Thursday, August 21, 2014

CDC caught in scientific fraud, perpetrating vaccine violence against blacks in shocking eugenics cover-up

(NaturalNews) Yesterday I wrote that Natural News is investigating a report of a massive scientific cover-up perpetrated at the very highest levels of the CDC.

Today I can report that I now have in my possession CDC documents which prove beyond any doubt that the former head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding, actively participated in willful scientific fraud in order to bury clinical evidence linking the MMR vaccine to a 340% increase in autism among African-American children.

Yes, the CDC knew that MMR vaccines caused autism in black babies, and its top scientists actively conspired to cover up that fact for the last twelve years.

What we are looking at here may be a criminal conspiracy of the highest order which, once fully exposed, will absolutely destroy the credibility of the Centers for Disease Control.

The CDC whistleblower who is stepping forward with all this information has been "haunted" by this cover-up for the last 12 years, and this person has now decided that protecting public health and scientific integrity is more important than protecting vaccine profits.

CDC head Dr. Julie Gerberding conspired to commit scientific fraud

These documents are going to be made public in mere days. They show that Dr. Gerberding and other CDC scientists actively and knowingly conspired to commit scientific fraud in order to hide the truth about vaccines and autism from the public. Dr. Gerberding was later rewarded for her scientific conspiracy with a lucrative executive position at vaccine maker Merck, where she still works today.

We will also present evidence showing that the CDC whistleblower who attempted to tell the truth about all this was reprimanded by CDC leadership as a form of punishment for not falling in line with the lies and the cover-up. CDC leadership, in other words, actively suppressed its own scientist who was following true scientific protocols.

Furthermore, those CDC scientists who perpetrated the cover-up -- including Coleen Boyle -- were then granted a coveted award from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services "Autism Public Health Response Team" for keeping their mouths shut about the scientific fraud they helped perpetrate.

That's how things really work at the CDC: Suppress the science, punish any scientists who might speak out, perpetrate a massive public health fraud, then hold an awards ceremony for those who kept their mouths shut.

The CDC's racist eugenics agenda now surfaces

What is especially heinous and disturbing about these revelations is that the CDC had in its possession irrefutable data linking MMR vaccines to autism in African-American children.

The agency then went out of its way to retroactively alter the study data to commit scientific fraud which they knew would bring harm to countless African-American babies. Today, there are untold thousands of young black children and teens who grew up with autism disorders due entirely to the CDC's willful scientific fraud. Rather than warning the public about the autism risk of MMR vaccines, the CDC deliberately chose to hide this fact, all while lying to the African-American community by telling them "vaccines are safe!"

In essence, the CDC has perpetrated what can only be called "vaccine violence against blacks," knowing that black babies would be seriously and permanently harmed by these vaccines yet doing absolutely nothing to warn the public or require safer vaccines from drug companies. To the CDC, black babies are always expendable.

Vaccine violence perpetrated against black Americans

This cover-up has continued for the last twelve years, during which anyone who dared mention the word "autism" in the same sentence as "vaccines" was immediately and viciously attacked by the scientific community, vaccine trolls and the mainstream media. Yet all this time, the CDC's highest officers were fully aware that the MMR vaccine autism link was real. And it was black babies who were suffering the consequences of the cover-up.

Yes, a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri shot one black man and killed him, but the CDC allowed doctors to shoot up millions of black babies with dangerous vaccines that have caused untold pain, suffering and permanent damage across the African American community. The audacity and scale of this crime against humanity is almost unspeakable.

Even worse, the very people who were complicit in the engineered destruction of the medical career of Dr. Andrew Wakefield secretly knew his concerns were scientifically correct. They knew MMR vaccines caused autism, and yet they were willing to destroy the life of an honest doctor in order to cover up their own fraud and lies. The criminality of this conspiracy is vast and deeply rooted in corporate-sponsored evil and scientific fraud.

Irrefutable evidence coming out in mere days

Natural News will be publishing these CDC documents in a matter of days. The documents are shocking. The CDC has been caught red-handed. There is no covering this up, and the entire mainstream media owes all vaccine skeptics a huge apology right now: we were right all along to warn the public about vaccine dangers.

The web of lies and "scientific" fictions that has propped up the vaccine industry for decades is headed for collapse. Those who promoted these vaccines will rightly be seen as the racist eugenics promoters they truly are. The very term "vaccine" will soon be synonymous with "scientific fraud." The history of modern medicine changes course in just a few days. Soon, the whole world will know that the vaccine empire operating today was built upon a foundation of callous racism, medical lies and scientific fraud.

This is all on top of the vaccine fraud we've already documented here at Natural News thanks to two courageous whistleblowers who used to work as virologists for Merck. They filed a False Claims Act with the federal government, accusing Merck of committing extreme scientific fraud with the fabrication of vaccine efficacy data.

Guess where former CDC head Dr. Gerberding now works? Also Merck.

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