Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Scientists: Humans are 'an infection' and Ebola is Earth's immune response to consume all the human 'meat'

(NaturalNews) If you haven't yet read The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, a non-fiction book published in 1994, you're way behind the curve on the truth about Ebola.

This book reveals all sorts of astonishing truths about Ebola which have since been buried or distorted by a modern-day government operating in total denial. For example, the book documents numerous cases of an Ebola variant spreading via airborne routes among monkeys housed in completely separate rooms in level-4 biohazard facilities run by the U.S. Army. The fact that Ebola could spread through the air was known in the 1990s (but is ridiculously denied by the CDC today).

The Hot Zone was written by Richard Preston after he conducted dozens of interviews with virologists, scientists and doctors, many of which spent time on the front lines in Africa, hunting for the origins of Ebola. One scientist spent so much time looking for Ebola carriers in caves that he was jokingly called "Dr. Bat S#!t." The book also documents the outbreak of Ebola Reston in a U.S. Army primate laboratory, and it describes the heroic efforts to contain that outbreak.

But one of the most disturbing and fascinating passages in the book appears on page 310 in the soft cover print edition. This passage appears to be an aggregation of the thinking of the many scientists interviewed by Preston. (I don't think these words are the direct opinion of Preston himself.) Keep in mind that at the time this passage was written -- the 1990's -- the world population stood at only around five billion people. AIDS had just recently emerged, and global concern about deadly viral pandemics was on the rise.

Here's what Preston wrote in 1994:

Humans are "an infection" and Ebola is Earth's "immune response"

The emergence of AIDS, Ebola, and any number of other rainforest agents appears to be a natural consequence of the ruin of the tropical biosphere. The emerging viruses are surfacing from ecologically damaged parts of the Earth...

In a sense, the earth is mounting an immune response against the human species. It is beginning to react to the human parasite, the flooding infection of people, the dead spots of concrete all over the planet, the cancerous rot-outs in Europe, Japan and the United States, thick with replicating primates [i.e. humans], the colonies enlarging and spreading and threatening to shock the biosphere with mass extinctions.

Perhaps the biosphere does not "like" the idea of five billion humans. Or it could also be said that the extreme amplification of the human race, which has occurred only in the past hundred years or so, has suddenly produced a very large quantity of meat, which is sitting everywhere in the biosphere and may not be able to defend itself against a life form that might want to consume it...

The earth's immune system, so to speak, has recognized the presence of the human species and is starting to kick in. The earth is attempting to rid itself of an infection by the human parasite.

"Humans are the parasite and Ebola is the cure..."

If all this sounds like a scene out of The Matrix, that's because Agent Smith utters this same line of reasoning, almost word for word, to Morpheus. "Humans are a disease, and WE are the cure!" (The "we" referring to the machines, in the case of the film.)

This classification of humans as a disease "infecting" the planet is surprisingly prevalent among many scientists and environmentalists today. From their point of view, it is difficult to observe the global destruction of the biosphere, the pillaging of natural resources and the collapse of natural freshwater resources without reaching the conclusion that there are simply too many people on this planet who are consuming too many limited resources.

This realization has given rise to the discussion that the circulating strain of Ebola observed today may indeed be a bioengineered weapon whose purpose is to radically reduce the world population of human beings. After all, some of the most influential people in the world -- like Bill Gates and Ted Turner -- continue to openly call for sharp reductions in global population in order to save the planet from the destructive ways of the human race.

World's top virologists warn that this Ebola is far more dangerous than any previous Ebola

Ebola expert Dr. Michael Osterholm has also gone public with a worrisome declaration that this strain of Ebola is far worse than any strain of Ebola we've witnessed before. Click here to watch his video where he describes why today's Ebola strain is so different and so much more dangerous than any previously known strain.

On top of that, former U.S. Army virologist Dr. Jahrling has just gone public with a similar warning about the increased danger of the circulating strain of Ebola. As reports: [1]

Another top Ebola expert -- chief scientist at the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and discoverer of the Reston strain of Ebola (Dr. Peter Jahrling) – said last week that this strain of Ebola appears to be more virulent than other strains we've seen, producing a much higher viral load much quicker than other strains.

Is it possible that this strain of Ebola is far more dangerous precisely because it has been tinkered with -- "weaponized" -- with a specific purpose in mind?

Scientist says Ebola is a bioengineered weapon

The idea that Ebola might be a genetically engineered bioweapon was openly discussed by a top Liberian scientist named Dr. Cyril Broderick, who published a front-page story in the Liberian Observer containing the astonishing statement, "Ebola is a genetically modified organism (GMO)."

That article is still viewable at this link, in which Broderick goes on to assert that the U.S. Dept. of Defense has been using African women and children for bioweapons experiments.

In his own words, he talks about "...the existence of an American Military-Medical-Industry that conducts biological weapons tests under the guise of administering vaccinations to control diseases and improve the health of black Africans overseas."

The book The Hot Zone confirms that infectious agents like Ebola were once developed into bioweapons by the United States Army, but it points out that such research was outlawed by President Nixon in 1969.

U.S. military bioweapons research moved offshore?

This may explain why such research may be taking place in Africa. Conducting bioweapons research on the African continent, away from the prying eyes of the U.S. media, allows such operations to be conducted in a covert manner with the necessary deniability.

Strategically, there is no question that a world power nation like the United States would never abandon its intellectual capital into bioweapons research. The banning of the research by President Nixon was merely a public relations and diplomacy strategy in much the same way that nuclear nations frequently talk about "disarmament" while building more nuclear missiles.

No nation can strategically allow itself to be wholly unprepared against an Ebola attack from an enemy nation, therefore Ebola bioweapons research must always be continued in order to research potential defenses against it (even if the bioweapon is never intended to be used as a tool of aggression). The only rational conclusion here is that the Pentagon never really halted Ebola bioweapons research but instead moved it offshore.

And that is potentially where Africa enters the picture. What better place to research the GMO Ebola bioweapon than in a continent where any accidental releases or outbreaks can be blamed on bats and monkeys? Ebola, after all, cycles naturally in African mammals. So any experiment that goes awry can simply be blamed on Mother Nature, whom some scientists have begun calling a "serial killer."

You are not being told the truth about Ebola, bioweapons and the depopulation agenda

There is no absolute proof that this current Ebola outbreak is an intentional release of a doomsday depopulation weapon, but there are plenty of reasons to suspect such a scenario needs to be explored.

Some of the signs in support of this reluctant conclusion include the U.S. government's determined unwillingness to isolate the USA from Ebola by controlling air traffic and national borders. The government's mishandling of Ebola in Dallas also smacks of something far beyond incompetence, bordering on "intentional failures." (Who the heck tells a nurse to treat a BSL-4 infected patient while wearing level-3 protective gear?)

The coming global debt collapse, California water collapse, food shortages and social unrest are all red alert triggers to a government that realizes it is losing control of the population. From the point of view of a totalitarian government, a deadly Ebola outbreak solves many problems all at once: it reduces the number of so-called "useless eaters" who tend to riot in the streets, it puts the government in an immediate position of medical martial law, and it allows the government to present itself as the savior of civilization while demanding absolute obedience from a population that will soon be begging for quarantines, vaccines and emergency food supplies.

There is no way to know for sure if today's Ebola outbreak is accidental or intentional, but if you ask the question "who benefits from an Ebola outbreak?" some of the answers become rather obvious.

Learn more Ebola truth in the book "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston. And learn the truth about pandemic preparedness with all the free MP3 audio files at

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