Monday, September 22, 2014

Vitamin C for taming tension, burning fat, and much more

(NaturalNews) If you have undesirable fat around your midsection or would like to support cardiovascular health or reduce diabetic symptoms, vitamin C can help. Not only does it improve stamina, boost immunity, lessen stress response and curtail inflammation, but it also encourages insulin sensitivity and lowers concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) -- a biomarker which suggests heart disease risk.

A case in point is research from the University of California (Berkeley), which found participants who took approximately 500 milligrams of vitamin C each day experienced a 24 percent drop in plasma CRP levels after two months of the protocol. According to a press release:

"C-reactive protein is a marker of inflammation, and there is a growing body of evidence that chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer's disease," said Gladys Block, UC Berkeley professor of epidemiology and public health nutrition and lead author of the study. "If our finding of vitamin C's ability to lower CRP is confirmed through other trials, vitamin C could become an important public health intervention."

As a defense against infection or injury, the body triggers inflammatory cytokines, which then prompts the production of CRP by the liver. The researchers are unsure as to how vitamin C is able to lower CRP levels but suspect that the mechanism might be the suppression of cytokine production.

Moreover, vitamin C also influences insulin sensitivity. A study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research found that vitamin C decreased blood glucose and lipid levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. A total of 84 patients were randomly given either 500 mg or 1,000 mg of vitamin C each day for six weeks. At the conclusion of the study, the team discovered that those who were given the 1,000 mg dosage experienced significant declines in blood glucose and serum insulin levels, whereas the 500 mg group did not have any noticeable difference.

The connection between stress, weight gain and vitamin C deficiency

When we are exposed to persistent stress -- whether from daily frustration or more extreme examples such as losing a job, home or loved one -- our adrenals become dangerously depleted due to a near constant output of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Eventually, adrenal fatigue sets in, which is characterized by exhaustion, hair loss, acne, muscle soreness, susceptibility to illness, anxiety and depression. Weight gain, especially around the midriff, becomes particularly problematic because of heightened cortisol levels circulating throughout the system. When the adrenals are imbalanced, the thyroid glands are also affected, which further aggravates unwanted weight gain. However, an encouraging study has established that vitamin C can minimize the stress response, which in turn helps protect the adrenal glands.

Science Daily reports that a team at the University of Alabama (Huntsville) found that rats who were fed 200 mg/day vitamin C experienced reduced levels of plasma stress hormones, as well as lowered indicators of physical and emotional stress. Lead researcher of the study, P. Samuel Campbell, Ph.D., believes that our prehistoric ancestors most likely consumed sizable amounts of vitamin C through a diet rich in tropical fruits. "If so, the physiological constitution we have inherited may require doses far larger than the present RDA to keep us healthy under varying environmental conditions, including stress."

Sources for this article include: [PDF]

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Over-medicated, immunosuppressed Americans likely to suffer high fatality rate if Ebola sweeps across USA

(NaturalNews) The mass medication of Americans has created a nation of immunosuppressed individuals who are unique vulnerable to an Ebola outbreak. That's because medications rob the body of essential vitamins and minerals as documented in the book "Drug Muggers" by pharmacist Suzy Cohen.

All the popular mass medications, it turns out, deplete the body of precisely the same crucial nutrients needed to activate the immune system to fight off viral infections. These includes minerals like zinc; pre-hormones like vitamin D; and common vitamins such as thiamine and niacin.

The full title of the book is Drug Muggers: Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients - and Natural Ways to Restore Them. Authored by a well-informed pharmacist I've known for years, the book reveals exactly which nutrients in your body are depleted by each popular medication being prescribed today.

A nutrient-depleted nation could be decimated by Ebola

The overall conclusion of the book is downright horrifying in the context of a global pandemic outbreak with a 50% fatality rate. No nation in the world is more over-medicated than America, where drug companies have invented quasi-medical justifications to put millions of children on mind-altering psychiatric drugs. Many elderly Americans are currently taking 10 - 15 prescription medications per day, every day

The result is that most Americans exist in a never-ending state of chronic nutrient deficiencies that strongly suppress their immune function and make them more vulnerable to not just degenerative diseases like cancer but also infectious viral diseases such as influenza.

Although we all hope and pray that Ebola never makes its way to America's shores, if it does, the virus may find fertile ground for spreading like wildfire across a population that is unique weakened by a profit-driven medical system which places absolutely no value on nutritional support for a patient's immune function. In fact, much of America's medical industry depends precisely on the profits and repeat business that come from keeping the population in a never-ending state of chronic nutrient depletion. There's no money in PREVENTING disease, after all. There's only money in "managing" it with a lifetime of prescription medications.

The processed food industry further amplifies this potentially fatal problem by mass marketing factory-made foods which are almost entirely devoid of any real nutrition. Making matters even worse, much of the corporate-sponsored "scientific" community has been trained by industry-funded junk science studies to believe that nutrients play no role in human health, so they refuse to recognize any benefit whatsoever from lifesaving nutrients like vitamin D and zinc.

Some even publicly attack vitamins, claiming that nutrients are worthless, but patented prescription medications are now "essential chemicals" which every child needs to be healthy.

Nutritional science can save lives by boosting immune function

With the intention of saving lives and slowing the spread of the Ebola outbreak if it ever comes to America, I've just released Episode Seven of the FREE online course Pandemic Preparedness at

Like all the episodes in this lifesaving online audio course, Episode Seven can be freely downloaded as an MP3 file and listened to on any mobile device or computer.

Here's a small taste of what you'll learn in Episode Seven of Pandemic Preparedness, a course which has almost reached one million visitors so far:

- If you want to stay alive in a viral pandemic, you need to stop suppressing your immune system

- First, recognize the sources of immune-suppressing chemicals, food additives and medications

- Pharmaceuticals deplete crucial minerals and nutrients from your body, robbing your body of crucial nutrients needed for immune function

- Processed foods also poison your body and deplete nutrients; eating more fresh foods can help restore nutritional balance for proper immune function

- Most foods people eat are nutritionally worthless and lack any real nutrition

- Frequently juice fresh produce and always buy organic where possible (organics are loaded with more nutrients and minerals)

- You need to switch to a natural products lifestyle; throw out everything in your home that contains toxic chemicals

- Throw out all toxic products in your entire house and replace with "green" products

- Chronic sleep deprivation can seriously suppress your immune system

- Beware: Toxic heavy metals can also suppress immune function, and they're often found in organic superfoods or herbs grown in China

- Watch out for the immune suppressing damage caused by emotional stress; you are more susceptible to viral infections when you feel depressed or emotionally depleted

- You can't expect to live in a sterile world; eventually you will be exposed to the pandemic virus if it's circulating

- If you are wise, you can control WHEN your exposure occurs so that your immune function, rest and recovery are maximized

- Your immune system has already saved your life countless times

- You were born with a genetic blueprint for surviving pathogens and pandemics

- Natural medicine can save lives by unleashing the miraculous healing potential of the human immune system

Hear Episode Seven now at and find out why so many people are raving about this course. If you want to live through a pandemic, is where to learn how.

Four more episodes for are already in production and will be released soon. Check Natural News for more announcements.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Mystery virus EV-D68 exploding among vaccinated children; U.S. medical system clueless without a vaccine

(NaturalNews) The rapid explosion of mystery virus EV-D68 is sending hundreds of children to hospitals across Missouri, Colorado, Kansas, Utah and eight other states. "In Kansas City, about 475 children were recently treated at Children's Mercy Hospital, and at least 60 of them received intensive hospitalization," reports CNN. (1)

CNN goes on to report:

"It's worse in terms of scope of critically ill children who require intensive care. I would call it unprecedented. I've practiced for 30 years in pediatrics, and I've never seen anything quite like this," said Dr. Mary Anne Jackson, the hospital's division director for infectious diseases.

What CNN and other media outlets are not reporting, however, is that this outbreak is occurring among vaccinated children.

Did other vaccines make children more susceptible to EV-D68 infections?

Children who have been vaccinated with MMR vaccines, influenza vaccines, polio vaccines and many others are the same children who are now being struck by EV-D68. How do we know this? Because we know how the rabid pro-vaccine media consistently reports on viral outbreaks:

Vaccine media propaganda rule #1) If an outbreak ever occurs among unvaccinated children, then the published stories will strongly condemn parents for failing to vaccinated their children while promoting vaccines as the one and only solution.

Vaccine media propaganda rule #2) If there's an inconvenient fact about vaccines that the media doesn't want the public to know, it will withhold that fact from all its stories. This was made abundantly clear in the recent media-wide blackout of the CDC whistleblower story, where top CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson openly admitted to committing scientific fraud at the CDC in order to hide the link between MMR vaccines and autism. Click here to read the once-secret letter Dr. Thompson sent to CDC director Julie Gerberding, admitting to a cover-up.

The fact that the mainstream media is right now not blaming the EV-D68 outbreak on unvaccinated children, in other words, is near-conclusive proof that this outbreak is occurring among vaccinated children.

Media doctors hopelessly clueless about what to suggest to parents

Because there is no vaccine for EV-D68, the media can't push vaccines as the solution for these infections. And so the media seems totally lost and clueless about what to report. There's no mention of protecting children's immune systems with vitamin D, and no mainstream media outlet even dares mention the words "immune support" for fear that people might realize a strong immune system is far better than a vaccine at preventing infectious disease.

The best advice CNN can come up with reads as follows:

To reduce the risk of infection, individuals should wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, especially after changing diapers; avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands; avoid kissing, hugging and sharing cups or eating utensils with people who are sick; disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as toys and doorknobs; and stay home when feeling sick...

Again, note the complete lack of any discussion about zinc, vitamin D, immune-boosting herbs, avoidance of toxic immunosuppressive chemicals and food additives, and so on. This is the default position of the mainstream media: "Wash your hands." It is literally watered-down advice by a propaganda institution that functions as the vaccine industry's ministry of truth.

Even when children's lives are at stake, the media is so opposed to nutritional defenses that it consistently refuses to mention a low-cost, high-safety, readily-available nutrient like vitamin D that could save countless lives during a pandemic outbreak... even if used in conjunction with vaccines! (See my Blueprint for Safer Vaccines document here.)

Doctors and health authorities freak out over enterovirus outbreak because they have nothing to offer except a vaccine which doesn't exist

The over-reliance on vaccines in public health will ultimately kill millions of children in a real outbreak for the simple reason that vaccines are blindly relied upon at the exclusion of all else. So when a pandemic comes along that has no vaccine, doctors and health authorities are literally clueless about what to recommend other than "wash your hands."

"Stupid" doesn't even begin to describe our modern health care system. It's downright negligent.

Any honest health care system that really cared about public health would have a multi-layered pandemic defense strategy which included immune boosting activities, nutritional defenses, behavioral modification, personal hygiene reinforcement and finally medical intervention as one layer among many.

The problem with vaccines -- even if they work (which they mostly don't) -- is that they can't keep up with mutating viruses in the wild. This current outbreak of EV-D68 has caught the medical establishment completely off guard. They have no vaccines to recommend, and so doctors and health authorities sit around taking their own rectal pulses (i.e. they have their thumbs up their hind ends) while children fill the emergency rooms at hospitals. A simple vitamin D education campaign could slash these infections by huge margins. Vitamin D "activates" the immune system at so many levels that if vitamin D were a pharmaceutical, it would be called a "miracle drug" and whoever created it would be awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

But it's not a drug; it's a simple, low-cost vitamin. So doctors aren't taught anything about it and parents are never told to use it. Especially not when there are vaccines to push and pregnant women to inject with mercury.

Some astounding quotes about the severity of this outbreak

"An unprecedented lung virus that has infected over 1000 children across 10 states from the Midwest to the east coast is likely to spread to the rest of the country, doctors have warned." (2)

The unusually high number of hospitalizations reported could be "just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases," said Mark Pallansch, a virologist and director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Division of Viral Diseases. - CNN (1)

"A respiratory illness that has already sickened more than a thousand children in 10 states is likely to become a nationwide problem, doctors say." - ABC News (4)

"Just weeks after the Obama administration let more than 37,000 illegal-alien children into the U.S. without health screening, more than 1,000 kids across 10 states have been stricken with a respiratory virus – prompting widespread concerns about a major outbreak sweeping across the nation." - (3)

"It's worse in terms of scope of critically ill children who require intensive care. I would call it unprecedented. I've practiced for 30 years in pediatrics, and I've never seen anything quite like this," said Dr. Mary Anne Jackson, the hospital's division director for infectious diseases. - CNN (1)

Radio host and epidemiologist Michael Savage blasts Obama, blames outbreak on illegal immigrants

One more noteworthy twist on this entire story has been fielded by radio host Michael Savage, a very high-IQ individual trained as an epidemiologist.

Yesterday he said on his radio show: (3)

For 20 years, I've been trying to warn America about the unscreened immigrants being brought in. Now, of course, it's coming home to roost and the American people are being lied to by the Centers for Disease Transmission. They used to be the CDC; they're now the CDT.

Instead of stopping disease spread, they're encouraging it by not speaking out against bringing in infected children and putting them in our public schools, right? It's astounding to me what they can get away with because of the ignorance of the public. Common sense is gone. ...What do you expect to happen if you put a kid with a certain virus into a school where they've never been exposed to that virus? It's called an epidemic breakout.

...This population in America, which once enjoyed the greatest health on earth, is now being devolved into a second-world nation in terms of health because Obama is so corrupt, was so ignorant, was so evil that he's taken what was once the greatest nation on earth and devolving us into a second nation status.

Michael Savage previously warned that Obama's open borders policy is extremely dangerous from a public health point of view, allowing immigrants with infectious diseases to walk right into the USA and spread those diseases to others.

ABC News Medical Editor accidentally admits pandemics can cross borders

Interestingly, ABC News' Chief Health and Medical Editor Dr. Richard Besser accidentally supported Savage's argument when he said, "Viruses don't tend to respect borders. It is only 10 states now, but it's going to be across the country. So if your state doesn't have it now, watch for it, it's coming." (4) 

Although his statement was made in the context of the virus spreading from state to state, a virus doesn't know the difference between a state border and a national border. The claim that "viruses don't tend to respect borders" is universally true, regardless of the category of the border.

Savage's argument is further supported by this graphic from WND, showing states which have received illegal immigrants correlated with states which have urgently contacted the CDC to ask for help concerning this sudden outbreak:

The shocking reality of how government health care policies encourage pandemics

What do YOU think is the cause of this outbreak? Sound off in the comments below. And for once, the mainstream media can't blame "unvaccinated" children because there is no vaccine for this virus. That's why the medical advice currently circulating around the media for dealing with this outbreak is so remarkably worthless.

Consider the pathetic reality of our present-day government and its failed medical system:

Shocking reality #1) Our current federal government refuses to secure the U.S. border and openly invites immigrants to walk right in, regardless of what they might be carrying from a public health point of view.

Shocking reality #2) Our medical system is a "one-trick pony" when it comes to pandemic prevention. That one trick is "vaccines." And if there isn't a vaccine, the entire medical system is absolutely clueless about what do to.

Shocking reality #3) Medical authorities outright refuse to recommend any nutritional therapies that boost immune defenses against pandemic diseases. Vitamin D is completely blackballed from any official advice, even when there are no other options available. And don't even dare mention Chinese Medicine herbs or various herbal remedies.

Shocking reality #4) Many advocates of vaccines are also strong advocates of population reduction. They actually applaud shrinking the number of living humans on the planet. So pandemics literally help them accomplish their goals. "That's the answer!" remarked Dr. Charles Arntzen in a comment caught on video. "Go out and use genetic engineering to create a better virus. (laughter) Twenty-five percent of the population is supposed to go in Contagion." (5)

Even more, Bill Gates famously stated during a public presentation that vaccines could help lower the human population by 10 to 15 percent. His exact words:

"The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

Don't believe that he said this? The video has been pulled from Youtube numerous times, but we've preserved it at Click this link to watch it for yourself. The video leaves no question whatsoever about Gates' advocacy of vaccines to reduce human population.

Maybe now with Ebola, EV-D68, chikungunya virus and other exploding pandemics that have suddenly taken hold across our world, people like Bill Gates will finally get their wish. A massive population wipeout may be just around the corner, and if you tune in to CNN, they will probably feature fifty high-level scientists telling you all the different ways you can wash your hands while waiting for the CDC to rescue you with an experimental vaccine that carries a 40% fatality rate like the ZMapp Ebola drug.
Sources for this article include:


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