Friday, April 25, 2014

Is choice lost? Microchips to administer drugs, replace pills

(NaturalNews) According to reports from CNN, people who use pharmaceutical drugs, but who don't like having to remember, think, exercise their personal agency, or make their own proactive choices throughout their day, may soon be able to get their medications automatically administered via an implanted chip.

MIT researchers and a company called MicroCHIPS are developing a chip smaller than a square inch in area, which can be preloaded with drugs. It can release drugs into your body in given doses and time intervals, programmed according to "doctor's orders" - while your mind wanders on "more important" things.

When the dosage or intervals need to be changed, the microchips would be able to be adjusted remotely by the doctor, says the report. The chips, already tested in patients withe osteoporosis since 2012, will have the ability to transmit real-time information to create a permanent record of exactly what dose was administered when, along with other medical information. Expected to be released in 2017, the chips may be able to function wirelessly in the body for 16 years.

When "at risk for a heart attack," this device can "rescue" you, says the report. MicroCHIPS CEO Bradley Paddock says, "The MicroCHIPS implantable drug delivery device is the greatest advancement in delivering medicine since the first tablet pill was developed in 1876."

What could possibly go wrong?

You may have heard last week about the man who was never picked up for his 13 year prison sentence because of clerical administrative error? Do you want to have the possibility of administrative error literally sewn under your skin, embedding the risk of medical mistakes inside your body, every day without reprieve?

To name just one of many scenarios, imagine you are having an adverse drug reaction, and your wireless service to contact the doctor's office happens to be interrupted that day, while the chip continues to pour the poison into your bloodstream?

If someone truly has congenital illness that threatens or greatly compromises their quality of life, or a catastrophic injury, and has cognitive impairment and no social support in keeping track of his or her medication schedule, then this technology may conceivably have a small, valid niche.

However, the issue for the rest of the population is that it is known in medical, psychological, and even timeless philosophical circles that when people don't have to be mindfully aware - to pay attention - then people doze, turn off their brain, and stop being accountable. All bets are off for calamity when people are sleepwalking around.

After a couple of generations (that's all it took) of coming to expect "better living through chemistry," the coming deployment of this pharma-chip technology is a stark reflection of a dozing brand of unconsciousness already rampantly seen in society. This chip could be used to literally make its users' bodies part of "the matrix," node in the global information net, a computational and economic unitphysically linking our flesh to the pharmaceutical-industrial-financial complex.

This proves that the dumbing down of people is rarely the sole fault of a technology's innovators, when there is a market that matches the level of unconsciousness that the product is designed to cater to.

While literally inviting pharma to bypass one's conscious mind and take total control over their body's biochemistry may not make such consumers "evil," it does bring to mind the timeless, philosophical debate on virtue and wisdom: What kind of impact does the every-day abdication of responsible, conscious choice have on other people? What kind of environment does this non-choosing create for those of us who choose our birthright of holistic health, wellness, and the natural wisdom of living?

How can those who can't be responsible for themselves be responsible for civilization?

Many drugs have neurological and psychological side effects, and counter-indication reminders, written
directly on the packaging. For example, written warnings on the bottle are a last line of defense so that people, in a fog-of-mind, don't recklessly take certain drugs while driving, operating heavy machinery, or while intoxicated with alcohols or recreational drugs. Where will the side-effect warnings and counter-indication reminders be written on the microchip so you have to look at it before you are dosed? Perhaps nowhere.

Because of these psychotropic side effects, people who lives by natural wisdom and yet dwell in a society of people walking around taking pills are dealing with what, on this website previously, have been called "zombies." Therefore, if or when those who choose to use pharmaceutical drugs no longer must even execute the small act of opening a bottle and hand-feeding themselves pill - and instead just let the chip give it to them - the last vestige for millions of people of a mindful, grounded connection to their bodies dissolves into thin air. This ungroundedness could be truly dangerous for running a healthy, life-sustaining civilization, and is a phenomenon that should be studied carefully.

A life-sustaining natural health heritage, or a downward cycle into dependency

How did we get to this place where 70% of the U.S.A.'s population is on one or more pharmaceuticals for treating chronic imbalances that have been deemed "chronic diseases" with names such as osteoporosis, diabetes, Alzheimer's syndrome, etc? More than half of the population is on a combination cocktail of two or more drugs.

Preventing and oftentimes reversing chronic imbalances can be achieved in simple ways of bringing natural wisdom into your life, include eating more organic leafy vegetables, raw and uncorrupted plant-based fats, and nourishing proteins from seeds, nuts, sprouts, and beans; cutting back on processed sugar and preservatives, dyes, and chemicals; taking hikes; reducing stress and hypertension with meditation, yoga, or qi gong; and more.

In both his books There Is a Cure for Diabetes and Spiritual Nutrition, Dr. Gabriel Cousens urges us to recognize that the recent mass pharmaceutical phenomenon is one of modernity's "crimes against wisdom." Wisdom includes the heritage of letting the Earth's living natural medicines, good food, herbs, healing waters, airs, sunshine, and the wealth of the inner awareness traditions, be our teachers in self-healing.

Living in wisdom is a cultural choice. Crimes against wisdom is a lifestyle of choosing not to choose. Wisdom and its good friend virtue may ask us to open our eyes to what is already provided by nature.

Are we on the path of wisdom, or crimes against wisdom? To use a quote of unknown origin with great relevance to the techno-state of body-mind oblivion that will tempt millions: "For every person who doesn't make their own decisions, there is someone more than willing to make them for you."

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