Joe's still sells coconut date rolls, in fact, and they're actually a very healthy treat.

Only YOU can decide what kind of food decisions to make for yourself

In all, remember that you have total control over what you decide to eat. Even during a holiday food extravaganza like Thanksgiving, you can still make intelligent, informed decisions to eat in a more healthful way.

There is no need whatsoever to punish yourself with toxic food ingredients like hydrogenated oils, MSG, aspartame, GMOs, artificial food coloring and factory-raised meats. If you're going to celebrate abundance, why not celebrate with healthful food choices that enhance your long-term enjoyment of life instead of contributing to diabetes, cancer, heart disease and obesity?

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How to prevent flu season viruses from infecting you

(NaturalNews) With Ebola on everybody's minds these days, the topic of disease prevention, and particularly how to avoid viral infections -- incidentally, the annual rite of "flu season" is also upon us -- is surely on every survivalist's radar. But learning how best to prepare for, well, the worst poses its own set of unique challenges because, quite frankly, real solutions for disease eradication aren't exactly popular media's thing.

Most mainstream news outlets simply tell people to constantly wash their hands and avoid human contact, but this is hardly foolproof, nor is it practical or even necessary. Strengthening one's immune system should be the first line of defense, and learning how to effectively prevent infection the second. The latter approach is two-pronged, meaning there are safe and effective ways to kill viruses on surfaces as well as inside your body, and knowing both is critical for long-term survival.

Ultraviolet C light disinfects water, sterilizes surfaces

Measuring in wavelengths between 100 and 280 nanometers (nm), as defined by the World Health Organization, ultraviolet C, or UVC (short wave), light is one effective way to rid exposed surfaces of harmful pathogens. A growing number of hospitals, which are notorious for harboring antibiotic-resistant "superbug" pathogens, have chosen this non-toxic method as a first-line defense against pathogens, and you can, too.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recognizes UV light as effective in the purification of water, as it destroys harmful microbes including yeast, bacteria, algae, molds, viruses and oocysts. Many water treatment facilities use UV light to control microorganisms, as it penetrates the cell walls and cytoplasmic membranes of organisms and rearranges their DNA, effectively blocking them from reproducing.

UV robots at hospitals are already proving to be more effective than bleach at cleansing equipment and sterilizing rooms. Up to 25,000 times more powerful than natural sunlight, UV robots can be programmed to shine light on all exposed or potentially compromised surfaces, including under beds and between curtain folds. After about 10 minutes, anything living on surfaces will be rendered completely sterile.

"We can clean and disinfect a room (by hand) to an 85% level, but when we use the ultraviolet light we can clean that room to 99.9%," stated Dr. Ray Casciari, a pulmonary disease specialist at St. Joseph Hospital, to CNN. "This is the future of hospitals because 85% is not enough."

Silver, copper solutions prove effective against harmful pathogens

The metals silver and copper are effective disease killers as well. The colloids of both metals exert an "oligodynamic effect" on microorganisms, effectively killing fungi, viruses, molds and various living cells, even at very low concentrations. Put simply, silver and copper colloids bind to the proteins of pathogens and basically deactivate them, resulting in their death.

Researchers from the National College of Kathmandu in Nepal described this process in a 2002 study they published, which looked at how metal ions interact with microorganisms. They wrote:

"The exact mechanism of this action is still unknown but some data suggest that the metal ions denature protein of the target cells by binding to reactive groups resulting in their precipitation and inactivation. The high affinity of cellular proteins for the metallic ions results in the death of the cells due to cumulative effects of the ion within the cells."

Boost your immune system with antiviral herbs

Having to constantly worry about the pathogenicity of the surfaces you touch is really only necessary, though, when your immune system is not up to par. If your immune system is strong and well-supported with proper nutrition, your chances of succumbing to illness are greatly reduced, which is why it's so important to eat right for your survival.

Purposely supplementing your diet with antiviral foods and herbs is critical if you want to avoid viral infections. Here's some helpful ones you may want to incorporate into your diet:

1. Apple cider vinegar. For regular maintenance, take one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a splash of fresh lemon, every morning in water or juice. Raw apple cider vinegar with the "mother" is rich in nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, sodium (the healthy kind!), magnesium, sulfur, iron, copper, fluorine (not the synthetic type of fluoride added to water), silicon and pectin, as well as dozens of trace minerals and essential amino acids.

All of these are highly effective at alkalizing and detoxifying the body, making conditions unfriendly to pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

2. Oil of oregano. Hailed for its amazing antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant potency, oil of oregano belongs in every survivalist's health repertoire. Studies have shown that the carvacrol component of the oil is particularly beneficial in targeting and eliminating viruses. And unlike pharmaceutical drugs, oil of oregano won't kill off your healthy intestinal flora, nor will it cause antibiotic resistance.

3. Elderberry. Sometimes referred to simply as elder, elderberry has long been used as a treatment for respiratory ailments stemming from cold and flu. The University of Maryland Medical Center recognizes elderberry as having proven anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant and anticancer properties, and laboratory evidence has shown that the "superfruit" is powerfully effective at boosting immunity.

4. Vitamin C. Perhaps most well known for treating colds, vitamin C is arguably the most effective remedy for preventing and treating viruses of all kinds. The late Dr. Linus Pauling studied the nutrient extensively and found that, in order for the immune system to maintain its defenses against viral infections, vitamin C is essential. Injections of high-dose vitamin C are also effective at eradicating disease once it has taken hold.

5. Vitamin D. One of the easiest ways to maintain a vibrant immune system is to spend more time in the sun. When your skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, your body produces vitamin D, which in turn reduces your risk of developing influenza and other viral conditions. People with optimal vitamin D levels also tend to avoid getting sick in general.












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Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Nutrient-packed superfood

If you're looking for a hearty snack that's high in nutrients, pumpkin seeds are a great choice. Pumpkin seeds are used in cuisines throughout the world, and are especially popular in Latin America. They're rich in minerals including phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron and copper. They're loaded with zinc, and are a good source of vitamin E and B vitamins. They have anti-inflammatory properties and are a good source of protein. And if that weren't enough, pumpkin seeds are used in some cultures to treat tapeworms and other parasites. - See more at:

Salad bowls

Container Gardening

Grow your own!

There's no better way to know where your food comes from than to grow it yourself. We love stories about easy ways to grow your own food. Here's one about making and maintaining salad bowls in a container--no garden needed. If you live in a city, you can make a continuous harvest. They are easy-to-care-for bowls. - See more at:

Big Food

Health, Culture, and the Evolution of Eating

The Big Food exhibition is a collaboration between the Peabody, the Community Alliance for Research and Engagement (CARE) at the Yale School of Public Health, and the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity.    - See more at:


Links to birth defects and autism

The "smoking gun" for 
the cover-up about aspartame

From "When Science Sleeps" by Dr. Woodrow C. Monte: In an article published in 1985 warning about potential health dangers posed by the methanol from aspartame, I stated that the scientific literature contained no studies addressing the critical question as to whether aspartame or methanol would cause birth defects. I was incorrect in saying that, but only because I was purposefully prevented from seeing a key FDA memo dated September 11, 1978 describing the details of birth defects and serious developmental brain damage found in the offspring of laboratory rabbits whose mothers had been feed aspartame during pregnancy. This memo and the research data it describes were kept secret for over thirty years until January of 2011, when the memo was finally released as the result of a Freedom of Information request.

Read the full chapter from "When Science Sleeps" here. - See more at:


Lots of healthy veggies in a refreshing soup

Soups can be amazingly healthy and satisfying. When the weather is warm and fresh tomatoes are plentiful, gazpacho is one of my favorites. This one is quick and easy. Because it's blended, you don't need to put much time into carefully chopping your ingredients. There are many variations of gazpacho: some use stale bread as a base, others call for canned tomatos or juice. Some are chunky while others are creamy like this one. This recipe is very close to how I make gazpacho, based on the recipe from a Spanish friend. The big difference between this soup and mine: I do not add any oil! Also, I use balsamic vinegar for a richer flavor, and add a bit of chipotle chili for some smoky spice. Buen provecho! - See more at:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Dr. Jonny Bowden "The Great Cholesterol Myth"

Is Your Liver Healthy

Eliminate 82% of Cardiovascular Events with These 5 Principles

What you NEED to Know About Calcium, Iodine and Thyroid

You Need More Salt!!!

Dr. Joel Wallach

BUTTER 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth

Beets! One of the healthiest foods

You can't beat them for nutrition

Beets are packed with nutrition. They are an excellent source of folate, and research has shown that the red pigment, betacyanin, protects against heart disease and cancer. Beets are loaded with potassium. Cup for cup, beet roots have about the same amount of potassium as bananas, and beet greens have twice as much. Add to that the fact the beets are high in fiber, low in calories, and inexpensive, and you have an all around winner as a nutritious addition to your diet. - See more at:

Cranberry health benefits and natural remedies - with raw food recipe

(NaturalNews) Cranberries are well known for treating urinary tract infections, but they do much more - from cardiovascular protection to cancer prevention.

The phytonutrients in cranberries include phenolic acids, proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and triterpenoids and they are high in fiber, vitamin C, and manganese.

Cranberry extracts support the immune system and have been proven to reduced the risk of colds and flu. Cranberries help the entire digestive tract from aiding in gum health in the mouth through supporting the balance of bacteria in the gut. The proanthocyanidins in cranberries inhibit bacteria from latching onto the lining of the urinary tract and the stomach lining (preventing ulcers).

Cranberries are both an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant, especially when the berries are eaten as a whole food. The anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation in the stomach, the colon and the cardiovascular system. In the vascular system, these properties inhibit the formation of plaque on the vessel walls. Studies have confirmed that cranberries help prevent cancer, specifically breast, colon, prostate, and lung cancer.

Are there genetically modified cranberries?

Cranberries are not genetically modified; however, cranberry juices and dried cranberries are sweetened with either high fructose corn syrup or beet sugar and 90% of corn and beet crops are genetically modified.

Organic verse conventional cranberries

Proponents of conventional farming methods for cranberries state that the bogs used to raise cranberries are rife with natural pests and that the wetlands encourage fungi. The What's On My Food website reveals 13 pesticides found on cranberries. Of these, 3 are known or probable carcinogens, 6 are suspected hormone disruptors, 5 are neurotoxins, 1 is a developmental or reproductive toxin and 6 are honeybee toxins.

Things you didn't know about cranberries

There are only 3 commercially cultivated fruit crops that are native to North America. Cranberries are one of the three.

Cranberry vines do not need to be replanted each year. If properly cared for, vines last for years. Many cranberry farms produce crops each year from vines 150+ years old.

How to store cranberries so they last longer

Be sure to sort, removing any damaged or shriveled berries before refrigeration. Berries can be refrigerated for up to 20 days. Frozen berries can be kept for several years. Do not thaw the berries until you are ready to use them.

How to pick good cranberries

Choose firm, plump, dark red berries. The should not be bruised, broken, shriveled, tough, or sticky.

Things to consider

There is one contraindication for adding cranberries to your diet. If you suffer from kidney stones, especially calcium-oxalate stones, cranberries may exacerbate your condition.

Remember that the benefits of cranberries can be negated with pesticide consumption, GMO consumption, or sugar consumption. Look for organic dried berries sweetened with juice, organic unsweetened juice which can be sweetened with stevia or other juices, and organic fresh or frozen whole berries.

Cranberry juice has huge health benefits, but whole berries pack a much greater nutritional punch.

Raw cranberry relish recipe:

The following is a recipe from one of the most amazing chefs I know of, Raw Chef Dan, for raw Cranberry Relish. Simply blend the following ingredients in a food processor.
  • 1 cup fresh cranberries
  • 4 Medjool dates
  • 2 Tbsp chopped ginger
  • tsp. sea salt
  • med orange
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/4 cup loose mint leaves
  • 1/2 red apple
For more information on cranberries and Raw Chef Dan's video of another cranberry recipe, check out Cranberries - Health Benefits, Natural Remedies, Nutrition Info, and Recipes. There's also this tonic recipe and a cranberry stevia lemonade recipe in the One Gallon Detox.


About the author:
Kali Sinclair is a copywriter for Green Lifestyle Market, and a lead editor for Organic Lifestyle Magazine. Kali was very sick with autoimmune disease and realized that conventional medicine was not working for her. She has been restoring her health by natural means and is interested in topics including natural health, environmental issues, and human rights.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Beauty of Broccoli

Before kale, we were in love with broccoli

Broccoli is so common that it's easy to forget what a nutritional powerhouse it is. It's hard to find a more nutritious vegetable. Broccoli is a close relative to Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage. Broccoli is high in sulforophane, a sulfur-containing compound present in cruciferous vegetables. Sulforophane has anti-cancer properties and may promote the elimination of potential carcinogens from the body. It's high in fiber and low in calories. A cup of cooked broccoli offers as much Vitamin C as an orange, and is very rich in beta carotene. Broccoli contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Broccoli is a great source of vitamins K, A, and C, in addition potassium, folate, and lutein. - See more at:

8 Supplements and herbs to help you deal with stress

(NaturalNews) Times of high stress can affect your health, your sleep, and your entire sense of well-being. While chronic long-term stress is a cry for a change of lifestyle and a more serious intervention, sometimes we go through stressful periods knowing there is an end in sight. If this is your situation, know that a good diet, 8 hours of sleep a night, exercise and the following supplements can help see you through.

The following supplements will help you feel more relaxed, help you avoid illness, and help you sleep:

  • Vitamin B complex
  • Tryptophan
  • Calcium Magnesium
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Multi-vitamin or Total Nutrition Formula
  • Omega 3s
  • Melatonin (if insomnia is a problem)
  • Valerian Root (if insomnia is a problem)

Vitamin B complex

While a few of the B vitamins are regularly recommended for stress, it is always best to take B vitamins in a B complex form, as B vitamins work together. Research has also shown that taking one B vitamin alone over time can actually cause deficiencies in other B vitamins. B vitamins are nature's valium. They soothe the nervous system and aid in many functions in the body and brain. They may also help you sleep.


L- tryptophan is an amino acid our body needs in order to make serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is the basic "feel good" neurotransmitter, whereas melatonin is needed for sleep.

Calcium and magnesium

Calcium and magnesium work together. Magnesium is calming to the body. You can take it as a supplement, or soak for 40 minutes in epsom salts.

Vitamin C and vitamin D

In times of great stress, the immune system is often suppressed. An extra boost of vitamin C and vitamin D aid the immune system and may keep you from catching a virus or a bacterial infection at an already difficult time.

Multi-vitamin or Total Nutrition Formula

Times of high stress are a good time to ensure that all of your nutritional needs are met. A daily multi-vitamin and/or Total Nutrition Formula will aid you in getting all the nutrients your body requires.

Omega 3s

Krill oil, flax seed oil, fish oil, or a good oil blend will help with stress and aid in concentration and mood stabilization.

Melatonin and valerian root

If L-tryptophan and B vitamins have not reversed your insomnia, add melatonin and valerian root to your nightly routine. Also see Natural Insomnia Cures. (see link below)


Coping with stress in a healthy way includes a healthy diet, adequate exercise, good sleep, and avoiding those shortcut stress reducers that do more harm than good. Don't rely on drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, or junk food to help you through stressful times. They don't help at all, even though it may seem like they do at the moment. This is a time to take excellent care of yourself to minimize the stress on your body even though there is more than enough stress in your life. An inability to handle stress is a sign of adrenal stress. Check out Natural Remedies for Adrenal Fatigue and see this Nerve Sedative Recipe for a tincture you can make yourself.


About the author:
Kali Sinclair is a copywriter for Green Lifestyle Market, and a lead editor for Organic Lifestyle Magazine. Kali was very sick with autoimmune disease and realized that conventional medicine was not working for her. She has been restoring her health by natural means and is interested in topics including natural health, environmental issues, and human rights.

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Study finds it's possible to train the brain to choose healthier food over junk food

(NaturalNews) For many people, it's difficult to break their pattern of reaching for unhealthy, processed foods that are laden with chemicals and a high sugar and fat content. While they're aware that eating more fruits and vegetables is necessary to fight obesity, diabetes, skin conditions and a slew of other health concerns that come as a result of partaking in a traditional junk food diet, it's easier said than done.

Or is it?

New research has shown that it may be possible to train the brain to actually desire the likes of broccoli over foods like French fries and in turn, be a healthier, non-invasive alternative to methods such as gastric bypass surgery. (1)

Scientists at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (USDA HNRCA) at Tufts University and at Massachusetts General Hospital set out to determine how people react to healthier foods over time. (1) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans of groups of overweight and obese men and women were analyzed by these experts over a six-month period while they consumed a variety of foods, including one specialized healthy-eating program put together by the researchers.

After six months, it was noted that the portion of the brain linked to rewards as it relates to addiction and learning was more sensitive in response to eating lower-calorie, healthy foods than when eating other, unhealthier alternatives.(1)

Weight loss surgery not necessary to train the body to eat healthier

"Although other studies have shown that surgical procedures like gastric bypass surgery can decrease how much people enjoy food generally, this is not very satisfactory because it takes away food enjoyment generally rather than making healthier foods more appealing," says first author and co-corresponding author Thilo Deckersbach, Ph.D., who is also a psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital.(1) "We show here that it is possible to shift preferences from unhealthy food to healthy food without surgery, and that MRI is an important technique for exploring the brain's role in food cues."(1)

Healthy foods eaten by the participants were primarily high fiber, low-glycemic options.

According to co-author Sai Krupa Das, Ph.D., a scientist in the Energy Metabolism Laboratory at the USDA HNRCA and an assistant professor at the Friedman School, "our study shows those who participated in it had an increased desire for healthier foods along with a decreased preference for unhealthy foods, the combined effects of which are probably critical for sustainable weight control."(1)

Additional health benefits of eating better

Not only is eating healthier linked to weight control and improving other health conditions, but other findings have also linked it with greater psychological growth that includes a heightened sense of well being and a more enhanced desire for curiosity and creativity.(2) "Young adults who ate more fruits and vegetables reported higher average eudaemonic well-being, more intense feelings of curiosity, and greater creativity compared with young adults who ate less fruits and vegetables," say the researches in this particular study.(2)

Healthy eating helps people from both the physical and emotional front; fresh, whole foods that consist mainly of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds can improve energy, build stronger bones, regulate mood, control weight, help the digestive system and much more.(3)





About the author:
Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straight forward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general. >>> Click here to see more by Michelle

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A simple guide to evaluating your drinking water options

(NaturalNews) When you start to become healthy, one of the easiest things to incorporate into your routine is increased water consumption. It doesn't cost much, involves no real preparation, and doesn't offend the taste buds. However, due to the pollution of the public water system and our waterways, finding clean and nourishing water has become quite a task.

So where do you begin? Start by understanding the main routes people get their drinking water and their general effectiveness in clean, nourishing hydration.

Tap water

Tap water has come under a lot of scrutiny in the last few decades, for good reason. The addition of fluoride and chlorine to our water supply has created many health problems, along with over 2,100 other contaminants found in the public water supply.

Even though we were told that fluoride has a beneficial effect on our teeth and bones, there has been research that has indicated quite the opposite. Fluoride has actually been linked to increased cavities and bone fractures, behavioral problems, cancer, thyroid problems, and lowered IQ.

For these reasons, it's advisable to stay completely away from unfiltered tap water.

Plastic bottled water

Bottled water has created a convenience that has more people drinking water overall, but unfortunately, it can have even more levels of contaminants than tap water. In a study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), 9 out of 10 of the most popular brands failed to identify the methods in which their product was filtered or purified. After doing more research, the EWG found that almost 50% of bottled water is municipal tap water and is less regulated than tap water in terms of contaminants!

Aside from this problem, one needs to also keep in mind that plastic bottled water contains Bisphenol A, a hormone disrupting chemical which can cause cancer, obesity, and intestinal problems. Also, if you care about the planet, the amount of energy and resources placed in the production of the planet and the litter caused by plastic bottles is atrocious.

If you choose bottled water, get it in glass or a biodegradable carton, then reuse or recycle appropriately.

Filtered water

Filtered water systems are a nice way to purify your water provided the system you use actually removes the majority of contaminants that are an issue in our public water supply. Unfortunately, many of the well-known brands produce inferior results, so you need to do your research when choosing a quality water filter.

To get results of different filters tested and their ability to remove toxic elements, check out the first source below.

Alkaline water systems

Alkaline water systems have been heavily promoted in recent years, and although they do have their benefits, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First of all, these systems can deliver exceptional active hydrogen and abundant colloidal mineral content, which is nice to have in your drinking water. However, the pH levels of these systems are often unnaturally high, sometimes registering 12-13 on the pH scale. Although this may be a boon to someone who is overly acidic, over the long term a healthy person needs to be wary of such a high pH as it could contribute to being overly alkaline, which has its own set of health problems.

If you choose an alkaline water system, look for those that deliver a more natural pH of 8 - 9.

Spring water

The purest, most original source of water, spring water has been largely forgotten about with the popularity of bottled water and all the filtration systems that have hit the market. That, and people simply don't want to spend much time acquiring one of our basic human necessities. However, it is the source that all other systems try to imitate in order to increase proper hydration.

Spring water, when collected from an approve source, is the most hydrating and beneficial water you can possibly drink. Not only is it "alive" (unlike any other water sources), it is exceptionally hydrating, mineralizing, and full of oxygen. It is also very satisfying to the palate, as compared to many other water sources.

To learn more about the validity of other water sources, how to find a spring, and the best filters on the market, visit this Guide to Drinking Water. Fora another view on the best water, see the second source below. For an amazing detox, check out the One Gallon Challenge.


About the author:
Derek Henry, B.Kin, is a highly revered holistic health coach and world renowned natural health blogger and educator who created Healing the Body Healing the Bodyto help people understand the fundamental principles to exceptional health so they can overcome their own health challenges. 

In this pursuit he created proven protocols and guides in the Ultimate Reset personal coaching program, the THRIVE online holistic health program, and his very popular Wellness Transformation E-Guide.

Connect with Derek and Healing the Body on Facebook Facebookand Twitter!

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