Monday, February 16, 2015

Antibiotics destroy your immune system - get off the drugs and repair your body

(NaturalNews) As the natural health movement grows, people across the nation and the world are learning the benefits of using food, herbs, and supplements to prevent and treat illness and disease.

Antibiotics are chemical therapy. Read any package insert or look up a pharmaceutical on the Internet and thoroughly read the possible side effects. Many drugs, even many over the counter drugs, warn of risks that include lifelong disability or death. These are the outcomes the companies either freely admit or are forced to admit.

Why I Stopped Taking Antibiotics

Throughout the years I followed conventional medicine, I didn't realize that antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals were damaging my gut and my immune system - not until I crashed headlong into auto-immune disease after my second anaphylactic reaction, a reaction to an antibiotic.

The next time I became ill, I took supplements. One day my chiropractor did a kinesthetic test and told me I had strep throat. He recommended a supplement: Spanish Black Radish.

I decided to follow his treatment plan, but I wanted to prove to myself and to my medical doctor that this form of therapy worked. I asked her to give me a step test and yes, it was positive. She immediately argued with the plan, saying strep was too serious for alternative treatment. I brought her around by promising I would do a follow-up test and then take antibiotics if needed. A week later, the test was negative.

Another month passed, and I developed pneumonia. I went straight to my doctor. Pneumonia always scared me since it had nearly killed me twice, and I wanted the "big guns." This was the day that changed my life. My doctor, my brilliant, conventional, medical doctor suggested I go back to my chiropractor and ask what supplements to use for the pneumonia since his treatment had worked so well for the strep. She was right. It worked great. That was 20 years ago. I have never taken another antibiotic.

Our Immune System Without Antibiotics

The amazing differences people discover when they stop taking antibiotics are how they recover from illnesses faster, how illnesses are less severe, and how they don't become ill as often as they did back in the days when they took antibiotics. All of these changes are signs of a healthier, thriving immune system. In time, you stop becoming sick. Your immune system works so well it defeats attacking pathogens before they can get a foothold and cause you to feel ill.

I believe several things are at play here. First of all, it would be unlikely for anyone to follow alternative medicine without also learning that food is our primary medicine. Better nutrition and alternative medicine go hand in hand. But as soon as you stop taking antibiotics, you stop the utter destruction of the good bacteria in your gut. And your gut is responsible for 80% of your immune system! So of course you are going to respond better to pathogens than you did before your gut was healing.

If you are making the switch from conventional medicine to alternative medicine, start with diet. The healthiest diet is a plant-based diet where 80% of the food you eat is fresh, raw, organic produce, more vegetables than fruits (see the first source for an awesome recipe). If you choose to eat meat, make sure it is organic, and do not overcook the meat or cook at a high temperature. Avoid pasteurized and/or homogenized dairy, all artificial flavors colors, and preservatives, MSG, GMOs, and trans fats. Limit or eliminate gluten, sugar, and caffeine. This is a diet filled with real, whole foods, not processed garbage devoid of nutrition.

With this kind of diet you will soon find that your immune system fights much better on its own than it ever has before. But when it needs help, choose high quality supplements proven to aid the immune system, not tear it down. For those who have taken antibiotics and have not addressed their gut health yet, see After taking antibiotics, this is what you need to do and Balance Your Inner Ecosystem.


About the author:
Kali Sinclair is a copywriter for Green Lifestyle Market, and a lead editor for Organic Lifestyle Magazine. Kali was very sick with autoimmune disease and realized that conventional medicine was not working for her. She has been restoring her health by natural means and is interested in topics including natural health, environmental issues, and human rights.

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