Friday, December 19, 2014

Top ways broccoli helps fight cancer

(NaturalNews) Everyone knows that they should eat more fruits and vegetables in order to enjoy better health, and maybe even extend their lifespan by more than just a few years. What many people do not realize, however, is just how good for them these foods are. In addition, most people are not aware of exactly how the fruits and vegetables they eat benefit them. Broccoli is one food that should be on the daily, or at the very least weekly, menu of every person on the planet, and here are the reasons why.

Cruciferous vegetables fight cancer

Cruciferous vegetables include vegetables such as bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, Brussells sprouts, cauliflower and a number of others. They are called this because the four petals of their flowers form a cross shape. These cruciferous vegetables contain a significant amount of fiber as well as a plethora of vitamins and minerals, elements that many scientists believe aid in the prevention of colon cancer. In addition to this, these foods contain isothiocyanates and indoles. These are compounds that help the body fight disease by reducing inflammation and helping to prevent DNA damage.

Broccoli and its role in cancer prevention

The research shows a strong correlation between eating broccoli at least three times a month and a marked reduction in the incidences of cancer among study participants. In a study from Roswell Park Cancer Institute, researchers found that individuals who ate broccoli three times a week showed a 40 percent reduction in their rates of bladder cancer.

Similar research results were presented at the American Association of Cancer Research's meeting in 2012. Women with a breast cancer diagnosis were studied. It was found that those women who increased their consumption of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, reduced their risk of cancer recurrence by 35 percent. In addition, they cut their mortality rate by 62 percent.

International research backs up this data

The United States is not the only country that has focused their research efforts on the connection between cruciferous vegetables and cancer. In both Switzerland and Italy, researchers looked at data collected across various studies and reached similar conclusions about their positive link. Though the most notable results were a 32 percent reduced rate of kidney cancer among those individuals who atecruciferous vegetables at least once a week, there were similar results with other cancers as well. These include a 17 percent reduction in oral, breast and colorectal cancers as well as a 28 percent reduction in esophageal cancer.

The evidence is clear. When those individuals who ate cruciferous vegetables about once a week were compared to their counterparts who rarely, or never, ate vegetables, the veggie eaters were much healthier. The difference in their cancer rates was so significant across the board that everyone should consider increasing their vegetable intake.


About the author:
Sandeep is an mountain climber, runner, and fitness coach. He shares his tips for staying in shape and eating healthy on quickeasyfit.

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