Sunday, August 31, 2014

Fake foods

"Fake foods"

Don't believe anything on the
front of the package

Blueberries look wholesome and delicious on those packages of muffin mix and cereal, but how many blueberries are your really getting? For many of these products: none. The big name brands give us beautiful, deceptive packaging. And it's completely legal as long as the nutritional information section lists the actual ingredients. And how many people stop to read that? The bottom line: don't believe the pretty packaging. Read the ingredients. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

CDC caught in scientific fraud, perpetrating vaccine violence against blacks in shocking eugenics cover-up

(NaturalNews) Yesterday I wrote that Natural News is investigating a report of a massive scientific cover-up perpetrated at the very highest levels of the CDC.

Today I can report that I now have in my possession CDC documents which prove beyond any doubt that the former head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding, actively participated in willful scientific fraud in order to bury clinical evidence linking the MMR vaccine to a 340% increase in autism among African-American children.

Yes, the CDC knew that MMR vaccines caused autism in black babies, and its top scientists actively conspired to cover up that fact for the last twelve years.

What we are looking at here may be a criminal conspiracy of the highest order which, once fully exposed, will absolutely destroy the credibility of the Centers for Disease Control.

The CDC whistleblower who is stepping forward with all this information has been "haunted" by this cover-up for the last 12 years, and this person has now decided that protecting public health and scientific integrity is more important than protecting vaccine profits.

CDC head Dr. Julie Gerberding conspired to commit scientific fraud

These documents are going to be made public in mere days. They show that Dr. Gerberding and other CDC scientists actively and knowingly conspired to commit scientific fraud in order to hide the truth about vaccines and autism from the public. Dr. Gerberding was later rewarded for her scientific conspiracy with a lucrative executive position at vaccine maker Merck, where she still works today.

We will also present evidence showing that the CDC whistleblower who attempted to tell the truth about all this was reprimanded by CDC leadership as a form of punishment for not falling in line with the lies and the cover-up. CDC leadership, in other words, actively suppressed its own scientist who was following true scientific protocols.

Furthermore, those CDC scientists who perpetrated the cover-up -- including Coleen Boyle -- were then granted a coveted award from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services "Autism Public Health Response Team" for keeping their mouths shut about the scientific fraud they helped perpetrate.

That's how things really work at the CDC: Suppress the science, punish any scientists who might speak out, perpetrate a massive public health fraud, then hold an awards ceremony for those who kept their mouths shut.

The CDC's racist eugenics agenda now surfaces

What is especially heinous and disturbing about these revelations is that the CDC had in its possession irrefutable data linking MMR vaccines to autism in African-American children.

The agency then went out of its way to retroactively alter the study data to commit scientific fraud which they knew would bring harm to countless African-American babies. Today, there are untold thousands of young black children and teens who grew up with autism disorders due entirely to the CDC's willful scientific fraud. Rather than warning the public about the autism risk of MMR vaccines, the CDC deliberately chose to hide this fact, all while lying to the African-American community by telling them "vaccines are safe!"

In essence, the CDC has perpetrated what can only be called "vaccine violence against blacks," knowing that black babies would be seriously and permanently harmed by these vaccines yet doing absolutely nothing to warn the public or require safer vaccines from drug companies. To the CDC, black babies are always expendable.

Vaccine violence perpetrated against black Americans

This cover-up has continued for the last twelve years, during which anyone who dared mention the word "autism" in the same sentence as "vaccines" was immediately and viciously attacked by the scientific community, vaccine trolls and the mainstream media. Yet all this time, the CDC's highest officers were fully aware that the MMR vaccine autism link was real. And it was black babies who were suffering the consequences of the cover-up.

Yes, a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri shot one black man and killed him, but the CDC allowed doctors to shoot up millions of black babies with dangerous vaccines that have caused untold pain, suffering and permanent damage across the African American community. The audacity and scale of this crime against humanity is almost unspeakable.

Even worse, the very people who were complicit in the engineered destruction of the medical career of Dr. Andrew Wakefield secretly knew his concerns were scientifically correct. They knew MMR vaccines caused autism, and yet they were willing to destroy the life of an honest doctor in order to cover up their own fraud and lies. The criminality of this conspiracy is vast and deeply rooted in corporate-sponsored evil and scientific fraud.

Irrefutable evidence coming out in mere days

Natural News will be publishing these CDC documents in a matter of days. The documents are shocking. The CDC has been caught red-handed. There is no covering this up, and the entire mainstream media owes all vaccine skeptics a huge apology right now: we were right all along to warn the public about vaccine dangers.

The web of lies and "scientific" fictions that has propped up the vaccine industry for decades is headed for collapse. Those who promoted these vaccines will rightly be seen as the racist eugenics promoters they truly are. The very term "vaccine" will soon be synonymous with "scientific fraud." The history of modern medicine changes course in just a few days. Soon, the whole world will know that the vaccine empire operating today was built upon a foundation of callous racism, medical lies and scientific fraud.

This is all on top of the vaccine fraud we've already documented here at Natural News thanks to two courageous whistleblowers who used to work as virologists for Merck. They filed a False Claims Act with the federal government, accusing Merck of committing extreme scientific fraud with the fabrication of vaccine efficacy data.

Guess where former CDC head Dr. Gerberding now works? Also Merck.

Watch these videos to learn more:

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

It Always Works

It Always Works
Eating Healthy's Enormous Power

Losing Weight is only a Side Effect

5 proven ways to prevent and treat arthritis

(NaturalNews) Millions of people suffer from some form of arthritis. Since arthritis is commonly believed to be incurable, the standard medical response has been to simply prescribe medications to reduce the symptoms. This does nothing to heal the actual root of the issue, and only covers up the problem while potentially making other bodily functions worse.

However, the good news is that substantial evidence now shows that the pain and disability caused by arthritis can be alleviated, and even prevented through diet and alternative therapies.

Diet and nutrition

Dietary practices have a major impact on arthritis. In fact, if you eat the typical American diet, it is likely making your arthritis worse. Among the worst offenders for creating arthritic symptoms include:

- Hydrogenated and trans fats
- White flour and sugar
- Gluten
- Chemical additives
- Yeast
- Milk and dairy products
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Phosphoric acid (large amounts found in soda)

A diet rich in fresh and organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains (gluten-free) is recommended, as they are richer in nutrients needed to fight destructive free radicals, promote skin and tissue health, repair bones, muscles and tendons, and promote bowel regularity. Try alkaline foods like green leafy vegetables, wheatgrass, aloe vera and cherry juice.

Herbal medicine

In addition to the foundational approach of diet and nutrition, herbs can also play a significant part in reducing inflammation often associated with arthritis. Some of the most recommended herbs for arthritis include:

- Turmeric
- Yucca
- Devil's claw
- Willow bark
- Green tea
- Boswellia
- Ginger
- Ginseng
- Reishi
- Skullcap
- Valerian
- Feverfew
- Stinging nettle

High-quality sources of these herbs taken on a daily basis with a proper diet can provide significant relief of arthritic symptoms.


Massage is one of the most important therapies for the treatment of arthritis. People with arthritis often experience prolonged muscle tension with poor blood circulation in muscle tissues, which can cause nerve and joint pain.

Massage helps break up muscular waste deposits that can cause pain as well as stimulate circulation in troubled regions in the body, which helps bring more oxygen and other necessary healing nutrients into the tissues and carry toxins away.

Arthritis sufferers should pursue a massage program of 2-3 times a week in the early stages, then once a week for several months, with a maintenance schedule of twice a month.


Chiropractic is becoming a popular, drug free treatment for arthritis that has been proven to be highly effective. Certain cases of arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis, are often false diagnoses with the symptoms actually caused by misalignment, or subluxation, of vertebrae and joints.

When this is the case, chiropractic adjustments can restore a full range of movement and free the body from pain. Manipulation can help arthritis by restoring proper movement and positioning of the joints. Balanced movement prevents "wear and tear" damage to joints, ligaments, and cartilage.


According to Dr. William M. Cargile, past Chairman of Research of the American Association of Oriental Medicine, rheumatoid arthritis is a result of an autoimmune problem that prevents white blood cells from recognizing the joint surface as part of itself. He goes on to say that it reduces the aggressiveness of the body against its own tissues and enhances its recognition of the joint tissue. Also, by keeping the all the meridians balanced it keeps energy flowing smoothly and immunity strong, which is a major factor in managing rheumatoid arthritis effectively.

Other natural remedies to prevent and treat arthritis include bromelain, MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen, colloidal silver, arnica, pure water, and astaxanthin.

Learn more about treating arthritis from the first two sources below.

Sources for this article include:

Trivieri, Larry. Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. Ed. John W. Anderson. 2nd ed. Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts, 2002.

About the author:
Derek Henry, B.Kin, is a highly revered holistic health coach and world renowned natural health blogger who created Healing the Body to help people understand the fundamental principles to exceptional health so they can overcome their own health challenges. 

His popular Wellness Transformation E-Guide and Ultimate Reset coaching program gives people step by step solutions to achieve a healthier body and mind, while empowering them to maintain that lifestyle through a fundamental education based on the 4 pillars of true health. 

If you would like to learn more about what he can do holistically to improve your health, or simply want to be a part of an authentic health care system that delivers tangible results, check out his popular free health program consultation.

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Sports and energy drinks are 'essentially sodas without carbonation,' state researchers exploring health risks of sugary beverages

(NaturalNews) Professional athletes who rely on popular sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade are really doing themselves a disservice, impairing their performance potential. Once in the body, these dye-filled "Kool-Aid-like" drinks actually acidify the cellular environment, restricting oxygenation of cells while limiting ATP energy production from the mitochondria. Still, drinks like these are promoted by athletes and marketed as replenishing sports beverages that enhance athletic performance.

According to a new report by UC Berkeley, these sports drinks aren't much different from soda. After exploring their sugar content and related health risks, the researchers described the beverages as "essentially sodas without the carbonation." In the study, 21 popular drinks with health claims were investigated, as researchers compared flowery marketing with the drinks' actual compositions.

"We often see labels on energy and sports drinks that tout health benefits, but the sugar levels in these products rival that of sodas," said lead author Patricia Crawford, director of the Atkins Center for Weight and Health. "They are essentially sodas without the carbonation, but they give the misleading impression that they are healthy," she said.

Synthetic vitamins, fake energy, and loads of dyes and refined sugar

The beverage industry tries to convince the public that drinks like these are healthy, but they are often loaded with sugar; in one drink, there were 18 teaspoons of sugar in the container. Other drinks are fortified with vitamins, but these often go unused by the body, because they are often synthetic derivatives that aren't readily broken down, absorbed and utilized by the body. Vitamin and herb content of some of theseenergy drinks fools some people into thinking that they are getting a fair share of nutrition for the day, when in reality, they are being inundated with nothing but loads of refined sugar that acidify the cells.

The researchers concluded that common sports drinks on the market are also contributing to diabetes and obesity in youth, because they contain so much added sugar. Energy drinks provide short-term energy with heightened caffeine levels, but that energy is quickly lost, addicting youth to want more of the beverages which give nothing but headaches and heart arrhythmia.

A true energy drink is simply fresh fruit and vegetable juice, which neutralizes excess hydrogen in the cells as it enters the body. The OH- molecules from the juice combine with excess hydrogen in the acidic environment to form water (H2O); thus flushing the cells, reducing edema and allowing mitochondria to produce more longer-lasting ATP energy.

Study debunks marketing claims of sports and energy drinks, highlights their negative effects

A marketing analysis conducted at Yale University's Rudd Center picked apart the beverages' marketing claims and refuted them here in a simple, straightforward chart.

For example, the researchers showed that Gatorade G Series Recover is marketed as "providing hydration and muscle-recovery benefits with its specially designed protein replenishment formula," but the researchers refuted, saying, "Water is the optimal beverage of choice for hydration. The average diet is already high in protein and adequately supports physically active adolescents' muscle rebuilding and growth."

Energy drinks like the popular "RockStar" claim that the beverages are "Double Strength, Double Size. Bigger. Better. Faster. Stronger," but according to the researchers, the level of caffeine and guarana in these beverages "stimulate the cardiovascular and nervous system, and can have detrimental effects (such as tachycardia)." On top of that, the researchers correlated energy drinks with increased stress, nervousness, anxiety, headaches, insomnia and reduced academic performance. They were even found to cause hallucinations, tremors and seizures.
In fact, the researchers found that all the drinks have one thing in common: explicit sugar content. Anything from popular fruit drinks to flavored water and from sports drinks to flavored teas all contained deleterious amounts of sugar and were determined to be fueling the increase of obesity and diabetes in today's culture.

Sources for this article include: [PDF] [PDF]

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Truth seekers rushing to Diaspora and to escape censorship of corporate-run social media

(NaturalNews) Share this alert with everyone you know in alternative media, natural health, honest journalism and truth-seeking: The era of "mainstream social media" (i.e. Facebook, etc.) as a trusted social media hub is coming to a close. As everyone has noticed by now, Facebook selectively censors posts based on their keyword content, suppressing truthful information about natural cures, GMOs, mercury in vaccines and even cancer prevention strategies.

Everyone in the truth movement now fully realizes that corporate-run social media will always be controlled by corporate interests. Thus, it is useless for the kind of honest investigative journalism the world really needs right now in this era of unprecedented information oppression and propaganda. An alternative social sharing network has long been sought which could serve as a trusted, independent, non-corporate gathering place for truth seekers.

We have now identified two online organizations which serve this purpose. They are both rooted in open-source programming, freedom of information and individual liberty. They run on donations (so be sure to donate to them, see below) and therefore are not beholden to the interests of powerful corporations.

These two organizations are called "Diaspora" and "Unseen."

You are invited to join them now and start receiving the full, uncensored truth of ALL the news we publish here at Natural News.


Diaspora is best described as an open-source, freedom-of-information social sharing site run by passionate programmers who believe in the democratization of information.

"We don't trust Facebook nor Google," says the FAQ page of "Diaspora is the social network that puts you in control of your information. You decide what you'd like to share, and with whom. You retain full ownership of all your information, including friend lists, messages, photos, and profile details. Diaspora is not a single site -- it's a collection of different sites, with different URLs, run by different people. But they all run the same software, and they all talk to each other. Each server is called a 'pod.' As the service grows, lots of these pods will join the Diaspora network."

Importantly, Diaspora does not censor users' posts. Facebook currently distributes Natural News posts to only 2% of our followers, blocking our news from 98% of our audience. Diaspora censors nothing. So people are free to post what they wish, and all users who have joined that information source will receive 100% of the posts.

Click here for instructions on signing up with Diaspora to receive ALL Natural News posts.

Just as importantly, Diaspora also does not run psychological experiments on its users (like Facebook does), and it doesn't sell your private data to corporations. The Diaspora privacy policy, in fact, reads, "We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so."

Natural News has already made an initial financial donation to Diaspora, and we are going to pledge even more to this outstanding network which was built by extraordinary individuals with a passion for freedom and truth. I personally believe networks like Diaspora have the potential to unleash freedom across our world, bypassing the imperial censorship tactics of the "evil empire" of corporate-controlled media and government propaganda.

The Natural News page on Diaspora is found here.

The signup page is available here.

Natural News is currently attached to the "pod," and we plan to launch our own pod in the future in order to help promote and support Diaspora network integrity. is an extraordinary platform for securely encrypted text chats and voice phone calls. In just a few short days, Unseen will be launching a Facebook-like social sharing front-end which will look a lot like Facebook. Unlike Facebook, however, Unseen won't be censoring posts. So you'll see ALL the news from every source you choose to follow.

Unseen is based in Iceland, which has the world's most strict internet privacy laws that prevent rogue governments from confiscating user information (or seizing servers). It was founded by people who have a very strong and passionate desire to bypass government censorship in dictatorial countries like China, allowing the people to experience information democratization (i.e. freedom of information).

More and more, however, even countries like the United States are being run like dictatorial regimes, with corporate-run social media websites, search engines and wiki sites devolving into little more than propaganda/disinfo machines. That's why is exploding in popularity: people are tired of being lied to or censored on the web. They're sick of the dumbed-down mainstream media with its falsified, staged fake news and nauseating corporate bias.

People want the raw truth, and sadly today in America, you have to go offshore to get the truth. That's why is set to explode in popularity as users migrate away from mainstream social media sites.

Click here for instructions on signing up for

Right now, you can create an account on Unseen and connect with Natural News. Once Unseen launches its Facebook-like newsfeed page, you will be able to receive Natural News posts in real time, with zero censorship.

While using Unseen is free, you may also wish to consider supporting Unseen with a premium (paid) account that provides you with extra benefits. This is one way to help financially support this very important organization that stands for freedom of information.

All Natural News urgent alerts will be broadcast on Diaspora and Unseen

From here forward, all Natural News URGENT ALERTS on topics like economic collapse, nuclear catastrophes, Martial Law, food recalls and more will be posted first on Diaspora and

Join both of these services and add Natural News as a news source in order to be kept informed without being censored by corporate interests.

Remember, when the stuff hits the fan, all corporate-controlled media and social media will censor the truth. You will only be able to access the real story of what's happening through offshore, open-source social hubs like Diaspora and

I predict a massive migration wave away from Facebook and toward these services. Also watch for the powers that be to spread false rumors about both of these services in an attempt to discredit them. 

Spread the word: Encourage alternative media sources to create their own news pages at Diaspora and

Lastly, share this story with other writers, editors, bloggers and journalists who are part of the truth-telling movement. Everyone needs to create their own pages on Diaspora and so that they can build up a reader base which cannot be deleted or censored by Facebook, Google, Twitter or other services.

We must now all realize that mainstream online services will forever be controlled by corporations, governments or even the NSA. Only alternative, independent sources can now be trusted. Given the increasing chaos of the world around us -- with riots in Missouri, war in Ukraine, water collapse in California and so on -- we all need access to the truth more than ever before.

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Natural News Labs tests 12 popular water filters for removal of heavy metals, arsenic, uranium and cesium

(NaturalNews) In just a few days, Natural News will be exclusively announcing the results of unprecedented laboratory testing of water filters -- the kind of testing which has never been done before on off-the-shelf filters.

The tests I've conducted in the Natural News Forensic Food Lab determine the ability of water filters to remove not only toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury, but also to remove uranium, strontium and cesium isotopes -- elements of special importance in a nuclear accident (such as Fukushima) or nuclear war.

Shocking test results reveal most water filters don't work very well

The test results, to be released soon at Natural News, are truly shocking. They reveal that most water filters don't remove most heavy metals. Most filters failed miserably in this test, leaving the drinking water heavily contaminated with toxic heavy metals (if it was heavily contaminated to begin with, of course).

One very popular water filter sold at Wal-Mart only removed about 15% of the lead in contaminated water, leaving 85% of the lead in the "filtered" water for drinking. (That same filter also failed to remove around 25% of the mercury in the water!)

But there's also good news: We documented one countertop water filter -- a gravity-fed pitcher -- which is so much better than everything else that there's no comparison. This countertop filter removed almost everything: lead, cadmium, mercury, uranium, arsenic, etc. We will reveal the brand name of that filter here on Natural News. 

You'll want to tune in every day to check this news because once we announce the brand of this water filter, it will likely sell out everywhere as people rush to stock up on them.

Gravity "survival" water filters also tested

We've also completed performance testing on all the popular gravity survival filters including Big Berkey, Pro Pur, Doulton and others. Some of these results are very surprising, too, but there's ONE clear winner in all this, and we'll be announcing that in a second article to be published later.

All these water filters, by the way, were purchased off the shelf at or local retailers. All the filters were tested using the same laboratory protocol and ICP-MS instrumentation, all on the same day. Actual ppb results will be publicly posted, and we openly invite other labs to conduct these same tests and validate these results.

Note: We did NOT test "pump-action" water filters typically used by campers and survivalists. We might do that at a later date, however.

Stay tuned to Natural News for the full lab results soon.

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How to avoid GMOs

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The best way to avoid genetically modified foods is to know which foods are genetically modified and which foods are not. It helps to understand the difference between heirlooms, hybrids, and GMOs.

With heirlooms, you save the seeds of a fruit or vegetable with favorable characteristics. Other than selecting which plant seeds to save, the seeds are not manipulated.

Hybridization is the act of cross-pollinating two plants; each with a dominant favorable trait resulting in fruit that will bear both of those traits. Seedless watermelons are a good example of a hybrid; they are not a GMO food.

Foods That Are Genetically Modified

Beets, corn, cotton, Hawaiian papaya, soy, rice, canola, alfalfa, yeast (for making wine), and milk (with RGBH) are genetically modified foods that have been deemed "fit for human consumption," and are being produced and sold to us.

More than half of the cotton grown in the world is genetically modified. Cottonseed oil is frequently used in food production.

Genetically modified rice has been approved, but it is not yet in large-scale use. GMOs were recently banned in Hawaii, but they excluded papaya from the ban.

Genetically modified wheat has been developed, but not yet approved for consumption. Unfortunately, commercial wheat fields have been contaminated with the genetically modified seed. There is a good possibility that we have been consuming GMO wheat.

Other genetically modified foods that have been deemed fit for human consumption, but are not being sold (or are very hard to find being sold) at this time (due to consumer and/or farmer demand) include summer squash, zucchini, tomatoes, and potatoes.

Conventional factory farmed animals are fed genetically modified grains. If you need one more reason to never eat factory farmed meat or eggs, there you have it.

GMO foods for human consumption that are not yet approved include rice, salmon, bananas, apples that don't brown, and a purple tomato may be coming to your local neighborhood supermarket in the near future.

Genetically Modified Foods on our Grocery Store

First and foremost, the easiest way to avoid genetically modified organisms is to eat whole, unprocessed foods that are labeled organic. When organic is not available, know the most likely offenders; these include soy, alfalfa, Hawaiian papaya, and occasionally sweet corn (GMO sweet corn is not yet common in grocery stores).
When buying packaged foods, such as snack foods, know your GMO ingredients. Without a GMO free guarantee, one should avoid corn, dairy, soy, canola oil, sugar (sugar beets), and any conventional meat. Conventional, factory farmed livestock are fed genetically modified grains, including GMO foods that aren't even trusted for human consumption.

As far as corn is concerned, it should be noted that popcorn comes from corn that is not genetically modified and sweet corn on the cob is, typically, not genetically modified (but like how genetically modified organisms can contaminate crops, GMO sweet corn may become more common very quickly).

Also, note that even when you buy organic, in order to completely avoid GMO foods it is imperative to know and trust the company when it comes to soy, alfalfa, wheat, sugar (from sugar beets), and corn. A reputable producer of food that cares about their customers' health and freedom of choice will test their products regularly (like Eden Foods and Bob's Red Mill). GMO contamination is a very serious problem, and it's getting harder and harder to grow food without genetically modified seeds sneaking into the crops and taking over.

For more on Heirlooms vs hybrids vs GMOs, check out the first source link below.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Michael Edwards is the founder, owner, editor-in-chief, and janitor for Organic Lifestyle Magazine and Green Lifestyle Market. At age 17, Michael weighed more than 360 pounds. He suffered from ADHD, allergies, frequent bouts of illness, and chronic, debilitating insomnia.

Conventional medicine wasn't working. While he restored his health through alternative medicine he studied natural health and became immersed in it.

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96 percent of Indian-made tea contains pesticides, some of which have long been banned

(NaturalNews) On Monday, Greenpeace, an independent organization dedicated to protecting and serving the environment, made international news after disclosing the results of a study involving what's supposed to be an incredibly healthy beverage.

The organization tested tea from 11 brands made by eight manufacturers, collecting the samples between June 2013 and May 2014. What they found will make your stomach sink.

At least 94 percent of the samples contained pesticides; nearly 60 percent had a cocktail of more than 10 different chemicals, including one sample that contained 20 different pesticides.

About 29 of the 49 samples, or 59 percent, contained residues of at least one pesticide's active ingredient above the Maximum Residue Levels set by the European Union. Almost 40 percent of the tea samples exceeded government limits by more than 50 percent, according to the study titled "Trouble Brewing."

Alarmingly, 67 percent of tea samples were contaminated with DDT, a carcinogen toxic to both humans and the environment and banned for use in the U.S.A. and India since 1989. DDT has been used militarily by the U.S. and as an insecticide; it causes convulsions and tremors that ultimately lead to death from respiratory or heart failure.

The samples collected by Greenpeace India were manufactured by the following well known brands:

  • Hindustan Unilever Limited
  • Tata Global Beverages Limited
  • Wagh Bakri Tea
  • Goodricke Tea
  • Twinings
  • Golden Tips
  • Kho-Cha
  • Girnar

The India-based companies dominate the branded tea market, exporting to America, Russia, Britain, UAE, Iran and many other countries, as reported by Business Standard.

In recognition of the Greenpeace India findings, some of the companies asked suppliers to halt the use of hazardous pesticides and promised to achieve sustainable tea cultivation by 2020. The government didn't exactly act accordingly.

"Indian tea is a national pride and it should not be the one linked to toxic chemicals with serious environmental and health risks. All stakeholders in the tea industry should come forward and take steps to safeguard the reputation of our national drink," said Neha Saigal, a senior campaigner for Greenpeace India.

The Tea Board of India, consisting of 31 members from the industry including tea producers, tea traders, tea brokers, consumers and representatives of governments from the principal tea-producing states and trade unions, argued that Indian teas are "totally safe."

The board said in a statement, "having reviewed the findings of the Greenpeace study, (we) can confirm that all the samples tested comply with the Indian laws and regulations, designed to protect consumers. Indian teas are well regarded the world over and are totally safe following stringent standards."

If the board truly reviewed the study's findings, then their statement is quite telling. It reflects the agency's attitude toward its consumers, a blatant disregard for health and safety.

Despite the proven adverse health effects on humans and the environment, the tea industry is still highly dependent upon hazardous pesticides for tea cultivation.

Among the samples, 27 of them contained monocrotophos, a suspected mutagen and neurotoxicant unapproved for use on tea and classified as "Highly Hazardous" by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Triazophos, an extremely toxic organophosphorus compound, was discovered in five of the samples and is also classified as "Highly Hazardous" by the WHO.

Tebufenpyrad, an unregistered and therefore illegal chemical known to be a potential liver toxicant, was found in one sample made by Hindustan Unilever, the most dominant market brand in India.

Neonicotinoid insecticides were present in a large proportion of the samples, a chemical recently banned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and prohibited for use in many other countries.

Additional sources: [PDF] [PDF]

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